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Everything posted by steve_b_wales

  1. The reason I took two shots was, we used the red filter on the lamp because we thought white light may spook them. I could see the fox through the red light but could not place the crosshairs exactly where I wanted them. Some may say that I should not have taken that shot, but, I could clearly see that it was a fox, I was firing down into the field and there was a good solid backstop. I will add that of all the foxes I have shot, this one was the very 1st that I did not kill with the first shot.
  2. On Sunday (7th Oct) Codling 99 and me went lamping. We arrived at one of my permissions at 7.15pm. I had my rifle (Tikka T3 Lite .243) and Codling used the lamp. The weather was good, with no wind. We walked about 40 yards and as soon as Codling switched the lamp on, using a red filter, he spotted a fox at about 30 yards. A little squeak and the fox came even closer. The fox stopped behind an old collapsed dry stone wall. I could only see the neck and head of the fox, and he was only about 20 yards out. As my rifle is ' sighted in' at 120 yards, I aimed as low as possible. The 100 grn softpoint found its mark. Suprisingly, when we looked at the fox, there was no entry or exit mark on it. At that range we expected to see a lot of damage to it. Fox number 1, taken within 5 minutes of switching the lamp on. We continued to lamp that particular area for awhile. Another fox was spotted, out at about 200 yards, but despite trying to call it in, it wasn't interested. We went to a different part of the farm and spotted 2 foxes close together. Codling held the lamp on one of them and, using the Harris bipod, I took a shot. The fox was hit and ran about 15 yards in a circle. The second shot stopped it. Fox number two taken within a hour. We paced out approx 130 yards to the fox. The other fox was still nearby, but would not respond to the call. The foxes are not lamp shy, they were just not interested. Going back up the field, both feeling very pleased, Codling spotted another fox. I gave him the rifle to use, but the fox was a few hundred yards out, going away from us. All in all a good evening. We hope to do it again one evening this week.
  3. Glad you like that one C99, was going to tell you tonight !
  4. There was this Asian Gentleman who saw and advert on Television regarding being seen at night. So, that night, he went out wearing a white coat, white trousers, white shoes, white gloves and a white cap. He was hit by a snow plough!
  5. A man was sitting outside his local country pub, when a group of Morris Dancers started to perform. After they had finished, he decided that he would like to join. He asked the leader of the group who gave him an application form to fill in. He filled the form in and sent it off. After 4 weeks, he had heard nothing, and decided to make enquiries. He spoke to a staff member from human resources who got his application form out to investigate it. She said to the man that there was a problem with one of the questions that he had answered. She said to him that where it asked 'Are you Circumcised ' you ticked 'yes'. The man agreed. "Well, she said, that's the problem", You have got to be a complete p***k to be a Morris Dancer
  6. I have two cabinets side by side, to hold my shotguns/rifles, both holding a mix of both. I have a digital lock safe bolted onto the top of one of them and also into the wall. I keep all my bullets in this, and I also keep the bolts from the rifles. Although there is no law to request you to remove the bolts, it's good practice.
  7. I used to be indecisive, but now I don't know !
  8. Send me your address. I think I have some clay shooting DVD's that I can forward to you, no charge.
  9. The hide looks okay. There are others out there retailing at around £50. The tree stand, again, looks good, and if the price was below £85, I would be interested. The chair, I think, would not be of much interest. regards Steve
  10. FOR SALE The Verminators 2 Predator or Prey. 3 hours of shooting 55 Coyotes. Excellent DVD showing great rifle shooting, also 10 gauge shotgun.Released in America Sept 2007. Viewed once, not copied. Excellent condition. Original for sale @ £14 inc pp by recorded delivery. The DVD will play on all U.K. players.
  11. The CZ 452 is a great rifle in any calibre. I hope you get some good times out with it. Condolences regarding your Dad. Welcome to the site
  12. A man went to the cotton mills and asked if he could speak to his mate, Fred. "Sorry", said the owner, "Fred's gone to get some cotton, he'll be back later". Next day, the man went back to the mills, asked to speak to Fred again, and got the same reply - "He's gone for some cotton". Two weeks later, the man went back to the mills, asked to speak to Fred, and was told that Fred had died, and was buried in the local cemetery. The man decided to go there to pay his last respects to his friend. When he got to the gravestone, there, written on it was, [b'Fred', Gone, but not for cotton.[/b]
  13. Paddy bought himself a top of the range metal detector and went into a field to try it out. As soon as he tried it, the detector buzzed and flashed. Paddy was really excited about this and started to dig. He dug down 3 foot, found nothing, but the detector was still buzzing. He dug a further 2 feet down and 4 foot across. Nothing found but the detector kept on buzzing. Paddy was confused about this, but did not realise that he was wearing steel toecap boots.
  14. Indeed, I had to assume (and this is without being racist in any way shape or form) that one of the gentlemen involved might have been from Africa given the spelling, grammar and colourful "verbosity of the protestations of his unequivocal innocence”. Well said Mungler. I had to sit back and try and decipher everything what ROBLATCH was trying to say For the record. When I stated that I work for Social Services, I am not a Social Worker. My job involves supporting adults who have mental health problems. My thanks to you and everyone who supported me.
  15. ROBLATCH. The reason I did not mention your name is that I did not want to start a ***-for-tat message war. You know that you were wrong in your doings, but have not got the back-bone to admit it. I have kept all the PM's that I sent you, and, apart from saying "Thanks for messing me about" (a bit hard and naughty of me I know) they were all polite and curteous. Also, not that I have to tell you or anyone else, but I also work in Social Services. Why you mentioned that I don't know. Do you think you are so special because of what you do. I don' t think I am. Having read your last 'message' on PW, it seems that you are insinuating that I am selling ' contraband' (Copies) I view this very seriously. The DVD was ordered by myself directly from a supplier in the U.S.A. All duty was paid on this item. This will be my last message on this subject as I have better things to do. I will add though, that you really should check your Grammar/ use a spell check. As a ' Social Worker ' I would have thought that you would have had more command of the English Language.
  16. ARGOS have some good lamps around the £20 mark. Battery lasts a long time and can be recharged.
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