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Everything posted by oowee

  1. oowee


    So many say the same and expect a new name to change it all. Like Brexit voting anti establishment in the hope fortunes will change. We need a new electoral process not new hope and prey parties.
  2. On its own it would not do much. As part of a programme it would do more. All part of exposing the anonymous.
  3. Track and monitor. Everything can be on the card drivers licence, health, fac. Access to services. Purchase of goods. On line shopping. Tax and benefits. Location (but that's a tough one) blood, opt outs. Sounds a bit big brother but we have largely agreed this and more for others.
  4. Its all over the place the Azores high keeps shifting about. We have been over to the Channel islands dodging the shifting weather. Got back to Salcombe and were stuck for a week. Then over to the River Tamar where we were hiding for a couple of nights. Just hoping there is an Indian Summer.
  5. Not cheap but probably about the price of Turkey given you will need three trips. Despite being a training centre its very impressive and just means there are probably more dentists involved than the normal one on one. I would recommend. Dentale is a training centre for UK Dentists out at Portishead and also in Shrewsbury. Cost for an implant £1500.
  6. oowee

    Blair 2.0

    I think Starmer knows there are more ways than 1 to skin a cat. Immediately the response from the EU has been positive. Blair is bang on when he speaks of the need for trade bloc's. Labour need to find a way without joining. We won't solve trade and migration issues (or many others) without a foundation of understanding. The UK must make itself relevant.
  7. Ah I see. 🤣 I think you need to read a few more of my posts. In regard to immigration I would follow pretty much what labour are proposing. I would add compulsory ID cards, compulsory health insurance for visitors, reestablished the legal routes for migration.
  8. oowee

    Blair 2.0

    Not quite sure that's what he is saying. Labour need to be strong on immigration otherwise they will be picked off by the far right. The far right having an anti establishment position rather than a policy for tackling the issue. At the same time recognising the contribution that migrants have and continue to make to the country. I like his recognition of the need to be part of a larger economic bloc to rival the challenge of the US, India and China. Also his suggestion of I'd cards which would tackle a lot of the false narrative around migration with the use of AI.
  9. Absolutely great opportunity for le Penn to stay out of it and appeal to the moderates whilst supporting the opposite view. You know my view on far right and far left politics they are two sides of the same coin. Pursuing an agenda of anti establishment whilst refusing to put forward an alternative agenda beyond the sound bites.
  10. oowee

    Blair 2.0

    Interesting piece in the Guardian re Blair and Starmer. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/09/tony-blair-keir-starmer-labour-immigration-far-right
  11. That's what she said. 🙂
  12. Yep that's democracy for you. Independent thought in action. The common ground is rejection of anarchy.
  13. Interesting. I thought that supply to the UK had already stopped due to conformity failures. The only new ones being old stock already transfered.
  14. Le Penn says France have a choice migrants or increasing the birth rate. I guess Farage will ban the pill, condoms and insist on Catholic education.
  15. Le Penn strings together the populist soundbites underpinned with with the economics of a magician. Exactly the same as Trump. They have no foundation in truth. How can the vote be anything other than democratic? Parties, fairly voted working together is the very essence of democracy.
  16. oowee

    Blair 2.0

    I don't see a stalemate. Far from it. There will be no peace until Russia withdraws. There are no peace negotiations, blocked or otherwise. Attacking Taiwan is a matter for China. The consequences of which will even without US involvement would be world changing.
  17. oowee

    Blair 2.0

    Ukraine is fighting for us. Our war with the Nazis was not Americas war. If the West were to be defeated then its likely China will take Taiwan. In which case we will all wish we had stopped Russia at the start of the Ukraine war.
  18. oowee

    Blair 2.0

    I cant see it working either whilst we focus on the wrong end of the telescope. There will be more impact resolving some of the wars, pestilence and famine, creating the migration. I see Farage tipped as head of a new party 'Conform'?
  19. oowee

    Blair 2.0

    Why? It's a free for all now. Labour have a thought out policy that they can reason and justify? Creating new uk jobs by increasing processing staff seems to me a starter for ten. Enhancement of the border agency and a cross services task force to disrupt the gangs all sound like progress. Compare that with millions in bribes and payments to Rwanda and no flights out. Cutting services, changing policies every 6 months. Not for a moment saying that labour have all the answers but they would appear to be putting the building blocks into place. I doubt that they will introduce I'd cards, compulsory travel and health Insurance for visitors and tourists. I guess you can't have it all.
  20. oowee

    Blair 2.0

    The communists 😁 are there any left? Russia is supporting the far right. Divide and conquer. Only via a few ex tory mp's pockets.
  21. oowee

    Blair 2.0

    ⁶ 218 of them were bailed by the tories.
  22. oowee


    🤡 if only that were true. The current Tory tax burden is the highest of any government, since 1949. Fortunately the tories resigned leaving Labour to try and sort out their mess. The Tories have also left tax escalators in place. The OBR forecast the current tax burden to increase to 37.1% by 28/29 making it the highest since 1948.
  23. Excellent well balanced post. 👍
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