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Everything posted by Browning

  1. Newbold shoots the World Sporting format, very interesting, much more so than normal sporting (IMO). 2nd Sunday of each month. Honesberie is normal CPSA sporting format, shot last Sunday of each month. Just turn up and shoot, no need for membership of CPSA. There used to be one at Stoke Bruerne, just south of Towcester, which may be closer to you than the others. I seem to remember it being called Stoke Park Shooting Club??
  2. If you can lay your hands on a dead rabbit or two add those to the pattern, on their backs with stomachs opened.
  3. As well as the Anniversary kit I would also look at getting:- Full length Die Set Brass Length sizing tool for your caliber/s Primer pocket cleaner Neck chamfer tool Set of digital calipers If you have money left then I'd also add:- Hornady OAL gauge and insert/s for your caliber/s
  4. Scott is correct, you can only catch up in season. Apparently Defra thought this was a good idea.
  5. No slapping of anything meant by my post Sidney, (That's the mods job, not ours) and I apologise to you if it seemed that way. What I was trying to get over was the point that this is a public forum that can be viewed by the anti brigade and the law. We, as law abiding responsible gun owners, need to be seen as such, and it's my opinion that gory photos can only help to fuel the anti machine.
  6. Is this what the forum is coming to??? If so it's a sad sad day for this forum.
  7. Why on earth did you think it necessary to post that picture? What did it add to the post? Surely the story would have been enough on it's own? I just can not understand why posting gory images of animals helps anyone. We have all seen dead rabbits and foxes before, we don't need to be reminded what they look like. Maybe we should all remember this is a public forum, and ANYONE can view these pictures....including the anti's and the police licensing authority that granted you your FAC.
  8. Count me in Nick, it'll be nice to see how the 6.5 plays at 500yds.
  9. WRONG, please get your facts right before posting. Muntjac are deer, have always been deer, and are NOT classed as vermin. Some forces are saying that you do not have to have deer on your cert to shoot them, BUT you must adhere to the deer laws if you do shoot them.
  10. Hi Moses, Sorry I can't advise on the factory ammo as I load my own. I use 130gn Sierra Gamekings and don't find meat damage a problem at all. If you can find any factory ammo that uses those bullets then I would recommend giving them a try. I put a T8 sound mod on mine, and it really helps with recoil (not that it was over the top on recoil anyway in my opinion) I'm sure Kip will be along later to give you more info, I know he loves his .270 as well. Good luck with her, and PM me if you want any reloading info.
  11. Hardy, I'm sure Hotshot won't thank you for pasting his personal details over the web.....best remove them eh?
  12. Browning


    Brian, are we talking PW forum type posts or Royal Mail type?? C'mon you mad scotsman....spill the beans.
  13. Absolute rubbish. Check the BASC, DEFRA or HMG websites for the guidelines. Some FEO's know what they're talking about, most don't.
  14. Hi Mike, good to see some of the old stagers are still around, it's been a while ! Don't clean those decoys too much, wouldn't want them all shiny now would you..... Have a good day.
  15. Halifax season ticket holder for 15 years until I moved darn sarf. My dad's followed them since he was a lad.
  16. I know a couple of camp shooters if that's any help....
  17. Surely you can take 15 minutes out of your day to work with him?? That's all it needs, a little and often.
  18. Also.... World Sporting at Newbold Grounds, near Staverton. 100 Sporting. 2nd Sunday of each month. Honisberrie farm at Priors Marston. 100 Sporting. Last Sunday of every month.
  19. Same here (apart from selling the Beretta to SimonP of course).
  20. I'm interested to know what 'scope and lamp combination you were using? Personally I use a Lightforce lamp and Swaro 'scope on 10x mag.......and even with the excellent optics of the Swaro, I would not be able to GUARANTEE that a pair of eyes at 350yards was a fox/munty/cat/dog....
  21. Obviousely you're not a farmer or gamekeeper that has these 4x4 weekend/townie ****** churning up the farm tracks and going onto crops when they get bogged down on the green lanes. The damage they do around here is unbelievable.
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