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Everything posted by Westley

  1. Saw a lot on rape, right hand side of dual carriageway just outside of York. I think it was A64. I was travelling from York towards Leeds. Had just passed the 'outlet mall' junction. Sorry a bit vague, hope it is of some help.
  2. Read it again, I quote "I still prefer to shoot without any glasses". I prefer to ride a motor cycle without a crash helmet ................... I just happen to know what happens when things 'go wrong'. It is your choice.
  3. Er don't tell me........ you have seen some hardly used eyes on Ebay !!!! Just need someone to fit them !
  4. I have to say that using ANY auto without safety glasses can be precarious. I have had a flake of powder in my eye from an auto, when using felt wads. It was NOT a pleasant experience. It is bad enough losing my hearing to shooting without losing an eye as well !!!
  5. Have to agree with the buy Promatic. Ran a ground for some 17 years, have used just about every trap made, at some time or other, from Eley plus traps through to automatics. Better to spend a bit more and get a single stacker with a 50/75 magazine. If you do buy a manual trap. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, be VERY careful. In the wrong hands they can be as lethal, if not more so, than the gun you are going to use. I have been unfortunate enough to have witnessed some very severe injuries caused by simple but basic errors, made when using a manual trap. BE WARNED.
  6. Well done Amber, not just for your shooting achievements but for actually managing to get the BBC to recognise that shooting, as a sport, does exist.
  7. Hi and Welcome. With regards to local grounds. There is a small ground on Altcar Rifle ranges every Sunday morning. You will need to contact them to obtain a pass before going though. There is also a ground at Hesketh Bank near Southport. They have a 50 bird sporting shoot every Sunday starting at 11.00am. If you need any further info on local grounds, PM me.
  8. It was Glyn that I was refering to as one of Shooting's Gentlemen.
  9. Complained about empty traps, safety standards on range, (after nearly shooting someone, walking out on next range !). You only found out about empty traps AFTER putting token in. No range staff. Shop phone continously engaged. Problem is, I can remember the days when it WAS a top shooting ground, controlled by one of shooting's Gentlemen. The ranges were always supervised and Staff available. Alan and Noel always had time to LISTEN.
  10. I suffer from Tinitus after over 50 years of shooting, then, after a couple of minor strokes, I was left quite deaf ( needing 2 hearing aids). As an Instructor, I was looking for some form of electronic hearing defence and enhancement. I had tried most types of the 'cans' available, but without exception, they all suffered from the same problem, wind noise. (No, NOT farting). The sound of the wind through the microphones, drowning out everything else. Not too many Clay Grounds have a vacancy for a deaf buttoner ! About 4 years ago, I treated myself to a pair of Cens electronic hearing defenders at a cost of over £400. I had the wax impressions of my ears made and awaited the arrival of my Cens. I had been informed that due to having 'narrow ear canals' I was unable to have the 'soft' rubber plugs, only the 'hard' plastic variety. After a couple of weeks the new Cens arrived. I was unable to get them into my ears and in fact the right one actually cut my ear. Back they went. After a couple of weeks the modified Cens re arrived. All seemed to be OK and they did actually work VERY well with minimal or no wind noise. After about a month the right hand on/off/volume switch became faulty, leading to the being left on and flattening battery syndrome. Back they went once again. After a week or so they were returned with allegedly, a new switch fitted. It felt pretty much the same to me but having been without the things for some 2 weeks and needing them three to four days per week, I decided to plod on. All went well until about 12 months of use when the troubled right hand plug lost the switch top, it had snapped off. I did find the switch top and contacted Cens. Because they were now out of warranty, I was told they needed a service every 12 months anyway. (Something I was NOT made aware of at time of purchase)The cost of which is or was (2 years ago) £70 plus the cost of any parts. I tried to point out that the right hand switch had been faulty from day one. Er.... tough luck, send them back and we will look at them. What happens if you decide I need a new switch ? Er.... you pay for it ! I stuck the switch top back on with superglue and have carried on for the last 2 years. Do they work ? YES, very well. They ARE expensive, they EAT batteries (compared to my hearing aids),they ARE high maintenance and the after sales leaves a lot to be desired. I have a pair of Emtech passive 'plugs' which are some 15 years old and still going strong. I tend to use them when hearing is NOT a priority. If I did not need or use the Cens in a semi professional capacity, I would NOT purchase them. IF you want good passive ear plugs, buy Emtech. Hope this prolonged rambling helps with your choice.
  11. Sorry to disagree chaps, it is NOT speed that kills, just bad driving. Leave a gun in a gun rack, be it loaded or unloaded, it will NEVER kill anyone. It is only when picked up it becomes dangerous !!
  12. John Norris have a good deal on a Seeland ladies jacket £89.99 Hoggs Caledonia tweed ladies jacket £129 Ebay, Ladies Derby tweed jacket by Bronte countrywear £89.00. Not a cross dresser, have been looking on behalf of a Lady who is having shooting lessons with me at present.
  13. Westley

    Cree Torch.

    The pic. in the newspaper looks like a white beam.
  14. No problems with that, do it all the time........................... just don't ask me to order the beers !
  15. I see from the right hand edge of the first pic. that you had the hole covered, just in case 'it' emerged !!!
  16. Great pics from a lovely shoot. Still the same car park then !!
  17. Westley

    Cree Torch.

    Just a bit of a "heads up" Guys, Aldi are selling 5w Cree torches tomorrow for £11-99p. I use one of these on my air rifles and it works quite well. Admittedly, I only use it inside barns etc. but it would work out to normal air rifle ranges outside and at £12 seems a bit of a bargain.
  18. Try painting them with blackboard paint. Leaves a superb matt finish.
  19. Hi Members of the Crown Shoot. I hope you do not mind my asking, but, is there a trout farm in the vicinity of the 'log cabin' ? If so, youre shoot holds a lot of happy memories, from a number of years ago. I seem to recognise a few features from the photographs.
  20. Sorry to hear of your mishap. I hope there is no damage to the barrels or rib, dents and scratches in the wood are easier to deal with. Can I suggest that you take your gun with you when looking for a new slip. Flap and buckle type are OK but can be a pig to dry when wet, (Wife's hair dryer works well though). Full zip is easier to dry. A combination of the two are also available. Did your slip not have internal flap to slip the heel of the stock under ? If not, look for one that has and check that your stock will fit under the flap, before buying. The flap is designed to stop the gun from flying out, should the zip fail. I have seen countless gun slips fail over the years and some VERY expensive guns damaged. I too have seen many a gun slip carried wrong way up and been ridiculed for pointing out the error. On one occasion having advised an 'experienced' game shooter to carry his slip 'muzzle down' and been given short thrift, a short while later several of his fellow shooters had gathered around him and were looking at his gun. Transpires the leather strap on the flap had snapped at the buckle and what was a nice Holland, now required restocking.
  21. Hi, look at a Franchi Falconet 12 bore. Weighs about the same as a Beretta 20 bore. I have just sold one to a young lady who has been using it with 21 gram and 24 gram cartridges to good effect. There is a wider range of cartridges available and they work out a bit cheaper too.
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