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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Well it doesn't suprise me, he believes some secret organisation whacked Epstein, but apparently told him.
  2. No, sounds like garbage, even if what you say is true, your mates probably a Walt, besides which, why would the sas know anything about an assassination in America. Begged to join the sas! I give up This is getting as good as the Burnley Dave thread. First man into Iranian embassy lol.
  3. Cheers, I didn't know but it doesn't suprise me.
  4. Come on, what secretive organisation, the masons, Scientology, the Illuminati?
  5. According to the met, the car was driving erratically or on the wrong side of the road. For me, the fact the met have said the officers were correct in what they did in this climate says to me that they did nothing wrong, usually the slightest complaint, particularly when race is involved and they'd have referred it to the complaints commission.
  6. The problem with events like this, is we get to judge everyone's actions with hindsight, it's not so easy when all you have is the intel at the time and split seconds to think. Does anyone on here actually believe those police officers thought to themselves, I'm going to just assume they're criminals because of the colour of their skin? Anyone that believes that I fimd ridiculous. Same with some of the high profile police shootings of ethnic minorities in the UK, does anyone actually believe that the officers pulling the trigger had anything to do with their colour? The rioting that started off after the shooting of Mark Dugan for instance, I believe it's paranoia being driven by the constant highlighting of colour and racism that doesn't exist by government and its institutions and if it carrys on as it is, it will become a self fulfilling prophecy as it is putting a dividing wedge between people, I find the whole situation ridiculous.
  7. Looked to me like he was considering breaking the window with it, the cop looked to calm down when the guy came out of the car.
  8. Try and give both surfaces a good key with sandpaper or the like.
  9. Some people find it virtually impossible, although it is of course possible, as is bleaching your skin, but only an idiot would suggest someone should to appease other people, same with someone ginger, should they have to dye their hair to stop people calling them names, the list is endless. My point is, is or was Lewis Hamilton anymore victimised or disadvantaged than anyone else, I would argue no.
  10. And you did decide who should feel offended, when you rubbished that being called fatty is as damaging as a racial slur, it depends entirely on how it made the victim feel, which is a very small minded view.
  11. I never said he shouldn't be offended, just that I don't see that he has faced discrimination or underprivilege worse than anyone else, infact I'd go as far to say he's probably had an easier time than most, but that is pure speculation on my part. Basically he's a hypocrite, he should stick to what he's good at, winning races.
  12. And I think the answers you've already received show's how small minded your view is. Racism is disgusting, as are many other forms of abuse. Who are you to tell the victims how offended they should feel?
  13. Don't you think every professional sports person has faced intimidation from opposition supportera, for that matter, don't you think virtually everyone at some point in their lives have faced some form of bullying, I doubt the person being called fat, skinny, ginger ect feels any better than the person being taunted about their colour. I don't see what makes Lewis Hamilton, or anyone else special in that sense?
  14. What prejudice was that then?
  15. I don't think anyone is knocking Lewis Hamiltons talent as a racing driver, what people are commenting on is his hypocrisy by acting as if his ethnicity has held him back, he clearly has never been under privileged and I see no evidence his ethnicity has ever held him back, so I agree with many others on here that he needs to pipe down, especially when he's covered head to toe in logo's, getting paid by company's that used slave labour. He should stick to what he's good at in my opinion.
  16. Yes a good example of banter. People need to lighten up.
  17. https://www.screwfix.com/p/araldite-2-part-epoxy-adhesive-tubes-opaque-2-x-15ml/2457H?tc=LA8&ds_kid=92700048793315993&ds_rl=1249416&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9IX4BRCcARIsAOD2OB3EOSDRnsRYx-KhC56ZYvZcxf_1Mft3c7FnubxrXZkd2_EJqgzbqJsaAvmQEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Something like this, although you'll probably get it cheaper elsewhere.
  18. And I think that's where we're going wrong on racism in this country. Part of being British is taking the Mickey, often out of sensitive subjects or inappropriate comments between mates. Comments should be based on intent and if someone is genuinely offended, they should speak to the individual who offended them, the very vast majority of people in this country are not in the slightest racist, the problem is, all these reported instances of racism because if someone reports it, it becomes a racist incident whether it was intended to be or not. It's no wonder we have so many paranoid BLME people in the UK who genuinely believe half the population is racist.
  19. The problem with that is we are judging him with the hindsight of history. What if in a few hundred years eating meat was outlawed and we had society of vegans. Would we all judged to be evil for hunting or eating meat now, it is the way of things in the time we live and I don't suspect many of us have given it a second thought, should we be blamed for that. Laws are made often based on the collective morel's of societies opinion at the time, that is why you are judged innocent or guilty by 12 of your peers on a jury at crown court.
  20. Reading this thread I cant believe how many bitter people there are out there. People who have continued to work should just be greatful they still have employment, there are many who haven't, there's a thread on here from someone made redundant. Those who were furloughed have had no choice in it, suggesting they should solely pay for the scheme is ridiculous. I don't see why so many people are always looking at what everyone else is doing instead of focusing on their own fortunes. And before anyone starts I haven't missed a day since this crisis started and have worked extra to cover gaps for vulnerable people who have shielded.
  21. Amazing breed, ive got to admit I still prefer GSDs having had several over the years, I'm biased, but there's no denying that Malinois are incredible animals.
  22. Fair enough, the people who made the quote are very silly for saying it. Are all British lazy? Do Mexicans sleep all day? Do all polish people have a tremendous work ethic? I could go on and on, it's just so stupid.
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