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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. And don't forget, everyone was lied to then, the government and civil service knew full well what the common market would become, so they hid it from the plebs and sealed it under the official secrets act, believeing that by the time the public found out it'd be too late, it only came out 50 years later.
  2. This is what worries me, the tories won't deliver brexit, Labour certainly won't, it makes you wonder how many of the 17.4M who feel utterly betrayed are going to look at the next stop right of the tories to deliver it.
  3. I take it back, anyone but Blair🙏lol
  4. I think there's a glaring viod ready to be filled by a new political party, although I think much of the problem is there is actually very little difference between labour and the Conservatives at the moment and the centre is somewhere to the right of the Cons.
  5. Did you read what I said? I explicitly said I don't blame the left, but the policy's they set fuels the right. The problem with brexit is that if government had no intention of delivering on a leave outcome, they shouldn't of held the vote, but they did!
  6. I don't blame the left for the far rights actions, but in my opinion the policy that is being set by them is without a doubt fueling them. If brexit is thawed as is currently happening, there is no doubt democracy is being perverted, the leave vote was the biggest democratic decision ever given by the people of the UK to parliament, so if they ignore it, I don't think there's been a bigger betrayal in living memory.
  7. It won't work if your glass is toughened, it'll just shatter.
  8. I completely agree walshie and you are of course correct, I should have stated Far right, I think a swing right from where we are as a country at the moment would be an excellent thing to happen. For a start, holding votes and referendums but only actioning them if they agree with the result, if they don't, they blame it on populism, brand anyone who voted the "wrong" way racist and xenophobic and frustrate, delay and hold more votes until they get the "right" answer.
  9. Other than your first line (I don't think anyone voted for chaos), I agree. The sad part is, who is going to replace the Torys? I have a nasty feeling we could see a real swing to the right in politics over the next decade.
  10. Another vote for goose egg
  11. Oh she's treacherous alright! Though I'll give her the fact she's got more backbone than that weasel Cameron ever did or will have.
  12. Anyone who says that a vote to leave in the referendum wasn't a vote to leave the single market, end free movement of people, put a stop to EU court supremacy and all the other core rules of the EU, is either a lier trying to overturn the referendum result, or is totally deluded, I honestly can't think of any other sensible explanation and to be fair, it just makes them look silly and discredits anything else that they might have to say
  13. Don't forget, the "it was the older generation that voted out" as an argument is ridiculous, most of these older people will have several children and being financially comfortable themselves, they will want nothing more than to see their children do well and grow up in a stable and prosperous country, they certainly aren't going to vote for anything they believe will harm their children's financial future.
  14. I know where your coming from r.e the lies, the problem is, brexit has now become bigger than if we leave the EU or not, because if they refuse to deliver on the promises they made before the referendum, I.e we'd fully leave the EU and its rules, I believe the damage it will cause this country will be far worse and last longer than even the worst economic assessment of a "hard" brexit. I'm almost starting to wish the country had voted to stay, as I don't believe they'll let us leave and I think they've drastically under estimated the anger and long term fall out their betrayal will cause. I know we can both agree on this, the whole process has become a complete mess!
  15. I've no doubt we won't be leaving, we might leave the EU but we'll join a new club with virtually the same terms.
  16. Seriously? To put everything on the ballot paper that would be entailed in extracting us from the EU, itd be a legal paper hundreds of thousands of pages long and we'd never get around to casting our votes as we'd still be reading the paperwork. The suggestion is ridiculous in the extreme!
  17. Don't forget some who actually fought to give them their freedom and supposed democracy in the first place.
  18. Spot on. To add, the original referendum to stay in what was then the customs Union had absaloutly no information of what it would turn into and it was sealed under the official secrets act, so if ever we didn't know what we voted for, it was the original common market and by many of the remainers reasoning, we should have left years ago as we didn't know what we voted for. The core of the EU is made of 4 rules, if we don't leave them weve left nothing, you can't leave a club and set up a new one exactly the same and claim we've left. We'll you could, but it would be silly and not true.
  19. Cameron and his leaflet even mentioned leaving the customs Union and single market and they are two of four key rules that form the very core of what being an EU member is, so if we don't leave them, what exactly have we left? You can keep repeating we didn't know what we voted for, but it won't make it true? It's nothing more than rhetoric, designed by remainiac MPs to frustrate Brexit!
  20. Quite, it seems that leave has taken a new meaning, they need to update the dictionary, as it clearly can also mean to remain these days!
  21. David Cameron and the official leaflet said in no uncertain terms that a vote to leave meant we'd leave the customs Union and single market, I believe he also mentioned we might need to leave on wto terms, common sense would also dictate that. It really is simple
  22. He will allow anything that blocks brexit or choose brino over leave everytime, he's not fit to hold office.
  23. I'd rewatch the video showing what was promised by the government before the referendum took place.
  24. Well that wouldn't be us out of the EU then.
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