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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. I'll ask it again, who on here who voted leave would not feel a wto brexit delivered on their vote? P. S the silence is deffening!
  2. You keep suggesting people didn't know what they voted for, but they did, they may not have know the finer points of how to remove the UK from the EU, but that wasn't the question, it was do you want to leave or remain, simple as that. They now need to deliver it, not "soft" brexit, not another referendum, but leave. Its simple, but trying to be made complex by those who are trying to keep us in.
  3. I asked on here earlier if there was anyone who voted leave and didn't fully expect or wouldn't be happy with what is now called a "hard" brexit, hardly scientific but there is a lot of leave supporters on here and yet not one person replied, make of that what you want.
  4. Its not about agreeing collectively, David Cameron, the official leave side along with countless others made perfectly clear that a vote to leave would mean leaving the customs Union, the single market, ending EU Court supremacy along with all the other core EU rules, the video is a compilation of the broken promises by politicians. This one
  5. I agree with your last paragraph and problem number one is politicians who won't do what the people have instructed them to do via referendum. As for not knowing what we voted for, it couldn't be clearer, if you leave a club it means you leave that club and its rules, you don't then make a new club with virtually the same rules, that's just a play on words or BRINO. Watch the video that was posted on here yesterday and tell me again that we didn't know what we voted for, despite all the warnings, most of which have a lready been disproven. If anything, we didn't know what we voted for in the original referendum, we joined the common market with 7 other similar nations, nothing about EU Court supremacy, free movement of people ect and a official secrets act was placed on the truth which didn't emerge for 50 years, so by that reasoning we should have left years ago.
  6. Let's hope Macron does our politicians job for them and forces a "hard" brexit, it'll be music to the ears of everyone who voted for brexit and will honour the referendum result 🙏👍
  7. Anyone who is not upholding the democratic decision of the people is Z team, they are anti democratic and not fit to hold public office!
  8. All the traitors in parliament will end up paying at the ballot box, I believe they're that out of touch with the general public, they really can't see what they've let out of the bottle.
  9. Same as I said mate 🏍️👍
  10. I don't blame you, why should any of us care who's in power, they'll do what they want anyway, brexit has exposed the fact we are not a democracy.
  11. I'm sure someone will be on in a minute to tell leavers we didn't know what we voted for, that link is gold😂
  12. But, but, but, you didn't know what you voted for and apparently neither did I 😂
  13. Just a guess, but could it be part of an old motorbike stand?
  14. Absaloutly spot on. Here's a question, all this we didn't know what we voted for, how many on here who honestly voted leave, would not like to see a wto brexit at this point? Because I haven't spoken to a single person I know who voted leave and wouldn't love to see it implemented and fully expected what is now referred to as a "hard" brexit when leave was voted for. Couldn't be any clearer, get us out as you promised, "hard" brexit.
  15. They really need to deliver the brexit that was voted for, the EU have made very clear a free trade deal is impossible (which although in my view is unfriendly and uncooperative, it is not surprising as the EU have shown time and again not to be our friends, it is in all fairness their choice) which leaves a wto (aka hard, clean any other number of different boiled) brexit until we can sort new trade deals, possibly even with the EU once there minds have been focused. We need a leader with a backbone and its clear its not going to come from the Conservatives or Labour.
  16. The irony of that statement, I seem to remember George Osborne making the statement brexit could start ww3. Its also why some including myself feel so strongly, people died on battle fields fighting for what they believed to be freedom and democracy, all for our snivelling politicians to stab us all in the back and ignore democracy, it stinks!
  17. 😂😂😂 I just spat my coffee out.
  18. Your right of course. The failure of our political system and this parliament to action the clear decision of the people when they were asked in the largest vote this country has ever known is a stain on our supposed democratic system that can never be removed, I believe there will be serious consequences that will ripple down the years from this, not to mention the faith in our political system that has been completely lost as the illusion of democracy has been shattered in front of our eyes.
  19. I've got to the point I'd almost take another referendum, it would be completely undemocratic and wrong but something like leave (wto brexit) or remain (article 50 revoked and we stay) and if leave wins again, no ifs or buts we're out (which is obviously what should have already happened) , the problem is, they will never let us leave under the current situation and as much as it pains me to say it, I'd rather stay than take May's deal, it's awful and is the worst of both worlds.
  20. I know a lot of politically active people from some of the S. Wales Valleys, it is the first time I've heard some of them say they will no longer be voting Labour due to Brexit, which I found very interesting. I genuinely think there will be a major upset at the next GE, even if the Cons or Labour still get in this time, I believe the stage may be set for a polar shift in the political landscape.
  21. The difference is unless you know who will and won't reoffend, which of course you don't you are in effect gambling with innocent peoples lives. Again there's a difference, to be convicted of murder, it needs to be proved that you intended to kill someone, if you accidentally run someone over through bad or dangerous driving, no intent is needed.
  22. I agree with you on Mays deal, I'd actually rather remain than see that. If hard Brexit (I.e leave the EU) comes off the table and we can't have a free trade deal (the EU will make that impossible, which to be fair is thier choice) by default will leave the only option on the table of remain.
  23. There is of course no such thing, I used that terminology as it is what the media use, to clarify it means leave the EU and is the same as saying, hard brexit, wto brexit and means to not remain, like a soft brexit would be. You can't leave a club then start a new one with nearly the exact same rules as the old one and claim we've left, it's nonsense.
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