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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Like others have said, sincere condolences and really hope she makes a full recovery asap.
  2. Yep, certain members on here see what they want to, you or I would look at the clouds and see nothing but clouds, certain individuals see shapes that aren't there, usually in the form of a racist 😂
  3. All the time. Funny enough, I've got that feeling coming over me right now.....
  4. I'm not so sure, I certainly don't think there's any evidence the virus was released on purpose, but if you put together the fact it's a lvl 4 facility, less than 20 miles from the epicenter of the outbreak, the fact they were studying Corona virus in bats, safety concerns were raised about it before hand and to top it all off, the SARS virus has escaped several times from other Chinese high bio security facilities several times in the past, just on odds alone, there's got to be a reasonable chance this virus escaped from that lab.
  5. Yep, definitely a bitter person.
  6. Since this post is aimed at me, I'll reply. Obviously if you turn up to your local, usually isolated spot and it's crowded, common sense says you turn around and go home. Why deny someone a benefit just because someone else can't enjoy it?You really are showing the inner workings of your mindset, it's rather ugly!
  7. Rock and roll life style you lead there 😜 Seriously though, each to their own, I just find it hilarious the amount of people who are trying to impose their slant of what is and isn't acceptable during the lock down, much of it not backed up by law at all.
  8. I didn't say particularly you were telling me what to do, just that many on here and elsewhere suddenly feel they can tell others. As to the rest of your questions, as so often the case in life, there are many gray areas (some black and White to), the lockdown laws are very ambiguous and that's intentionally so, it is because the government couldn't in haste write a law which is so far reaching and not have unintended consequences, that's why they've left it to the individual to be sure and if necessary, justify why their journey is essential. It is not for you, or me to guess at people's reasons to be out and reprimand them, that's for the police and ultimately the courts.
  9. Quite, thanks for reiterating my point, it's not for you or me to decide, it's for the individual to be happy that their journey is essential and justify it if necessary, so why unqualified people on here and elsewhere are telling others what to do is beyond me.
  10. People are spouting what is and isn't an essential journey on here like it's law, it's up to an individual to decide if their journey is really essential and for them to justify it to the police if stopped. I find it interesting the amount of armchair coppers on here who all believe they personally have the right to decide who can leave the house and for what reasons, like I said earlier, a job with the anti shooting lot wouldn't go amiss, they have the same mindset.
  11. Well reading this thread, I think alot of you should get behind the ban shooting argument, we can't be trusted with guns as there'll always be Someone without common sense ect. I've a radical idea, if someone isn't causing any harm, leave them alone! Scully summed it up, let's use common sense. .
  12. I think driving lessons under certain circumstances are well justified. There are alot of self proclaimed police walking around at the moment judging who should be allowed to do what, without knowing anything about those they criticize circumstances.
  13. In one respect, an equally large threat to the UK as this virus seems to be the rift that has developed between England and Scotland
  14. Brilliant. But I'd get that address on the letter off here asap
  15. They really are scum, sorry to hear about your friends property.
  16. Next time you see them, why don't you tell them you've had problems with vandals committing criminal damage on your land and if they'd mind keeping an eye out, you never know, it might help if they start asking questions to people they see on your land.
  17. 12gauge82

    Car homes

    Once again, exactly like another poster on here you've judged me by your own morals. I practice what I preach and under my very loose example of a million threshold (if things got that bad), id actually be in the bracket that would make a heavy loss, so you can keep your pot and your kettle!
  18. 12gauge82

    Car homes

    Do you really need to be so derogatory when you disagree with something posted on here? I actually personally know a owner of some very large care homes and believe me, they have a very healthy profit margin, I also believe Duncan Bannatyne made the bulk of his fortune from care homes so I don't think hawkfanz is far off the mark at all, which is alot more than I can say for your ramblings!
  19. Cheers for the reply. On reflection, what you've said is certainly more realistic and hopefully more likely 👍
  20. Sorry to pick up on your post, but on the point of working hard, I agree, that hard work alone should not be solely what dictates pay, however, the system we have, allows those with large amounts of money to very easily make very much more (enabled by very hard working people), often for very little effort (often for a huge amount of effort) and allows them to dodge paying their fair share of tax back into the system that affords them their very privileged lifestyle. I know many people who work much harder than I do and to be fair, put in much more effort than I've needed to, comparitivlly all for very little reward. I believe if the economy goes like I believe it will after this, I'd like to see those who have been allowed to avoid paying their fair share towards the privileged position in society they enjoy, forced to pay this time, unlike the last financial crash, where the employed got relatively much poorer and the very wealthy got about 30% richer over a decade.
  21. It would certainly be a fairer system for all, with the less fortunate better able to support themselves and the more privileged forced to give back to the people that enable their lifestyle.
  22. Your post just shows how utterly clueless you are, the only person with projection issues is you, as if I care what some person on the internet thinks.
  23. Just my impression of how I felt you viewed employees, as unintelligent, workshy whingers, who should look up to the likes of Sir Branson, or Sir Phillip Green and be thankful for their miserable lives. Then again, maybe I'm being a touch facetious.
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