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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Your post just shows how utterly clueless you are, the only person with projection issues is you, as if I care what some person on the internet thinks.
  2. Just my impression of how I felt you viewed employees, as unintelligent, workshy whingers, who should look up to the likes of Sir Branson, or Sir Phillip Green and be thankful for their miserable lives. Then again, maybe I'm being a touch facetious.
  3. Bit of a cross over of threads, take a look at the blind squirrel thread πŸ€ͺπŸ€£πŸ‘
  4. Surely not! These are "wealth creators" to be placed upon pedestals and worshipped by the ten million work shy wingers! πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚
  5. Who said I work for anyone and am not a so called "wealth creator" myself? I like to think it's employees who are the real "wealth creators"!
  6. You can wish for more people like him, the rest of us can just be greatful there's not.
  7. Maybe not, but it gets the point across that he's a horrendous human being that cares for very little, other than making money for himself.
  8. I think people are starting to cotton on that what's needed is a party no longer split between left and right, there are much more important divisions in society that for too long, like a magicians slight of hand, have gone unnoticed.
  9. I've been saying it a long time now, things need to change, for far to long, the very rich, greedy and powerful have been reaping all the reward, for very little responsibility, I'm not against capitalism at all, an incentive is needed to encourage people to strive. But for big business and a very privileged, relatively small number of people to be allowed to make their fortunes off the sweat from other people's back, for little risk and no responsibility is totally wrong, they're basically robbing the masses, the only difference is it's allowed in law.
  10. I don't know why you need to get so funny about it, I'm sure that has played a part amongst the Christian, Muslim and many other faiths right across the globe, something is causing it due to either genetics, sociological or cultural, because virus aren't racist, unless you want to argue that point?
  11. I would imagine culture could play a part with some to, much of the community meeting up in very close quarters for prayers ect
  12. Maybe, maybe not, as much as I'd love to, I better not get into a debate on the origins of the universe, time and string theory πŸ€ͺπŸ˜‚
  13. Very true, although an adaptation needs to be useful to the likleyhood of passing ones genes, or be a random mutation that gives a big enough advantage to be quickly taken up. That and the fact infinity is a long time, maybe one day you'll get your unicorns, but I'd wager it won't be in our life times πŸ‘
  14. I like the way Darwin put it. No matter how unlikely something is to happen, if it's possible, then given enough opportunities, it will happen.
  15. Interesting read but I don't think it makes a lab escape theory any less likely than the market transmission.
  16. Why read a thread you think is rubbish and then bother contributing a pointless post to it?
  17. Got to be honest, you educated me on that subject on another thread and I don't know enough about that to form an opinion, was the government in that area in enough control to affect whether it's people ate bush meat? If so, it's a good question. Yes very true, it's the tricky bit.
  18. I'm not so sure, if the Chinese have caused this through irresponsible practice at wet markets, or irresponsible practices at a lab, the Chinese must face action from the international community severe enough to ensure they end whatever caused it, to do that, the correct questions must be asked and the truth bottomed out, otherwise what stops this happening again and the next time it could be a virus that spreads like covid, with a 50% mortality rate.
  19. There's lots out there, but here's a piece from the BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/science-environment-52318539 It's all circumstance related, but id say it pushes the chances of a lab release up to at least as likely as a natural accident at the market.
  20. Very interesting, but like all other industries that had to modify its practices, they need to pay a decent wage for the work that's expected, instead of churning out the same offensive nonsense that "The British are too lazy to pick fruit and veg".
  21. I'm not implying that they released the virus on purpose, the point is, that the likelihood of it having come out of the bio lab is now looking a far more likely option.
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