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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. They want a free trade deal, as do I and probably most who voted for brexit, the EU however will not give one, probably because they know May is bluffing about just walking away, the ERG are not and as was voted for, if the EU won't give a free trade deal, we need to walk away, Aka a "hard" brexit. Therfore the ERG are trying to implement exactly what was voted for, something most of parliament is not!
  2. The ERG are trying to uphold the result of the referendum, I can't see how you can argue against that?
  3. Maybe not everyone but enough of them to vote the opposite way to the people of the UK and try to frustrate brexit.
  4. I corrected that for you 👍
  5. I think the only reason anyone is hell bent on a "hard" brexit is because they know it is the only option that will actually deliver on the referendum result. Leaving the EU can only be done via 2 options. 1. A free trade deal (the EU have ruled this option out) 2 a hard brexit ( of course hard and soft brexit only became a thing when remain lost, its rhetoric made up by remoaners to frustrate actually leaving the EU) It really is as simple as that! Trump will give us a good trade deal, I say stuff the EU, they have acted like the mafia while trump holds a hand of friendship out, love him or hate him, I'd rather deal with him than the EU any day.
  6. We've had the referendum, we need to leave. The end
  7. Unfortunately, I think may will get an extension and brexit will never happen though I pray I'm wrong and we get the hard brexit the country voted for.
  8. 12gauge82

    Card Fraud

    That's the problem, because the loss is written off and the offenders are never caught, they carry on without fear of ever being caught, causing misery to more victims, the banks should be obliged by law to fund the police to investigate it.
  9. Very good post, I share the same concerns.
  10. Absolutely idiotic behaviour, but I feel for all of them, I don't believe any prison sentence could ever match the guilt that guy will feel for the rest of his life, if the family of the deceased can find it in their hearts to forgive him, I don't think its for anyone else to punish him.
  11. I don't think the death of democracy in the UK is anything to laugh about, particularly when so many died in foreign lands fighting for it. I still believe ultimately the politicians responsible for this will pay for their treacherous behaviour towards the people they are meant to represent in future elections, my only sencere hope is that the far right doesn't rise from this, as has been shown in history, when the people have been trodden on enough, the far right will rise.
  12. Absaloutly spot on, he really is a vile self serving creature!
  13. Yeah I thought of that to but didn't want to start another brexit debate on a separate thread, but I agree. Your probably right to an extent, although I think Macron is a particularly divisive individual.
  14. Main stream media are likely portraying them as making unreasonable demands and being either extreme left or right, in reality I think there's a lot of ordinary folk on the street who are sick of Macron and sick of being ripped off.
  15. I agree with this, the DUP have been clear from day one that they wouldn't accept being treated differently to the rest of the UK, its the EU, Theresa May and other remoaner MPs who have caused the issue and they alone hold the blame for the situation the country is now in.
  16. And now we get to the heart of the problem, the country has spoken loud and clear it wants to leave, but the majority of politicians in power don't want us to, so they refuse to action the referendum result. I think his time can be better spent on getting us out than walking the entire 200 miles, it's nothing more than remoaner spin!
  17. I can answer it for you, we voted to leave the EU, which means to leave its membership and all its core rules. The only way of doing that would be via a new free trade deal I.e one that doesn't need to adhear to its core rules like free movement of people, which the EU has always said is impossible, or via a hard brexit, that's it, it really is that simple, the only confusion is being caused by people trying to overturn the vote!
  18. So what exactly did we vote to leave? If the EU won't be reasonable and we cant secure a free trade deal, and by that I mean a deal in the same way the rest of the world trades, then a wto brexit is exactly what we voted for, it really is as simple as that, it's just being clouded by remains who are trying to overturn our largest democratic vote in history.
  19. I'm not talking about whether brexit will damage the country economicly or not, I'm talking about ignoring the result of the largest democratic vote this country has ever held and the fact the government lied when it said it would enact the result whatever outcome that was voted for?
  20. But its too late, the referendum was held, leave won and they need to action it, but they won't, can't you see it makes a mockery of our supposed democratic country, which is the very fibre our the UK is supposedly made of. We had the biggest vote in history and were lied to by the prime minister and government, put aside for a moment that I believe brexit would be great for the country and you believe it would be catastrophic, just how are they going to square that circle?
  21. So tell me, what was the point of the referendum if the result is going to be ignored as appears to be the case?
  22. Spot on, it's already been looked at and we don't owe them a penny legally or morally, so the EU would winge and the rest of the world would ignore them as they go down the plug hole without the uks money.
  23. There's some bunch in the labour party at the moment.
  24. Never a truer word spoken! Very good 😂👍
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