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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. I thought Tom heap was a shooting man?? There's a petition going round to keep him on countryfile to help present a non biased view on country matters! After there was demands for him to be sacked from the show for presenting a positive piece on lamping. It got 7500 sigs very quick. Adam Henderson presented the Purdey conservation awards last year. There is a lot of neg/ fluffy stuff on but there was an Interesting piece on fur verses fake on there tonight. NB
  2. It's the same over my way PP. Has been for weeks! I'm about 8 mile east of Stowmarket. Set up Saturday after finding some on rape with a promising line. After 2 shots none returned. Gave it 1.5hrs and moved on. Walked the next farm after seeing few down and in trees in distant field. same again. Nice rabbit on walk back to truck tho. Ended up in roost wood. Lots of evidence they been using it. 3 shots for single magpie. Only a dozen came in. Far to still really. Was within 2 miles of other big woods but never heard any shooting or many gas bangers. Now shoots stop feeding they'l come out of the covers. Good to see plenty of woodcock about tho. Flushed a few and some about at dusk. Several bullfinches, tree creepers and goldcrests about to. Springs on the way, heard woodpeckers drumming for a mate, pigeons and stock doves calling. Deer had really stripped back the under growth in the wood. Another Autum/Winter of mainly duty shooting. NB
  3. Had some yanks over on a shoot in November. Southern boi's. While driving one of them in his sixties between drives we got chatting about guns, knives etc, and the right to carry in the U.S and here. He went on to tell me they were up in London the day before and he got stopped searched and detained getting on the London eye. He was carrying a buck knife on his belt with 7.5 in blade! Said he was carrying it to protect his family while over here as back home he always carried a side arm, and he was the town Pastor! They kept it and explained our rules to him and let him get on. He coolly said lucky it wasn't his favourite knife! About to asked how he managed to get it on a plane and over here, but we had to get on with the shoot. NB
  4. There's nobody normal in Norfolk!! Welcome back fella! NB
  5. Well done OF! Have been working away and missed the end of bidding. Ho hum! Thought you might bump it up. Very deserving of it you are! I had planed Flying woodcock, pigeon and leaping roach on false ivory/antler scales. Poppy , RBL, my name and date on Damascus etched blade. Well done Walker and all involved!!!! Hope you feel better soon, have had the dreaded lurgy myself. Look forward to seeing how it turns out. NB
  6. Cracking shot that GG! Quite a few of them about lately. Little egrets to. NB
  7. As you say PC, very strange season. It's the same here in mid Suffolk. No flight lines and nothing in the air. What are on rape if you put them off or have a shot none return. Checked all my farms. None came back. Ended up in what is normally a good roost wood with good breeze blowing. only 3 birds came in to wide. Ended up with a magpie, squirrel and 2 nice rabbits. The good number of birds that are in a lot of the game covers you would not know were in there until they are pushed out. No traffic in or out at all. They just drop back into the next one. NB
  8. It's a gonna Mice. Big storm surges have dumped a load of water and shingle on that area. NB
  9. Looking like a bidding battle of 2 ov us Suffolk boi's then Grandalf. I'll go £200.00 Lost my much treasured Knife that was my granddads new years eve! Saving a red shank tangled in in fishing line on Walberswick/Dunwich marsh. Bird was fine but i ended up in the water. He was a hard fella even tho he got gassed on the Somme. So always support the legion. NB
  10. Hi Walker, Great gesture! Well done you! Looking good. I'll go £175.00 An antler handle would look nice! NB
  11. Top couple of hours there PC. Well done for making the effort to get out with the dreaded man flu. A lot of rape but very few birds on it my way or returning. Not many in the roost woods either. Another quiet winter. Haven't had more than 25 since beginning of November. The few that are about seem reluctant to leave the game covers, of which there's a lot. NB
  12. Amazing! Ges it weren't smelling salts? How was he allowed to do that and nobody mention it? NB
  13. + 1 Bigger selection of clothing and cartridges. 15 mins from Woodbridge. Stuart Clay Traps just outside of Woodbridge tho. But Chaotic road works round Melton at mo. NB
  14. Another one bites the dust! Grew up listen n watching him. Only 60! Long term lung condition apparently. NB
  15. Very Quiet my way! To quiet! 20+ been a good day. Very few pigeons about and even less trafic! They are on the rape, but most of the time a few shots and they gone. Moving on to the next block and stay there. Very few gas bangers being used this year to move them about. Is there a change of thought by farmers using them as a deterrent at the mo? Had plenty of squirrels tho. NB
  16. NatureBoy


    Look up Frances VIncent. She not far from you. Near Ipswich. Photo realism and she does some amazing hares. NB
  17. Think they have flocked up and flocked off from my part of Suffolk!. Very quiet! Very few last week. Managed to flight line a few Saturday. Looked on all farms yesterday. Hardly a bird to be seen. Down or flighting. lovely bright crisp still morning. Weirdly silent! Not a gas gun to be heard. Says it all. Loads of lush green rape 18in tall in places. nice to see plenty of skylarks, thrushes, finches and buntings about tho. High light was seeing a small flock of bramblings on some stubble. NB
  18. Rise in dog attacks made front page of East Anglian Daily Times in Suffolk to day. Talking of rotti attack on farmer and big rise in attacks on people and livestock. Been on the receiving end myself while shooting. NB
  19. Great shots GG. Like how you have captured the long tailed tit. Were they all feeding on that same teasel head? NB
  20. What are the best flocked shells around at the mo? NB
  21. There was a similar story on ITV Anglia news tonight. RSPB saying 30 alleged incidents. 0 prosecutions. I never seen so many BOPs round my way. Including peregrines, hobbies, Merlin and odd kites. Buzzards, sparrow hawks and kestrels an every day sight. Buzzards have a look/go at my decoys most weeks at mo. Plenty of tawny's about this year to. High numbers of prey will always attract predators. Same with otters. mink and cormorants with fisheries. NB
  22. Cheers Christian. Don't see many reds my way. Specially since the R.S.P.B culled lot of the Minsmere herd. Spikes on the skull i found were 20in plus. Thought unusual and it may of been culled because of. Always on the look out for various skulls, antlers and the unusual to photograph and do arty crafty things with. NB
  23. Nice pics! Like the running snap. Would the red stag at the top be a 1st year buck or a malform? Not really up on deer year classes. Found a skull a while back with some huge spikes on it like that one. NB
  24. Top pictures Dave! Place looks great for scenery light and amazing wildlife! Do you exhibit, sell, enter comps or get any published? NB
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