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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. Apart from the fact Gordon the gangsta can’t actually get hold of powder or primers to make his dodgy bullets did anyone else pick up on the figures they quoted at the end. 500 obsolete calibre ‘weapons’ seized. Of that 40 were related to crime/criminals and 6 were directly involved in violent crime. So 8% of all seized obsolete calibre firearms were from baddies and 1.2% of those 500 were actively involved in crime. Were the rest handed over to be destroyed etc?? 1% is obviously too much but in the grand scheme of things the influx of modern firearms is surely a much bigger problem! Alternativley give all these ‘gangsters’ enough fire power to wipe each other out and let them get on with it.
  2. It’s that same obtuse sort of attitude the animal rights lot have. ‘We don’t like it so you’re wrong.’ for the record Winnie it has rained on and off since about 7pm. No need to check.
  3. Yeah the sad fact is that a lot of people ‘rescue’ horses from their terrible lives of cruelty being used for sport and entertainment and believe they will happily thrive in a paddock and can’t understand why they don’t. Yet racing is supposedly the epitome of cruelty.
  4. The Sherlock Holmes quote is quite apt ‘They’re dangerous at both ends and....crafty in the middle’
  5. If you read my opening post you’ll see that of the 14000 horses in training the fatality rate of 0.3% equates to 28 horses killed on the race course. That’s over both codes of racing. That’s thousands of horses racing each week. More horses die each week through field accidents than anything else. Probably more than all equestrian sports combined. I love it when the old badger baiting anecdote comes out. So a little note about badger baiting as you would know it. Badger baiting as you know it was never a real thing, a badger in a pit against one or several terriers then yes this happened in the 1800’s and was subsequently banned. The badger baiting that you’re thinking of always has been illegal, chavs/******/nefarious characters finding setts, digging badgers illegally and declawing them/breaking their jaws, using lurchers and terriers to see who’s dog was the hardest against an incapacitated badger. Horse racing has absolutely no comparisons to badger baiting. At all.
  6. Different opinions aren’t an issue. There’s no way everyone can agree on everything. The issue is borderline extremists shouting loudest and getting their voice heard regardless of the evidence to the contrary. AGAIN. The same applies to pheasant shooting, grouse moors, legal gun ownership etc. The nutters shout loudest and get their opinion heard over any others.
  7. Winny doesn’t like horse racing. I’d forgotten but a few months back when he was screaming about his sexuality loud and proud (because nobody was vaguely interested in what he likes as long as it’s legal) and being generally very argumentative he was also busy claiming how cruel the grand national was.
  8. I’ve sent an email to our MP. He’s a berk but he likes his racing. The local point to point is a good day out for him and his cronies. The politics involved with anything that the greeny dogooder lot don’t like nowadays are just ridiculous all because they don’t understand or like something they feel no one should do it. Winston my friend I don’t profess to be the ultimate authority however I’ve ridden 10’s of thousands of horses in every size, shape and colour so I’ve got a decent base of opinion. What real life experience have you got to base your equestrian knowledge on?
  9. It’s not for me. I could probably work it out but I know squeeze, bang, dead is a damn sight quicker than an injection. Never had one injected and never would by choice. In the same vain I’d never let anyone at the kennels I didn’t trust shoot one either because I don’t want to see some one stamped to death because they’ve missed! The best bloke I’ve ever seen shoot a horse now hunts the Cotswold hounds. Very patient and quiet even with a horrible one I took to him. It’s not a different opinion it’s an opinion based on lies. I’ve worked in racing for 16 years. I ran my own business for 10. I was in a relationships with a show jumper and an eventer who both were the upper echelon of their profession. The stuff they do to get horses to do what they want is unreal. But no one sees it so it doesn’t happen.
  10. It really grates on me because of all the equestrian stuff that goes on racing would be the most regulated and have the least amount of cruelty attached to it. Did you know that they no longer are allowed to shoot horses on the course in the event of fatal injury they have to be injected. Because the anti brigade have attached such a stigma to it. Really ****** me off.
  11. Morons at it again spreading lies and rumour because they don’t like something they’re not involved in. 105000 people signed a peta petition to petition the government to form a regulatory body to monitor the welfare of racehorses. Previously a similar petition that received 10000 signatures was rebuffed by the government who said it wasn’t their place to interfere with a regulatory body that already strives for the highest levels of animal welfare. The attrition rate of race horses is 0.2%. What does that mean in real money you ask? Of the 14000 racehorses currently in training 28 died. 28! One year I personally took 7 horses to the kennels to be put down. Field injuries kill more horses than ever die racing. It’s a joke that these stupid wasters with nothing better to do have a platform to voice their vitriol!!! Rant over.
  12. Did you hear the woman on radio 2 who was brought on to debate it? Her and the bloke she was arguing with had been on the Victoria Derbyshire show in the morning and she accused him of touching her up apparently on the tele and live on the radio. A complete and utter joke. Having heard boris’s newspaper article he didn’t actually sat anything particularly rude or offensive. It’s just your normal run of the mill loony’s getting upset just for a change.
  13. I saw the video the blokes put on Facebook when they found them. They were rifle shot, although you can’t see it on many there are definite entry wounds on a couple that have a little bit of leakage but not enough to be an exit hole. I’d imagine it was something fast and punchy. 243 with ballistic tips maybe. They reckon they’ve retrieved bullets to do ballistic tests on but that could be a little bit of a white lie, and definitely will be a lie if it was ballistic tips because there isn’t a lot left of them to look at! My best guess is they’ve upset someone and they’ve gone and retaliated by shooting 15 deer, mainly female which will hurt the stalking there for a few years. If of the 15, 10 were breeding females, that’s 10 fawns gone next season and that will grow exponentially. In perfect conditions with everything having a female fawn that’s 240 deer in 5 years which is fair old dent! Its disgusting behaviour and I hope they’re caught. I’d be lucky to see 15 deer about here at the minute!
  14. I was out yesterday morning and even cubs weren’t interested in me squeaking.
  15. I’d say the middle one is some sort of clover.
  16. I’d go for a photon. I know they’re dedicated not add on but I like mine and I’ve had 2 now. Extreming it will give you enhanced clarity and ability to see even further with a decent ir torch. With a £500 you’d probably manage to get one of the new rt models. Add on wise id go for something in line rather than the screen on top just because you’re less likely to knock the in line one rather than the screen if you’re scrambling around in the dark in a rush to shoot something. But there in line add ons are pricey!
  17. I’ve been at pony club all afternoon and in an effort to stop my brain melting I started thinking about guns. And then I got to thinking about how short I could get my HMR barrel chopped to - in a world where I actually had any spare cash to waste on such flights of fancy! So ballistics fans, barrel choppers, short gun fans and anyone else that likes to tinker for the sake of it. How short is too short? Taking into account minimum barrel length is 12 inches obviously if I got it done I wouldn’t want to go below 12.5 to allow it to be threaded for a mod and any over zealous feo that got twitchy about it. I realise velocity drops off the more you chop off the end but that’s the trade off pointability vs drop in velocity. And at HMR velocities if you’re to believe what it says on the tin that they whizz along around 2500fps then realistically a drop off of 500fps would leave it still operating at twice the speed of a 22rf. It’s all hypothetical really but I’m curious.
  18. Like most terriers the Scottie was a worker until the KC got their claws into them. A friend of mine breeds and shows pedigree welsh terriers at international level and reckons that they’re the biggest killers going even though they’re posh pedigree show dogs.
  19. Well it depends entirely on what killed it. We’re assuming it was the two dogs. Now if it was the whippet that killed it then it wouldn’t have been the swiftest death in the world as the whippet lacks the overall power to crunch and kill a fox in one good bite. They’ll get the job done but it’ll take some doing. The lurcher now that depends on what make and model of lurcher you’ve got. I know of some lurchers that would be more than capable of killing a fox as fast or faster than a terrier killing rats. Indeed that’s what the bull X lurcher was developed for. So if it was the lurcher then he went down as quick as if he’d been shot. Now if you’re argument actually boils down to old Charles being run round a bit by a couple of dogs then you probably want to consider what old Charles feels when someone makes him lamp shy and then how he feels every time he sees a lamp at night and ****s his pants and takes off. Animals don’t live in perpetual fear, they mooch around in their daily life doing their own thing, then danger and they run, danger averted, back to mooching. They don’t have the mental alacrity to worry in the sense that we as humans do. And finally terriers kill rats. Would you be saying the same thing if samboy had said poor old ratty, the lurcher and whippet killed a family of them this morning? Nope. I love seeing the foxes about, I enjoy shooting them, I enjoyed hunting them preban and I still enjoy hunting them within the confines of the law as it currently stands. So not so much poor fox and unfortunate way to die, more stupid fox knew dogs lived in that garden and chanced his luck one time too many.
  20. Ragwort is poisonous to most things. And if you burn it the smoke is toxic too!
  21. The jack reacher books are good. Easy to read and although not challenging they’re entertaining. I quite like them as audio books for when I’m trucking up and down the country on my own. Kerry Shale reads them the best Tom Cruise has got to be the worst Jack Reacher going! I always thought Jason Statham would be a good Reacher. The wife’s bought me a book by Greg Hurwitz called Hellbent that isn’t a bad read so far over the first few chapters.
  22. ??? It really depends on the relationship with your sister. If you’re close and you’d be upset if she potentially wouldn’t come because you offended the herbivore by not offering him a plate of grass, then get the caterers to leave the cheese and pork pie off his ploughman’s. If you’ve got a good relationship but you’re not fussed if your sister comes or not because you’ve upset the lawn mower then don’t change anything. And if you meet him before the wedding and he’s a peenarse change the ploughman’s to an all meat alternative with a side of extra meat. It’s youre wedding do what you want if people don’t like it they can get lost. You’ll upset someone over something, but don’t worry about it, I didn’t.
  23. Spain. About an hour from Granada and an hour and a half from Malaga.
  24. I’m off here for a week next week, it’s up in the hills a bit and I was wondering if any of the PW jet setters know if there’s any hunting/shooting goes on nearby? Realistically I’m probably going to sleep for a week and drink copious amounts of sangria and move very little but if there’s a bit of pig hunting going on one morning I could drag my carcass out of bed before it gets too hot for a bit of a look.
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