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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. The traffic cone in a ladder was the previous method. I never asked where it came from! I’m now after going more up market and Walker570 is going to fashion me something to do the job.
  2. I picked up two boxes of Winchester soft point 55g 223 bullets for my savage yesterday and they were pretty good. Had 20 mins spare yesterday so had a quick shot with it. Zeroed in 4 shots. Will check the zero again with the nv when it’s properly dark and I’ve got more time next week. But after the final zero shot I put another 2 next to it all inside a hole about 5p size. So big thumbs up for them. I’d forgotten how expensive it is to buy them though after reloading for the 243 for the past couple of years. £20 a box 😳
  3. Yeah they have the be bled and some of them have in the past got pretty sizeable so to restrain them and prevent them bruising themselves when they’re in their death throws the killing cone is the easiest thing. My personal record was a 30lb free range bird, I’ve still got the scar where he clawed me objecting to going in the cone.
  4. It just stands to reason. The UK has X amount of rain fall annually. If that rain hasn’t fallen over the summer then logically it’s got to fall later on in the year. Personally I hope I’m wrong, a cold dry winter suits me a hell of a lot better than pouring rain! Once you’re wet you’re wet all day whereas you can chuck extra layers on to keep warm in the cold.
  5. Distance isn’t really a problem, I track round the country a fair bit going racing - Tuesday I get to enjoy the trip across to Chelmsford racecourse. And if I can’t get a quick google found it would be about £30 to get something of similar dimensions and 15kg couriered, and that’s fully assembled. What I had in mind might be something that could be bolted together which would make the courierable package even more compact. And I can’t imagine it would weigh 15kg.
  6. If the summer was anything to go by it’ll be a damn wet winter!
  7. Every year since time began we’ve killed varying numbers of turkeys. At our own peak I can remember doing 35 turkeys 20 chickens and 10 geese. That was a long cold day! Anyway chief slaughterman was my grandad who slowly over the years got less and less able to do the killing and spent more time having a smoke whilst I did the killing. Even up until last xmas when he was doing his best to die he still demanded my gran brought him over to help kill a few! Fortunately for the poor old ****** he finally keeled over this spring and didn’t have to suffer on any more. But that now leaves me able to do things how I want them! So first things first I need a killing cone. I fancy a tripod design like this one on the Sedgbeer website. But I really don’t like the £255 + VAT price tag! http://www.sedgbeer.co.uk/products/tripod-killing-cone-stand/41/ now I know the PW craftsmen will be able to knock something like this up in their coffee break but my technical skill runs out with anything much past the use of big nails. So gentlemen is there anyone that could fashion me something like this cheaply? I’m happy to pay for materials, labour and postage unless you’re localish and I can come and collect it. So who can help?
  8. Get your local newspaper involved. Blue badge holder fined for insufficient hospital parking. They’ll love it and I’d imagine your parking ticket will become a computer error.
  9. I’m in a couple of shooting groups on Facebook and on the one group there was a chap who managed to shoot himself after lamping and hit his femoral artery among other important bits. He fortunately survived but only because the ambulance got there with a minute to spare apparently. When things go wrong they go wrong badly!
  10. I’d be thrown in pigeon watch jail if I shared the weirdness on my phone 😂 so many memes!!!
  11. So most people would check the traps at first light and last light and the only illegal thing going on here is trespass and probably criminal damage as the little darlings wouldn’t miss an opportunity to smash something up.
  12. I’ve got 3 different mods for different guns...oops wasn’t what I said 🙈
  13. That’s good. The more I thought about it the more I thought it might work. After all the mod just screws onto the end doesn’t it. I’ll see if I can get one made up over here by someone. I understand that threading a little lump of metal with a hole in the middle isn’t the most technical thing in the world but my technical expertise with anything like that runs as far as hitting it with a hammer and if that doesn’t work get a bigger hammer 😂
  14. Bought a new secondhand rifle the other day and being tight opted not to have the mod it came with after all one of my mods would surely fit...as luck would have it they don’t!!! I was hoping to get to the gun shop in question and pick up a mod today but circumstances dictated that I couldn’t and won’t get chance for a good while now. Then I got to thinking - dangerous I know! Is it possible/safe/legal/won’t affect accuracy to fit a thread adaptor so I can use my current ASE mod. The rifle is 1/2”x28 UNEF and the mod is 1/2”x20 UNF...I think. I obviously will check before I ordered an adapter. They’re only about £20 or so from the good old US of A and I’m sure with a bit more research I could find some English ones.
  15. I reload for my 243, I can make rounds for around 50p a bang sometimes less sometimes more depending on what components cost on the day. It’s a big saving on a box from the shops! But it is one of those things you get into and then buy more and more bits because you NEED them. Just keep playing with the HMR for now and learn how to out fox a fox. Once you get into the depths of winter and every Tom **** and harry has been taking pot shots at them on the lamp making them lamp shy then that’s when field craft comes into play. It’s one thing poking away at a fox with nv or thermal at 200yds but another to get the foxes within 100yds to knock them over with the HMR. My HMR has accounted for the vast majority of foxes I’ve ever shot.
  16. She smells like she belongs in a swamp. You don’t have to get particularly close to her to get a whiff either.
  17. Antis should be arrested using the terror laws, they are terrorists of the country side. They aren’t champions of the badger or fox they just want a fight because they don’t like something that they perceive as rich mans folly. Ironically a good proportion of these smelly, angry, swamp creatures come from relatively well to do families which has enabled them to not work (or wash) and fight the power. Cathy Scott is our local extremist. She is a very nasty piece of work.
  18. Just picked up a rifle I had sent up to them from Eddoakley on here. It’s been a while since I’ve been there. I could have stayed and talked to Mike for hours. He even took me round to the workshops to show me today’s project. A muzzle break for a 300 win mag (I think) and it was a work of art. I assumed it was done on a CNC machine but it was all milled and whatsited by Mike himself. For someone who’s main tool for all manufacturing solutions is a hammer and if things get tricky I reach for the big hammer, it really was a work of art. Going to try and save a few pennies and let Mike build me a new gun in the future I think!
  19. I’m in the middle of a quick job right now! Low spot in the field that fills with water every winter. ‘It won’t take long to stick some drainage pipe in there’. Started digging and found an old oak tree, well it’s roots, fortunately I had demanded a 5 ton digger not the 1 tonner that ‘would surely do the job’. Main trench dug, found the cause of the wet spot ? blind panic of Mrs BTJ because ‘now surely the hole will fill up with water!!!’ Panic not wife it will find it’s own level and it did with a small puddle in the bottom of the hole, carry on and 3 out of the 4 side trenches went in no problem, two scoops into trench 4 and crunch, someone has buried a load of rubble or rubbish or something hard that came up in 4ft chunks and ruined my tidy lines! Fortunately she’s ******** off for macdonalds- for them I’m doing light racing one day this week so I’m on rations - and in the time they’ve gone I’ve filled up the holes with stone and I’m about to put the pipe in and hopefully have it back filled before they return. I love a won’t take long job ?
  20. If there were perfectly legal ways to prevent the government taking large chunks of my hard earned money I’d definitely do it and couldn’t give a monkeys what anyone thought of it. Whether these celebrities money is hard earned is questionable but still tax avoidance has been a game that’s been played since taxes were invented.
  21. Yeah but along with diesel/kerosine I don’t fancy that very much ?
  22. Not sunbeds! I’ve used the snowdonia supplies Ktan for deer skins and white tan for Fox skins. My white tan solution is about at the end of its life. I like the white tan for two reasons you do your prep and dump the skin in it and forget for a few days and it gives a nice finish. I’m a bit tight and was wondering if any of the old wizards on here have any recipes for home made tanning solutions?
  23. The way this thread is going it’s going to be moved into eve DIY section ?
  24. Autumn is well on the way here now. Cool, damp mornings, lots of wild berries ripe already, the geese have started moving about, the swallows are queuing up on the electric wires thinking about going home. It’s still warm in the day but it’s dropping cold at night. Hopefully it stays warm for a good bit longer yet to help the grass recover now there’s a bit of moisture about.
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