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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. I always put mine in the dishwasher...
  2. I’ll bite a little bit here Yates. Back when anything badger was banned the reason stated was to stop badger baiting. Now I was only young but it wasn’t the terrier men or proper country folk out and about controlling a pain in the **** apex predator that were badger baiting and I bet if any real unbiased research was done you’d find it was a small number of chavvy blokes out of the town that we’re doing it to see who’s got the bigger knob. And similarly to the handgun ban who suffered? The badgers and the law abiding citizen who was digging them and relocating them or digging them and shooting them and keeping the population in check. Did old Mr Badger Baiter give a monkeys? Nope he carried on just as they did dog fighting and the wrong uns carry on carrying illegal handguns. Now we’re in a position where the badger population is out of control and they’re riddled with disease and other wildlife is suffering. Hare coursing is no different to coursing rabbits. They get caught or they don’t. Even a lamped hare if it doesn’t get caught isn’t stupid and next time it sees a lamp it doesn’t sit around and ask questions he’s goneski. If a rabbit is ok to be ran around why is a hare any different? As prey animals they live in perpetual fear that their next **** may be their last so an exertion for a minute whilst a dog runs them isn’t the end of their world - unless they get caught - and maintains a strong healthy population. Fox hunting IS an effective means of population control if employed with other means. Every other method is indiscriminate. You look now and you’ll see people knocking foxes over left right and centre. I’ve got one myself I’ve got to go and sort out. But at this time of year the vixens are full of cubs or have already had them and for the next few months are busy rearing them. At least hunting has an off season. And again even if he’s run ragged all day Charlie isn’t going to lie awake at night in his den thinking about hounds, like all animals they live in the moment they don’t worry about things like humans do. Sorry to hijack the thread there! The police are harassed as much as the people out hunting. You only have to watch the videos and see them pointing the cameras in the faces of the policemen and recording badge numbers and making threats to report them for infringing their rights. The best thing I ever saw happen to Kathy Scott was she fell in a ditch. She definitely could only smell better after a wash with freezing cold ditch water!
  3. Her name is Kathy Scott. She’s a right orrible old trout. She needs locking up as a terrorist. She will routinely intimidate children and women. The Atherstone have nearly gone bust from her constant harassment. And she now likes to focus a lot of her attention on the Warwickshire. My mate being one of the whips texts me now and again to tell me that she’s made him famous with one of her videos again. Whether or not hunts are operating within the law is not for her and her cronies to monitor it’s a job for the police and these balaclava clad thugs should be locked up for harassment.
  4. I definitely saw it then! Sounded nasty but she was still smiling for snapchat ?? I had one trip hacking down the gallop and fire me out of the front a few weeks back. Halfway through my barrel roll out of the way I saw him with his whole face buried in the sand and I had a proper oh **** moment when I thought he was going to pivot off his head and land on me. I rolled even faster out the way. The lad I was with was ******* himself laughing. I was spitting sand for the rest of the day. Filled me full of confidence to school him up the hurdles the next day ??
  5. I think I’ve actually seen a snapchat of the girl you’re talking about lying there waiting for the ambulance ? within the space of a fortnight me being back at work we had a girl have a soft fall, land funnily and snap her leg. I had to help get her boot off. That was unpleasant! With her leg articulating in a bit that’s not supposed to move. I’m not squeamish at the least but that made me hold my breath! And then the following week we were team chasing and the lead horse hit a fence and played football with the bloke on top. He’d turned his pelvis into a jigsaw and ripped all the tendons and ligaments in his shoulder. He’s 5 months into an 18month recovery.
  6. My top tip is avoid horses in general! The front bit bites, the back bit kicks and the the bit in the middle is wiggly! My second top tip is don’t get injured near Leicester the Leicester Royal Infirmary is not a nice place to spend a week! To be fair to the horse it was the blokes foot and stirrup colliding with the back of my calf that snapped my leg. It felt like someone hit my leg with a sledge hammer. I ended up with a displaced spiral fracture of my tibia and a displaced fractured fibular. I had a laugh with the paramedics not so much with the on call registra and the plaster nurse who decided to realign my fracture they’d both try different things at the same time and argue about it. That made me yelp!
  7. I had 2 paramedics wetting themselves when I broke my leg. I was lucid, in pain but not screaming and shouting and could tell them the full extent of my injury because I’d tried standing on it but I was desperate for them not to cut my boot off - they’re too bloody expensive to cut off! We agreed they’d unzip it and take it off as long as I didn’t scream obviously with them not realising quite how high my pain threshold is. I just sat there and looked the bloke in the eye and smiled at him as he took my boot off. It hurt ALOT! But I got my boot back in one piece. Kennet how shocked were you the first time you cut off a pair of jockeys breeches to discover we wear ladies tights underneath ?
  8. Serious drifts here this morning. Got to work for 6, listening to the radio and the traffic news says all the roads local to the A49 at Shrewsbury are currently impassable...could have told me that two hours ago when I was smashing drifts out of the way and going to work.
  9. I gave Mrs BTJ the truck and I took the lovely shiny executive BMW because it’s awful in the snow. I managed to get to work on awful roads, where they had been gritted they were fine but the grit had been used sparingly! Had a few wiggles more for my pleasure than anything else. Got to work faffed about a bit, braved the bitter wind and -7 and rode first lot...only the all weather gallop had frozen ? came back via the sheep and horses and now I’m sat by the fire drinking coffee. I thought about going shooting but this fire is much more appealing!
  10. You should see some of the creatures I ride! They’re MASSIVE and I don’t mean the horses ?
  11. I managed 18 in a day once. I was a shell of a man afterwards ?
  12. Gentlemen let me issue this warning in advance... in the summer it might be a bit warm. Its February when are we to expect cold/bad weather just so I can be prepared. Unfortunately the majority are that dull they need these warnings.
  13. Ride a bit shorter. I ride around 6 a day, sometimes more and sometimes less and rarely do I crack a knacker! And if I do it’s usually from a **** leg up and I land on the twins.
  14. It’s blaaady cold up here, we had a scattering of snow this morning and I rode out 6 lots in falling snow but it’s all gone now. They’re giving a real hard frost tonight and then Thursday as the day of the impending apocalypse for us now. Just in time for the boss to go on holiday for a week and leave me to wrestle two year olds in the ice ?
  15. We had one in the house two summers ago - a bat not a buzzard. I’d gone to fetch something from Doncaster and halfway there got a phone call like Mrs BTJ was fending off a murderer. Once she calmed down and explained it all she said she was going to bed and I was to deal with it when I got home. Many hours later about 2am when I’d got home, I’d got it pinned down to two rooms and a hallway and managed to shoo him out of one of the French windows. They remind me of flying mice ?
  16. I’m sure my license used to say all the standard closed ticket stuff but because I’d put guided shooting as my good reason that it also said something along the lines of can be used on land cleared to be used in conjunction with guided stalking or something equally vague. It’s all open now so I can’t tell you precisely what it said.
  17. What I struggle with with all these alleged raptor killings or if anyone wanted to shoot them and was stupid enough to do it why would they ever leave the body lying around? It just doesn’t make sense. Commit an illegal act and leave the evidence there for anyone to find is just stupid at the very least.
  18. Billy likes to eat them. Dont give up on your traps, accidental catches are unfortunately par for the course, you do everything you can to prevent it but accidents happen. I caught a hedge pig in one once but by some miracle he was still alive, I loosed him out and he tootled off to eat more slugs. But yesterday I had a wonderful catch...the biggest male rat I’ve seen. He’s been dodging my traps and taking funny routes to avoid them but I got the ******. He was a brute!
  19. Any small calibre centrefire from 223 down. Realistically if you’re going to be eating them once you get out of rimfire territory you only want to be head shooting, even with the hmr you want to shoot them in the head because the bullets do a great job of killing them but are so explosive they frequently end up sneaking through the diaphragm and making a nasty green mess inside. If you just want to kill them then you could go bigger. 243 covers a multitude of sins but unless you reload it’s a bit pricey for eviscerating rabbits. But is a great fox killer.
  20. If I had a spare £55 I’d have this it looks a really interesting read!
  21. It’s a shame the skins are now worthless! There’s got to be a corner in the market for free range organic British fox fur rather than the Chinese stuff?! I’ve got two skins the wife wants making into a scarf. If I was a better seamstress I’d be knocking them out and selling them to posh hunty type women for £150 a piece ?
  22. I thought moobs were for display purposes only?! It’s not another transformer wanting to be a man until it comes to bearing children is it?
  23. The people with mental instabilities are being failed by the system in America. Either the system doesn’t work, doesn’t care or is focused on foreign threats so far removed from reality that a serious domestic threat can be over looked. Scully is correct there is nothing to prevent this sort of even occurring in our schools and colleges. But they are picked up by the system and helped or at least monitored. It would be naïve to think that it is because of our archaic and restrictive firearms regulations that we don’t have more atrocities, in simple terms if you were a weird angsty teenager with no friends and an axe to grind it would not be difficult to set off your school fire alarm and wield a machete or throw petrol bombs at the congregated students or even make a rucksack full of crude pipe bombs and make yourself word famous. These mass killings have nothing to do with guns and everything to do with inadequate social care for the loony toons out there.
  24. I saw this yesterday. The uncropped photos show bin bags full of rubbish on the back yard so even if hey were directly feeding it they have been drawing them in with an all you can eat rubbish buffet. Two positives I could draw from this are thank god we’ve only got foxes as the largest predator running round this country! If yogi bear had been in the house they wouldn’t have been worrying about a couple of bites because he’d have eaten her like a little chicken nugget and been halfway through eating grandad before anyone’s knew what was happening. And secondly thankfully we haven’t got rabies in this country!
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