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Everything posted by Perazzishot

  1. So you are advocating we should go out and shoot 1:1 ratio? If you are not you are doing shooting a disservice,. So how do you improve to get to that ratio, you can't practice on clays for true live game simulation? Practice is the only way, I get no pleasure from shooting game at less than 2:1 and paying for it, I'd rather shoot clays! Enjoy my good friends video from Brigands to try and get an understanding of the challenges.
  2. To prove what? They are Hull High Pheasant Extreme 34/4 fibre, going through Miroku 32" 18.4 bore barrels. I can assure they work! My 5th year shooting extreme on the back of 35 years years game and competition clay shooting. The right equipment in the right hands will work!
  3. Well that is true if you fire at a covey of partridge or grouse at 30 yards surely which are tightly packed, or a skein of geese coming into decoys or even pigeons for that matter. What about layered flushes on normal shoots? Non lethal collateral damage can occur on any shoot day.
  4. Hamster if that was the case then surely the 100's of lightly pricked birds from every days shooting with go off and die, the countryside would be littered with dead pheasants and partridges and the shoots shooting 4-6 times a week would have nothing left by November? No these shoots are still doing 300-500 bird days in January so dismisses your point somewhat. As I've said countless times these shoots make more of an effort to collect the birds at the end of each drive than most farm shoots and syndicates, they pay great sums for the best local pickers ups with up to 10 dogs in some cases. At up to £60 per bird they want everything they can in the game cart to ensure refunds are not asked for. a 100 birds not picked is £6000 lost on the books. Same as grouse shooting. Lets not forget about overages, if a team buy a 300 day and shoot 400 picked that is a £6000 bill to that team of guns. Commercial shoots are are business not a charity. Most people would not know about these type of shoots if it was not for the internet, just like everything else it has given people opportunities to do things they were unaware of, buy things they never thought they could get out in the field giving many opportunities. But the most it has given people is the chance to bitch and moan about others. I bet if I offered a free peg for a 500 bird extreme day on this site there wouldn't be many who wouldn't want to be considered for the chance? And if you shot and killed an 80 yard pheasant or a few you would remember them for the rest of your days. Thats what shooting is about to me taking memories home after every shoot day. That extreme shot whether on pigeons, ducks, geese, pheasant, partridge especially with mates is what everyone goes out to achieve. 180 at darts, 4 minute mile, 147 at snooker, 100mph in your car, 10 sec 100m, knockout in boxing.
  5. Wymberley nothing new about extreme shooting I can name at least 15 estates off the top of my head that have been doing extreme drives for over 15 years, they all agree that the shot to kill ratio's have got better as cartridges got better. Notably these were plastic wads, these same shoots are now the ones leading the way with fibre only being required. This once again has pushed manufacturers to work on fibre shells to make them better. The trial batches sent out by the big manufactures to field trial in the last 2 seasons has been huge. I've tried a number of different trial loads and must say the way things are going we will have no problem switching to fibre. I was the biggest sceptic using 30,000+ plas wad cartridges a year. This year even with the option available I have used fibre. You have to remember that developments at the very top of the filter down to the benefit of everyone, like F1 developments there eventually filter down to production cars. Shooting 3 or 4 times a week on extreme birds gives you the practice and the skills required to become competent like anything. We had a gun join our team last week from down South who was on his 1st day, he never hit a bird all day by his own and his loaders admission. He fired just shy of 300 shots. The rest of the line were experienced and very selective shots and we shot just over 300 for 2300 shots. I've seen some farm shoots with averages close to the same and injured birds running around after every drive with not many dogs to pick them and no effort made to go for the long runners.
  6. I think visually to the general public and taken from various anti's comments and political statements, birds being "blown out the sky" "balls of feather" etc etc refer more to birds being pillowcased at close range is more likely to see the demise of game shooting. Not giving a bird a sporting chance is the main complaint with the ley member of the public.
  7. Wymberly, if you can, speak to Robert Everett at Hull about his most recent developments and his 70yd patterning/impacting of his HPE. Choke and pattern have come together resulting the best pattern and impact using 34/4 fibre in 18.4 barrels is 5/8ths.
  8. Really you have measured the speed a pheasant falls from the sky at 30-80yds? With wings open, closed, head first, tail first, in low pressure, high pressure? Meaning from a video you can accurately tell the height? 😂😂🙈
  9. Yes I know who you are and you were there last year when your team picked up 34 of our partridge on Clugh 😉
  10. Think I have met you then Dave if you are part of Rab's team, and back in a weeks time. You will know most of the team that I shoot with also!
  11. HyFly and Jenkinson's in Lancashire have an exceptional network of ponds and bomb holes that they release many ducks on and manage to shoot the wholes season with good bags 2-3 times a week, with some of the cheapest and most sporting targets around. If done properly it can be very successful.
  12. I have taken a few non believers with me this season and last as loaders, they were shocked at the height that pheasants and partridges were being killed cleanly. They were also impressed how far the pickers up were behind the line sweeping back towards the gun line in some cases over 500m behind to ensure pricked and bleed out birds were recovered.
  13. I would like to know where you purchased the day from please. Please PM me if it is from one of our sites I would like to investigate and ensure that the shoot are not advertising on our sites. Thanks.
  14. Won't comment where we have been this season, but 5:1 ration on an extreme shoot if the full team are being selective is awesome shooting. I've been taking my laser range finder this year and pinging so certainly can confirm heights at flush points or at the tops of trees they are flying over.
  15. Was using S&B 30.06 180g loads last week on Boar, they worked fine! The shotgun shells were in the same group as Baikal Rekord cartridges! Putter Dross!
  16. Indeed I was on a very good estate, producing some lovely pheasants and partridges!
  17. That's the problem on this site, if it isn't with the the keyboard warriors its there to be thrown back in your face! i speak to 30 or 40 shooters a week all have been here none are here now due to a few of the Warriors like here! White rabbit clearly states it was wedged at the forcing cones, that's along way from the chamber, meaning it was potentially a very serious accident waiting to happen. Well spotted great awareness while loading a real credit to be so aware! For those doubting the claim, cut the plastic hull from the brass and drop it down your barrels and see where it stops, sounds like a few of the experts might be surprised!
  18. Shot it in the pouring rain, was a great layout.
  19. La Cham do wide calf options on a few of their range.
  20. Quick scenario, unless he was seen tampering with his card how can he be found guilty? That scorecard will pass through many hand during the course of the day and subsequently once handed in. For somebody to take a photo of that card and then post it online shows that there are people working behind the scenes who don't like the guy. Just a thought.
  21. I'd apply, if they come back with keep your nose clean for another 2 years at least you know where you stand. Your fee will be returned.
  22. Traded mine after 6 months, very lively and quick. On the clays I was missing so much in front it just went. Try and use one 1st and make up your own mind. For the same money you will get a very nice G5 Miroku!
  23. On high bird shoots you don't see the pickers up they can be up to a kilometre behind watching whats getting hit and marking them as they come down in front of them. At the end of the drive they then work back towards the pegs very similar to grouse days. Not unusual to have over 40 dogs out picking up on these days to make sure they pick as many as possible. When the guns are paying up to £60 a bird they don't want too many going unpicked. As for the shooting, the standard was set before Jacko started shooting, if that is what the team had decided was sporting and they were going to shoot then Jacko was left with no option to join in. A word of advice Jacko if you go on future shoots with different teams please don't think this is the usual standard of a driven shoot and the expectations of other guns will not be you shooting birds at that height. The easiest rule of thumb is set your standard to try and shoot the highest bird that you think you can kill, and not go for the easiest one you know you can't miss.
  24. The punishment has been appealed, and the results of the appeal will be announced in January at the next meeting.
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