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Everything posted by RockySpears

  1. Nah! " take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. " RS
  2. As for min. wage/Universal Basic Income there are some pretty good arguments as to why it may, infact, be inevitable. Jordan Peterson (look him up if you need to) has an argument that goes like this: The Defence Services, army, navy, RAF etc etc are always on the lookout for recruits. They will take most any person they can get and train them up. They are very good at training people and are very motivated to get new servicemen and women. Even the military have an IQ minimum for entry, it is set around 83. Below this level, the services vast experience has shown them that people are un-trainable. The number in society with an IQ under this level is very well known from The Bell Curve (look it up if you need to). 10% of society are below 83 IQ. If the army etc cannot train these people, who can? What can they do? My wife called me in to see the telly a couple of weeks back. Some bald, tubby chef was saying how amazing this machine was; what did it do? It planted lettuce, it weeded the rows, it picked the lettuce, it cleaned it and wrapped it in cellophane, ready for the supermarket. If we do not need people to plant and pick lettuce, what can we train them to do? Code? 10% of our population is too stupid to be worth employing (why min. wage is a nonsense, some jobs just are not worth £10 per hour) !! The implications are astonishiing, Universal Baasic Income may well be inevitable, RS It makes our Law. It takes our cash. It controls our immigration. It Lords it over every minutiae of our lives. It is Government with knobs on. That's what it is, RS
  3. The Brexit Party will not participate in a GE, it is purely a tool to annoy the EU by cluttering up their nice cosy EU Parliament with people who oppose the EU. RS
  4. The piece's identification fo the new "duality" in everything is most thought provoking. There are now only two side to any disussion, "You are either with us, or against us". From the GLs to no shooting birds, Leave or Remain, Climat Change or Denial, Trump or Never Trump, etc etc We have lost the art of discussion in every aspect of our lives, all over the World. We self-censure ourselves so that we don't say anything that could be construed as "Hate Speech". At work, I know what I can and can't say on any given topic. This total lack of talking without shouting by all concerned is bad for us all, in every aspect of our lives. The end result of all this is not going to be good, not for any of us, RS
  5. It still says " where reasonable steps to prevent predation by lawful methods have been and continue to be taken. " I thought this was going to be the sticky bit? How can you show you have taken such steps? Is it you or the farmer that must show such steps have been taken? They even list "non-lethal methods" one of which is " •Shooting to scare is a highly effective method, especially when combined with other techniques. No licence is required for non-lethal shooting to scare birds. " So how do you show you have walked around "Not Shooting AT the crows" and it did not work? Looks like a bit of a legal nightmare if Packham types want to take you to court to test it, RS
  6. Use copy and paste of the url https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/carrion-crows-licence-to-kill-or-take-them-gl26 to get to the web site, not sure why it goes to the top of the page, RS
  7. Feel-good happy Hatsan stories, low priced guns with seemingly not bad performance. Thanks for all the input, RS
  8. Thanks all for your input, I guess it seems I could take any of the three roots, Hatsan, Stoeger or repurpose my old Winchester Ranger (maybe inspect the barrels every now and then when using steel). If I choose wrongly you'll hear no more about it, if I get it right I shall tell you all how brilliant I am, Cheers, RS
  9. OK, so just to cloud the issue, I was talking at work when I realised I have a Winchester Ranger Model 120, on the barrel it says "Winchester proof steel", this has a 3" chamber, and as it is a pump, it will fire whatever goes in the chamber. It does not take chokes, does take slugs, is currently FAC 5 +1, so need to change that, less than £350? Is this the same as "Steel proofed" ? There is no Fleur de Lys, but it is an older gun, so maybe the stamp was not around then. Thank you once more, RS
  10. ... they also say they will cycle the 70mm 24g, which is what I need for clays, to pracice using the gun. It's supposed to fun and exciting buying a new gun, isn't it? I think I will give them a ring. Mind you, I still need to add RFD to that price too. They also Have the Stoeger M3000 at £425, £75 + RFD more than I can get it here! Cheers, RS
  11. ... Just when you think you are sorted ... Up until 2 hrs ago I was about to get an Escort Magnum Supreme 3 1/2", gas piston. Went in this morning and the gunsmith (not the owner this time) said I would be unlikely to get the clay cartridges to give enough Ooomph to cycle the Hatsan. So he offered up the Stoeger Peregrine M3000, £350 new, chokes, inertia operation and 3yr warranty, should I? From what I can see here, no one has many complaints on Stoeger (unless you buy an air rifle of theirs), Cheers, RS
  12. Hi,

      Just looking to start wildfwling this year.  Don't suppose you are in the North of UK, would love to help with you geese problem 😉

    Thank you,


  13. I've got at least a years gaurantee already so no worries for my first season. Will be clay bashing to get used to the gun itself and cartrige preference, although shooting geese will mean using a hefty load anyway, Good news so far, think I will be busy in the morning, Thank you,
  14. Searches only seem to turn up posts from 2012 or older, so I will ask this afresh. (If mods want to move me to here or there abouts, fine.) I have been offered a new Escort Supreme Max, that's a 3 1/2" chamber, 4 chokes and 1 year warranty (It is an Edgar returns gun but the return reason given is a mark on the stock). All boxed and shiny new - £350. I want it for clays and wildfowl, but really want to cover both as I am not flush with cash. Ok, there have been issues, but people seemed to say things were improving so what is todays opinion? Thank you, RS
  15. If ocean warming, caused by us (or any mechanism) were in action now, then there would have been an increase "in the rate" of increase of sea level rise over and above the whole "leaving an ice age" rate. But, as I posted the graph earlier, there is no increase, so nothing has changed. OR Glaciers are no longer melting, but thermal expansion has now taken over. That was convenient wasn't it? RS
  16. No, not volumes, it is mass that counts. The volume of displaced fluid has a MASS the same as that of the object. The volume displaced is only ever equal the volume of the object when it sinks (hence the Eureka moment when Archimedes worked out how to tell if a crown was made of gold or not by being able to calculate the volume of an irregular object. Having the volume and the weight (mass) meant he could get the density, therefore he could compare the crown's density to the known density of gold). RS
  17. 1 Gallon of water, when frozen, expands. It still weighs the same so the ice is less dense than the unfrozen water, therefore it floats. The amount of an iceberg (the whole of the "floating" Arctic) above the waterline is exactly the amount of this expansion. When it melts, it shrinks into a space the exact size of the displaced water (the bit of the iceberg below the waterline) so there is no rise in the water level at all. You may have heard of the Ice Age, back then Canada was basically under Kilometers of ice (yes, that thick) it melted (along with the glaciers in all the other parts of the world), sea level rose. We are STILL coming out of the Ice Age thank goodness, the seas continue to rise as the Glaciers melt (but it is nothing to do with us, or oil or gas etc etc). Glaciers were retreating long before we burned things in earnest: Sea level rise is a long steady process: Glaciers come and go. It might interest you that the Romans had much smaller glaciers: http://notrickszone.com/2014/10/30/more-glacier-studies-confirm-roman-and-medieval-warm-periods-were-just-as-warm-as-today/ RS
  18. 16Gb!, that is only 4 dvds worrth of data, just burn a few copies, they cost pennies and will likely out-last you by many years. You could even burm to blue ray, they take 25Gb each and cost maybe £1 a piece. Every 10 years or so you can sit down with your pile and move them to the latest and greatest system. RS
  19. My wife has this most every time a new laptop is required. Is the non-Hotmail address for a Domain (the bit after the @ symbol in an email address) that you own and have hosted by someone? eg yourname@yourcompany.co.uk (yourcompany.co.uk is the domain) Whereever you have your domain hosted would seem be the issue. A simple thing is to try and "WebMail" your domain. You can do this from ANY PC, ANYWHERE (maybe not China). Type into the address bar in your web browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome etc etc) WebMail.yourdomain you should be prompted for your username and password. If this works fine for those times when you are having an issue, it is more likely your OutLook set up or your PC that is the issue. There is normally a support package attached to the mail hosting, so you can contact them. Apologies if none of this helps, but you never know, RS PS Others may want to try the webmail command for their hosted service, I have found it very useful in times of need and no personal hardware with me (even my company has this for my company email system).
  20. The pollution level in comparison to what? Beijing? Calcutta? 10 years ago, 150 years ago? All UK air is clean as a whistle even the city centers, the air is "less clean" than the South Downs or Highlands perhaps, but it is still damn clean. Emissions have dropped by 97% for some pollutants and over 60% for most since 1970: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/778483/Emissions_of_air_pollutants_1990_2017.pdf Don't believe all the Hype currently abounding over 40,000 deaths a year from "Bad air" in the UK. Do some maths. if it was only 40,000 in 1970 as well (despite the hugely higher levels) you are talking 50 years x 40,000 = 2 million people dying from air pollution (but more like 3 or 4 million due to increased levels). Maybe the coroners of the UK would have noticed, you think? RS
  21. Put the amount you want to save in a tin. When you have enough (about£120-130 currently) go buy a 1/2 sovereign. It is actual money and free of any taxes at all, RS
  22. Don't think you can do that unless she has one for another country too. I believe that it is illegal under international law to leave a citizen "Stateless" by revoking a passport. I do not want her return either. It will cost us regardless of what happens when she gets here. I suspect it is already costing us for the Civil Servants looking into the case, RS
  23. You tthink a company that burned through $3 billion in 2018 (and has made a loss for the last 4 years) is a model you want to follow?: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/17/netflix-says-its-cash-burn-will-peak-this-year-then-go-down.html I have no love for the BBC, but thinking that Netflix is a good example for a company is ridiculous. Like many huge Tech companies (Tesla, Amazon), Netflix is a loss making behemoth. Just because their name is up in lights does not mean they are a good company, RS
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