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Everything posted by AYA117

  1. Oh ok ! Thank you, it is a lovely gun and as light as a feather.
  2. Just checked the Trade label in the case and it is the same address. ?
  3. you do have some very interesting cartridges,please show us more. I have a W.R.Pape 20 bore,that I have had for years,think was built around 1910.
  4. Never had that problem with the paper case ones !
  5. They must have been readily available,as the BSA was on the brass. Sellier & Bellot Oh! now there is a good name from the past.I shot o lot of game with the MK11 paper case 1 1/8 oz 5,and almost shot a left and right at woodcock with the 7/8 oz 6 1/2 shot.I say nearly as! shot one woodcock with the right barrel, opened the gun,cartridge ejected,did not have time to reload, closed the gun and shot a woodcock with the left barrel.Only chance I ever had,can remember it like it happened today.
  6. Didn't the Eastern block cartridges have a one piece primer back then ?
  7. Hull Cartridge High Pheasant Extreme 5s they work ! Have been using the 34g fibre 5 recently.
  8. Oh! Well that explains it,Gamebore make all their top cartridges to work in George Digweeds special crafted Perazzi.So in that case we had all better go and buy a different make that is made for all guns! It's a shotgun,not a custom built rifle with hand crafted loads!!!!!
  9. Very true and Hull do the same with their High Pheasant Extreme!! But all the other cartridges are in English shot size, WHY !!!!!!
  10. Discovery TD5,amazing towing vehicle and now not a lot of money,I have a RR P38 diesel for shooting,but think the TD5 is a better towing machine
  11. I am off pigeon shooting tomorrow,wondered about putting the decoys on the other side of the field and taking some fiocchi 3" magnum 3s that I have ,any thoughts !!!!!
  12. Is that the same George Digweed that is on the field sports channel shooting pigeons on a flight line at 70 yards plus and corvids at up to 100 yards,Oh! and the same man that holds the world record for a clay shot at well over 100 yards!!! Wish I had that amount of luck.
  13. I am sure that there is somebody on here that could scientifically prove that an 80 yard pheasant is best shot with an ounce of 9s,in the real world that most of us live in,it will not! Too many armchair shooters me thinks.That should get some replies.
  14. Nobody said he had a problem and what if he did ! Since when has Dyslexia stopped you having a gun ????? I am not saying you do Young guns, this is about the way people are treated and not solely about you,please do not take offence from shaun860 or my coments. Shaun anyone repeatedly the same question more than once and I quote!!!!!!!! enough said?
  15. How long have you been shooting ?
  16. If somebody wants to use a high end quality cartridge for their 'special' day who are we to put them down ? A lot of confidence can be gained from using a shell that you 'think' is better than others, what a shame that few of you can remember the excitement of a big day !!!
  17. Why would nobody use them on pigeons ? They are only 50p a box more than High Pheasant extreme that I use for pigeons ! Young guns go and buy some and let us know how they perform.
  18. I have not used them,but have heard nothing but good reports from those that have.
  19. Well I may have been shooting for more years than I care to remember,but I can still remember the excitement of my first cock day !!! And just like you spent ages deciding what 'special' cartridge I would take on that day.I am afraid it is too long ago to remember what I chose.Ask as many questions as you like,we were all in your shoes once and you are the future of our sport. I get on very well with Hull High Pheasant Extreme 32g 5 I hope you have a good day and find a cartridge that YOU are happy with
  20. I believe the US has the same law as us ! In that a dealer can only ship to another dealer and not a private person. Any pressure part of a firearm requires a licence,but as said an unchambered rifled barrel is just a tube of metal and does not require a licence.
  21. With a 25 shot mag and stingers !!!!
  22. I have used the 32 and 36 gram loads and they are very good,not a lot different than lead ! Expensive yes ,but you often get what you pay for !!!!
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