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Everything posted by AYA117

  1. Flatcoat called Raven, named all my dogs after birds, so far had Drake,Snipe,Teal, Merlin and now Raven
  2. Had a 10/22 for about 25 years and if you keep it clean it will never let you down,oh and yes it will really eat the ammo if you let it !
  3. True,I have about 20 slabs in these and having a very old house they work well,no more powder residue in barrels from shells that have got damp ! No I do not live in a cave,but do find the woodburners pull in a lot of moisture from outside.
  4. To check eye dominance just point at something with both eyes open,then close one eye and then the other,the eye that is still looking down your finger is the dominant one. that is close one eye at a time not one and then the other,or they will both be closed! if both closed and you can still see seek medical advice haha
  5. I have been using these for over a year now and they are great ! They have a seal in the lid to keep out moisture and are very rugged,priced at £15.60 for the 250 cartridge size,they are also available in 500 cart.size.I now have lots of them and store all my cartridges in them.Available from Tim Hannam Reloading.
  6. 1 1/ 4 oz (36g) No. 4 is a very good round for corvids,I use a lot of them !
  7. I fear the end will come and in true central gov. tradition it come in a completely irrational knee jerk form and probably ban the rearing of 'wild'game,I hope not but can you really see it not happening ? Either people in the 'sport' change it from within (No chance ,as too much money involved) or it is changed for us !
  8. Rottweil Tiger are very very good,unfortunately they ceased production this year,if you find some then buy them,I have about 400 and will hold on to them for when they are needed
  9. Shooting has always been an industry, hell wildfowling was the original 'industry' with ur commercial punt gunners and boys operating the nets. Quote ! And what did they do to stop 'market gunning' for Geese........................They banned the selling of wild geese !!!!!!
  10. Many people swear by black gold,including Mr Digweed.I tried some 3 weeks ago and gave 200 away after that experience,that is just me and I ain't no Mr Digweed
  11. They may have got better ! I tried them years ago and really did not get on with them.Came to the conclusion that they should be called clear off pigeon.Changed to Winchester Western,Oh how I wish you could still buy them.
  12. I would go with Hull High Pheasant if you want 2 1/2" or High Pheasant Extreme for 2 3/4" in 5's I am sure there will be many answers to this and all are correct ! If not there would only be one cartridge manufacturer,
  13. hmmm ! 30 cal...... 300 win.mag is included in that.Now that that kills them very dead !!!!
  14. The answer I fear will not come from us,but the answer will one day come ! With the same amount of people wanting to shoot driven game,can you imagine what the per bird price would be if for example there was a maximum 200 birds a day ?
  15. Only four guns ? Hope all of you that wrote a list do not hear from your local Police asking why you have more,if you only need four :-)
  16. Can you really not see that this is different ? Pheasants and Partridges are only bred to be shot ! What other reason is there ? If a WILD pigeon,rabbit,Canada goose is wasted then that is equally wrong.But we are talking about hundreds of the same species being shot in the knowledge that at the end of the day they will be burnt or buried !!!! Just for reference,I have shot for over 40 years and that includes all forms of our beloved 'sport' apart from Grouse !
  17. How as 'Sportsmen' can we ever defend such practices ? It is not the fault of the guns,the keeper,shoot owner etc. It is the fault of every member of the shooting day,anyone with any knowledge of shooting will know that no shoot can sell 2,500 birds or more a week ! It is very sad to see our beloved 'sport' slowly destroyed by those for who a profit is more important than ethics. Just realised we buy a days shooting in birds, a 200 bird day etc. and at the end of the day count them in brace !
  18. I was not sure where to post this,so please move if required.
  19. No none,it will shoot sub 1" groups at 100 yards from a bench,that was with Federal 140gr
  20. Malmo guns are the importers ! http://www.malmoguns.com/cheddite-cartridges/
  21. Looks like a call to Just Cartridges is on the cards for me then
  22. Had mossbergs in the past and never had a problem with them, if I had need of a pump action again it would be a Mossberg every time !
  23. I would love a 7x57 12 bore combination,I do have a .243 12 bore combination and a Ruger No.1 7x57 to combine the two would make a very good desert island survival gun.
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