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.20 Hunter

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Everything posted by .20 Hunter

  1. Ive used Fortis clothing for years . As a airgun hunter. Its never let me down . Its certainly made to last .
  2. I use HW100SK, cal .20 awesome for Rabbits. And wood pigeons. Depends how much you want to spend .
  3. Personally, if your after a total user friendly calibre. Get a .20, reason is because,thete is only one head size. Unlike 177 or 22. Limited pellet choice too, but never known a .20 pellet not to be liked by any .20 barrel. Gun choices are either HW100 , HW110 and Daystate Regal, there is wait for the .20 but well worth the wait.
  4. I’d say, get a 300 bar 3ltr. There is no way, you will be able to shoot properly within ten mins using a pump. Or buy a FAC springer, and use that. Self contained. No messing about with pumps, and dive bottles needed.
  5. You could get a HW99s, light weight very pointable perfect for what your looking for. I see you are sorted. That would have been a option.
  6. Have you thought about, getting a FAC Air Rifle ? Safer than rimmies. And you ranges you are shooting, fac air is no problem. You could get, a 30ftlb FX or something be well away.And not have to worry, about where is the shot going if i miss. Just thought, id give another option.
  7. Save up a extra £45 or so and buy a HW99s. Best springer you will buy for the price.
  8. Personally, you should go to a shop and shoulder them. If you can, try them gunshop range. Buy what feels right for you, yeah sure I could bang on about, my HW100sk. How great it is. However it might not feel comfortable to other shooters. If your wanting a friendly user cal .20 is the one to go for. Only one pellet head size, and a range of about 5 different pellets you can try. Unlike 177, 450,451,452,453. And a JSB for example make all these. That is just one pellet manufacturer. Hope this makes sense. gun choice though is limited on the .20 HW100 range, or Daystate Regal. Both great guns.
  9. I would put the Lightstream up against, your Hawke no trouble.
  10. If your wanting something for low light. I feel you will struggle, using a Hawke.
  11. I use a Light Stream, Sadly discontinued. With a high price tag, over 400 I’m able to use it in low light, without any trouble whatsoever. Also love the first focal plane. Desent glass too. If you can find a second hand one worth a look. your asking what people are using. Trouble is once you look through a decent scope. You will be wanting one.
  12. Personally, I'd go to Daystate. to get the o rings sorted. They do use lock tight, so you could cause more harm than good. Failing that Staffordshire custom rifles. Airgun centre maybe able to help or Ronniesunshines. Good luck getting it sorted.
  13. Personally I'd give both a miss, buy fortis clothing. Around same price but made in the uk.
  14. What gun would you get. If your heading down the Hw100 route you will have a three month wait. Personally try one out first, to see what you think. I wanted a change from 177 but always a .20 so sod it I made the change and have had no regrets. Just the same aim points as 177 just harder hitting
  15. I go for Grubs, they are warm, and last well. Look at uttings for the best price
  16. I use a Venom Strike, made by night master, fantastic light. Highly recommend.
  17. I'm very surprised it doesn't state the minimum, yardage or metre. All Range Finders state that, for some reason Sig Sauer don't. I'm great for people on here that have one. To give me details, Im after
  18. Thanks lads, Anything else I should be aware of? fister I'm not needing it anything over 70 Yards and that's pushing it.
  19. Does it work well in low light too? where did you get it from? Sorry for the questions. It looks really good from what I'm reading.
  20. Anyone on here got the Rangefinder kilo 2000 made by sig? I'm after information, what is the minimum range ? It's for Airgun use but it could fit my needs very very well.
  21. I've had a look at the Ogdens I don't know anything about them. Full leather I don't need it to be honest. I was looking at spending around 150 on a case, but for not much more I can get a custom thing made up. So it's a thing of is it worth spending the extra £75. I'm very happy with my Croots game bag so that why I'm thinking of a gun case in Canvas. Wanting people's thoughts on there products, The man above seems very happy, as do others. Thinking about a side pocket on the outside if they would do it. Have any of the above got one with a zip pocket, on the outside ?
  22. Cheers for your views guys, I'm still thinking hard. I had a look at one today, I thought it was very well made to be honest. I use a croots game bag and I love it. They offer made to measure service so I might well go for it.
  23. If you can find a second hand Light Stream that would be worth looking at. I use one which I bought from new. Sadly no longer made 4.5-14x44 fantastic in low light. Nearest I can think would be Leupold or March optics but March are three times the price of your budget sadly. Popular with the HFT Airgun boys so I gather
  24. HW100SK awesome guns price include, two mags And silencer. No extra expense needed.
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