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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. just to be on the safe side lining the government up and jabbing all of them first would be a good idea
  2. not decides it’s not like you can change your mind once jabbed
  3. exactly why i am having second thoughts we are talking the government here known liars
  4. clangerman


    lockdown was the solution wasted the fact we are a island tier system is just token gesture to keep people quite
  5. it’s called shoot politics one of the beaters will explain it to you try not to laugh
  6. at 71 million it’s more our rocket than theirs probably have a job to land with laughing at us mugs handing out cash to everyone but our own country’s needs
  7. don’t know what the surprise is entire economy is based on the greedy feeding of the needy as usual those at the bottom will suffer most
  8. hope he’s ok thought i would get my own parking space at the hospital when mine were growing up
  9. it’s all far to complex registering for online stuff what scammer in their right mind wants to pay MY gas bill ridiculous
  10. definitely the wrong face to show joe public and annoying you have to sift out this sort of rubbish on u tube to find grass roots boys videos the ones we should be promoting
  11. told my brother at the time brexit will just see another name for people sucking at the tax payers teat and here we are surprise surprise
  12. slackman is about the only thing more dishonest than a politician having anything to do with him is asking to get set up
  13. much as we moan about it earning the day with every thing from getting the perm to reccying for the hide spot and flightline is what gives the satisfaction in chasing woodies some things you can’t buy
  14. the one who killed over the fb insults was 15 that’s a kid
  15. lost count of the amount of murders in our town just few that stand out one killed over fb insults one stabbed to death over 20p another killed with a claw hammer over a girl we are way way way past talking to people like this
  16. can’t see the fuss when even avery tells his idiots to shoot them in the garden anyone asks me for pheasant they get shot on the ground or flying
  17. no excuse to pay these blood suckers if you can spare time to shoot you can spare time to find a perm
  18. sooner we start cutting the hands of thieves the better if they can’t pick stuff up they can’t steal anything
  19. 99s have a galling issue even with the anti galling strip fitted I had one do it straight out of the box turned out linkage rivet was to tight i would increase the budget and buy something decent even if it’s second hand
  20. it’s about the greed of both after money all it leads to is bad press for us and hogging the perms by so called guides charging the desperate to shoot very little
  21. what do people expect from these rats their parents have no standards so they have none it’s been me myself and stuff everyone else in society since at least the seventies
  22. lack of education is what happens when you have to work because one of your parents has cancer and compared to your advice to stay at home saving petrol my comment is a decoying novel mate
  23. with the frost few more have joined some taking acorns on edge of the rape watching today some were definitely now pecking at the rape with the acorns past their best
  24. pigeon shooting is like sex beg steal or borrow for it but never pay
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