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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. i have dealt with someone putting hands on a female family member i know the difference between help and interfering behind peoples backs
  2. bang on the money one of the ex in-laws has died without ever holding their great grand child other one crys in the window watching him play in the park opposite unless asked stay OUT of other peoples business
  3. i get the point grateful I still wake up in the morning myself now funerals are a main social event still the grubs free
  4. as a grand parent i would rather be around for my grandson a bit longer than risk him losing me just for one day
  5. cheap but true if someone as irresponsible as me can refrain from causing the death of others so can everyone else grand dad will not thank anyone if he snuffs it especially this one
  6. obviously the most popular gift this year will be covid 19 nothing like killing a family member to get the message across
  7. local council yesterday reported our unis now FOUR times the national infection rate CONFIRMED a rise week on week
  8. anyone endangering lives deserve everything they get
  9. was getting worried about your point for a mo funny enough my pigeon man told me this morning one of his free sources of birds is now selling them so good news but not for him
  10. i don’t care if people pay ten grand or ten bob its your responsibility as a sportsman to at least know the bag is used properly if you wish to simply walking away because you have paid shoot clays
  11. two horse four horse yet to see ANY of them worth a vote or make me better of
  12. i’m a fan carve pumpkins for all the windows and such but this year front gates will be locked it’s madness to allow it
  13. waited waited bit longer waited a lot longer and STILL waiting HOW long does it take to walk out of a door lol
  14. i see from the papers trick or treat is still ok the madness continues a new high in irresponsible
  15. never knew how good it was until gone i would not walk through the village with a 12 bore on my arm now and i have a license these days
  16. glad you know how bad it is half the problem is current pc climate how can you investigate when any enquiries are meet with claims of discrimination or racism it’s ridiculous
  17. my daughter now runs the benefits team if i told you how much fraud is taking place we would have riots
  18. said what? loathsome as they are blaming dead beat parents IS making excuses primary concern should be feeding these kids my dinner certainly won’t taste the same tonight
  19. when we are done making excuses maybe someone will explain HOW a child makes a parent buy food i am all ears
  20. the ads are so annoying I treat them as a reminder to NEVER buy their product
  21. what the parents do is no excuse not to feed these kids if doris and his fat over fed cronies collected the MILLIONS in unpaid maintenance a bill that YOU are now paying all of them could eat after failing the children of this country least we can do is chuck them the bone of a meal
  22. i married one lol paid me £5.00 a week to feed and clothe TWO kids tax payers are getting stung for MILLIONS thanks to deadbeat parents
  23. as the keeper who trains dogs and sources mine says everyone’s a expert until you see their dog in action
  24. spot on hopefully these so called normal people will only cause the deaths of their own family members
  25. all dogs are different clanger would obey with a scold present pup couldn’t care less for a scold had to up and up it to a LIGHT tap on the nose plus a loud no to stop her nipping or she would still be doing it you have to use what it takes for each dog or you could ruin a soft one or fail with a strong one
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