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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. talent or not the famous taking drugs sets the example that leads to kids becoming junkies anyone famous taking the filth needs to made a nobody in very short order
  2. shooting on a wooded hillside company thought i was a cracking shot never let on most of them were from shooting at a bird ten feet in front of the ones i was dropping
  3. worst one is when they stall pulling away at traffic lights by time they get going it’s red again
  4. another step closer to the end at this rate only ones left with firearms will be the criminals
  5. both daughter and son-in-law have worked since day one of corvid so that excuse won’t wash only thing stopping education of a child is lack of will
  6. grand childs education soared having one to one at home if children didn’t get a education when of it’s the parents fault
  7. very few feeding this afternoon most preferred catching the sun i see a move onto the ivy before the rape with no pressure to feed looks like a long wait this year
  8. you lot should try living here this sort of thing goes on all the time hot bed for lunatics and criminals encouraged by our lefty council loons now our unis are giving students kits to test their drugs are safe to take unless your child is looking for a degree in being a junkie best avoid sending them here
  9. with you so keen jacko wouldn’t want to be a pigeon on your perm glad i opted for the dummy method today having none of my pattern
  10. that’s what you are looking at thanks to doris idiot would have be untouchable had he just left as promised
  11. i went today expecting to blank wasn’t disappointed and used dead birds need some cold weather or the acorns to run out back to watching and waiting glad i give farmers good scotch for this game
  12. i will be disappointed if they do my money is for them not some greedy funeral scam everyone involved in funerals has their hand out
  13. only set up if they keep coming caught to many times feeding under the oaks are making them very twitchy so definitely not going to set up in a hurry
  14. i’m using the dummy method tomorrow decoys out first and watch from the landy to confirm i’m wasting my time
  15. ssssh your not meant to let on the entire world is a market waiting to take our money you have to pretend only option is the eu corner shop lol
  16. why give anyone the chance to rip you of with a funeral told the kids to take the cash and chuck me in the nearest skip
  17. i know it’s going to be the in thing to give grand parents covid for christmas but i rather have some socks so won’t be going for dinner
  18. thats what the buzzard shown so fresh it could fly is supposed to make you think anyone who can prove the video is anything but a BIRD of some description being shot kent police are all ears
  19. when you pull up in a filthy landy full of empty’s feathers and smelly gundog your half way to getting the perm
  20. the sick look on the face of doris will be worth it only a fool fails to recognise the rare occasions you can’t defy voters and this is one of them
  21. doris can sign all the deals he wants to sabotage us leaving but come election time if we are still tied to the eu voters will have tories out the door so fast they won’t have time to pack a tooth brush
  22. i actually feel sorry for them when your parent or two parents if one didn’t jog of on you failed to teach you respect or morals your not going to have any
  23. same reason we have given away 21 million country is run by first class idiots
  24. biggest difference will be the price of electricity once they have us all trapped in electric cars first thing you will hear is electricity has to increase in price because cars are now electric followed by as many price hikes as they can get away with as usual all about the money not the planet
  25. why enjoy the world fighting to sell us goods and services when we can have the misery of still being tied to the eu with a deal voting to leave was a waste of time sold out by the gov yet again
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