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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. i don’t know why anyone would champion steel when everyone knows the truth about it the second they pull the trigger it’s rubbish pure and simple
  2. trust me one of those is a plus i married a piece of rubbish so i took everything from the kids to the cars left her with nothing but a tv she was sick as a parrot chin up mate it’s all upwards from the bottom
  3. good bags there pc nice job your reports keep us mere mortals going hope they return soon
  4. if there is anyone who hasn’t held their hand out to the tax payer yet best get a move on before the country is bankrupt lol
  5. binned the steel stocked piled a obscene amount of lead and will be adding to it the people quoted obviously don’t shoot real pigeons a t**d will break a clay steel is rubbish!
  6. most older friends have had problems switch to a semi auto you won’t even know you fired a slab of carts plus you get a third shot
  7. hoist the flags a man who shares my views this country’s ills all stem from the dead beat selfish parenting present today give that man a medal
  8. clangerman


    give it a week before some poor old pensioner is mowed of the pavement by one department of stupid ideas is obviously alive and well
  9. until the local rfds learn what good customer service is my money continues to go elsewhere
  10. who needs tree huggers our OWN organisations done a U turn and sold us out on lead let’s have the blame where it belongs
  11. we should crowd fund to take action against the so called shooting organisations who claim to protect shooting and our interests thanks to them we are done for
  12. my avon perms do best wiltshire ones come second somerset third but numbers are down on all of them so far this year
  13. funny enough watching how hard people have it right now on the local htv news food banks local pub helping out hopefully the bill for the covid mess will force a proper clamp down on anyone who abuses the system or refuses to pay for their own kids
  14. back in the civil world i married a dead beat parent despite me working full time her short fall was paid by every tax payer in the country because the child support agency have to take the lies dead beat parents tell to avoid paying at face value is me being angry tax payers are being ripped of make me stupid? judge for your self it’s YOUR money!
  15. most have fell backwards at some point in their life trumps claim just how stupid he thinks people are if he thinks they will swallow his bs on this one
  16. we need regardless of cost to make dead beat parents pay to feed and clothe their kids to set the example that if you refuse to pay we will make you pay the government could easily make them pay up but they are letting the tax payer pick up the bill because it’s easier for them
  17. nothing wrong with the police SOME do a outstanding job problem is they hire some idiots who should never be given a firearm or a badge
  18. probably some who needed to be fired were jumping before they are pushed
  19. so am i you can get choked to death by the police shot by them when your unarmed or tazered when your clearly complying
  20. don’t think i imagined we just had riots and statues pulled down we ARE in the mess
  21. how can he be a threat he’s alone for one outnumbered by about twenty full armed cops the biggest danger is to those they stop we are in this mess because they keep killing people out of hand
  22. not really you don’t plan on having kids with a piece of rubbish 153 million out standing in child support so WE are paying to feed and clothe these kids
  23. bang on the money we should start with collecting the millions and millions of pounds outstanding from dead beat parents who saddle the rest of us with THEIR bills
  24. that is the slowest moving riot i ever seen then if a 75yr old pensioner is any threat to a hoard of riot police they need to resign if this your grand father would you be ok he’s ended up in that state
  25. how in any way shape or form is shoving a old age pensioner to the ground a accident what sort of sicko leaves someone old unconscious and bleeding on the floor no wonder we have riots
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