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Everything posted by Minky

  1. The above is correct and I agree BUT this is not what I was told by a FEO.. "they make it up as they go along" the feo told me directly that he needed to see that I had a USE FOR AND ACTIVELY USED THE GUNS ON MY CERT FOR HIM TO PASS THEM . This is just a bullying process for people to give up weapons and certificates. But it appears to be a widespread practice. So best you start a crusade to stop this personal sort of interpretation of the law. This isn't the first feo to tell me a load of nonsense. A previous feo told me. AND OTHERS, that if you reload fac ammunition that you are required to enter that ammunition that the individual had reloaded onto their certificate. This feo had to be wheeled in and advised that his interpretation was not correct and that he was to cease telling people to do this. He was swept out soon after this.
  2. There is an important point here. Soon you WILL have to shoot without lead or plastic. this will mean that will have no option other than to scrap these old guns or to have them disabled and get a proof cert . you won't be able to just hold onto them as museum pieces. you now have to show regular use of weapons. Using non toxic type ammunition. You can blame basc for that one
  3. I would have thought that all of these guns would be able to shoot steel. They are so cheap that so that if the steel shot scratches the bores, so what. When they get a bit worn which will be a lot of shots scrap it and get another. In the past people didn't worry about barrels. My grandfather shot nitro grand prix through a barrel which was only black powder proofed when it was new. It was only a cheap Damascus barrelled 16 bore back action hammer where the barrel wall was so thin that the barrel could have been used as a wad cutter.! Another bloke that I used to shoot with had a Braendlin arms boxlock n/e which had fallen off of the tractor into the finger mower which had pinched into the DAMASCUS barrel and made a hole in it. YEARS AGO the local garage just put a lump of rod down the barrel and beaten the barrel back out then just braised it up. My mate used this as a wet gun and it shot very well. You knew the sound of the gun.
  4. A few pictures of the AyA #4 that I retrieved from the scrap pile headed for the chopper. This has got to be some sort of crime to scrap stuff like this. I did chop in an a very clattery AyA in place of this one to keep the guns on ticket the same amount. I hated to do that but hey Ho. edit. I forgot, the stocks go in the wood burner.
  5. Hahaha. Father in law was a meat & 2veg sort of bloke. "I'll not eat that foreign muck.
  6. When i was a young bloke that wanted a gun it was classed as a tool to do a job. Nowadays the few people entering the sport seèm to buy stuff as a status symbol. These people dont seem to stay in the sport very long and You get guns that are for sale that haven't done anything. If you put the tags back on them you would think that it was brand new. Edit. I read somewhere that Holts are now being somewhat selective and not admitting anything old // single barrel because they just don't sell.
  7. I found it a very sad thing to be confronted with a large stack of guns which at some time had been someones pride and joy but all now headed for the bin. No different to going to a dogs home and you can only take one home and the rest that you leave behind are going for the chop. When you handle guns it's a bit like dealing with different people. Some you like and some you don't. I was given 4 no.4s to look at and I chose the first one that I was given. BUT what about the ones that were left behind in the pile. This is where the shooting orgs are falling by the wayside. There's very few people coming into the sport and all of us are getting older and fewer. Still one day they will regret this when they get their p45s because there are no members left. I'll post a picture of the # 4
  8. There's no way that they would entertain the idea of you even looking at guns. They wouldn't even talk to you about anything like this. It is their mission to reduce guns in public ownership to ZERO. NOT TO START HANDING GUNS OUT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC.
  9. I have just done this. A few months ago I bought two single barrel 12g for £13 yep 13. You buy one yer get one free from holts. one was an AyA cosmos that looked as if it had just been carried over someones arm and the other one was a Bridgwater arms sb 12G. Neither of them are financially great value but they are what they are and both are in like new condition. The Bridgewater is an odd gun. A bit odd in its way of operation. One of those things that somehow missed its intended market. Recently I rescued a very nice AyA #4 for myself and I bought a Laurona 20G boxlock ejector for one of the son in laws. It is a very sad situation that guns like these are being scrapped or exported. There wasn't anything wrong with either of these guns and I dusted the first pair with the #4 which was a good start. The son in law took the Laurona to a pheasant and partridge driven day. He was the only gun that was a sbs. He had a super day and the other guns complimented him on his shooting. It's such a shame and it's part of out engineering history that is being discarded. Its about the same as scrapping all of the old steam engines etc etc. Yep I've got the Browning and the Berretas and I shoot well with them but it's more fun to salvage something condemned to the scrap bin. Edit. What I find exasperating is that people like our so called shooting organisations don't stand up for the general sport shooter. What they don't seem to get is that it's getting towards the point of collapse what with all of the new hoops to jump through and the massive cost jumps in everything. We are all getting older and there aren't many youngsters coming through.
  10. Son in law has just bought off of Bay a short lock box/ cabinet made by BOXX.. It is like a std travel case but made out of steel just like a gun cabinet. There is a slot in each end for the barrel one end and the other end for the stock. It is solidly built, It could be attached to anywhere for quick access or overnight storage or even in a vehicle if it was shackled to the structure. Anyone got one or have used one. they don't seem to be on sale now or we are looking in the wrong places. It would be ideal if you had a gun in the car and had to go into a shop or even at the after shoot dinner
  11. Minky

    Holidays 2025

    I'm not really worried about where you end up but in your original starting post you stated ...Don’t bother with UK destinations I need sun 🌞 So most of the replies have suggested somewhere in the UK. SO what have you gleaned from the replies.?
  12. Minky

    Holidays 2025

    Where's Red Carp.? Has he fallen down a hole.
  13. Usual nonsense. It's like when they have a weapons amnesty. They show a pile of general rubbish like clapped out air rifles and stuff that the general public THINK are required to be handed in. The way that it is reported is just the usual Ill informed stuff. It's not as if they've had half a dozen sub machine guns and ten thousand rounds handed in. Public propaganda. A box ticking exercise. OK the bloke is some sort of freak that goes down the local pub bragging about how he's got loads of guns and stuff. The clowns. Toy guns like video hand controllers Still the records show that wrong doing is being tackled by the force. We'd have to advise the Mrs to list and justify why she's/ we have got several carving knives. AND numerous other knives mounted in a wooden block. In fact she might have To go on a knife awareness and security course. Maybe an aproved steel cabinet with security locks and a usage register to show that there is need.! I suppose that the garden tools could come in this as well. I've got a well worn Borden fork that would be a lethal weapon. And I've got a few bricks down the garden .
  14. Minky

    Holidays 2025

    It appears that the majority of posters never read that bit. When do you think that you would like to go away. We've been to most places. I quite like Costa Adeji Tenerife or Funchal Maderia. Various cruises. But everyone is different in what they like. I worked with a bloke who loved America and he loved to drive. He wanted to drive at least 3000 miles. If he hadn't driven the 3000 miles he'd drive round the car park a few times... odd bloke. There was a mate who worked very hard and worked all sorts of shifts. He holidayed to an all inclusive on Lansarote. He never went out of the hotel site. He just wanted to laze in the sun. He didn't want to talk to anyone, he wasn't interested in hotel entertainment. Total relaxation. One holiday we went on there was a couple who had been to the same hotel room for 12 years. He and his Mrs just sat under a parasol and read books. I asked him where the bus stop was to go into town. He said that he didn't know because they never been into the local town.! So what do you want from your holiday.? Is it just for you and the Mrs or do you want to take the kids with you.?
  15. Man's inhumanity to man. I watched a documentary about the Das Reich brigade. cruelty and sheer murder of the people. Most of these murderers were wiped out a few weeks later.
  16. I don't think that he will ever see the light of day.
  17. The problem with capital Punishment is that it is only a revenge tool. Because the tens of thousands of executions haven't had the desired effect of stopping people killing other people. Edit. Personally I'm glad that there is no death penalty because that event would be over and done with fairly quickly. Whereas the sentence he has been given will mean that it will sink in that he, has nothing, will never be anything, and he is living a Zombie existence where he will always be at risk of personal violence. The cost of controlling him is as nothing.
  18. Pigeons fly from the roost area to a feed field. Hopefully ou can set up on the field that THEY want to be on. Find a spot where you can see them as they approach on a flight line or preferably two or more lines. Decide whether you want to stand or sit and make a hide. It doesn't have to be a fortress. But set out a FEW DECOYS to start with IF THERE IS NO INTEREST move somewhere else and have a look at where they Are going. That's why I don't spend too much time on setting up. It's a situation of once now and again that it comes together. The birds might be on a part of a field in the morning one day and not the next. I find that if I find birds on a field I walk them off and quickly (10 mins) set up. If that place shows promise birds will sometimes come back in to the pattern even as you are putting decoys out. If nothing comes in move again. Quite often small packs might come in flying round like moths. It can be confusing to select a target. Try to concentrate and take one birds a time. Ideally you want individual birds or pairs to come in. It is difficult to advise someone because no situation is the same. If there is a tree on the line it can be good to set up about 20 ... 30 paces away. This gives you an ability to see birds coming in to sit up and shoot coming in or sitting or flying away. If you set up under a tree you won't see them at all. Lots of permutations. AND the most important thing is to keep still and wait until the bird comits to landing and then bonk.! Edit. Dot worry about shooting and scaring birds off. The more that you shoot the more that you are likely to stir birds up that have gone to sit up in trees. 5hen they mass up and either come in in big numbers or fly off somewhere else. They only know where they were feeding and where their mates might be. You want them to come in a steady stream of ones and twos not fifty or sixty. Shoot reload, shoot reload. Stuff like rotaries can be very good one day and bad another. Its like some say only use real pigeons but I prefer decoys. The best decoy effect that I have ever seen was a mate who had an amount of flimsy abs shells that looked nothing like a real pigeon..but 5he slightest breeze mad ⚄ move. 5he real pigeons flew straight over the top of my pattern and landed alongside his and were wandering about among his decoys lo9king fo what they were eating. If you have got loads of pigeon sitting up in surrounding woods, get some bangers set up in the woods. Keep them on the move. If they're sitting up in trees they ain't showing over your gun and you can't shot them if they don't come in.!
  19. Yep, we've got a whole rack of murder weapons out in the kitchen. Yep and seen to be doing something. Even though it is completely irrelevant. Don't forget her sidekick .. kami quasi. You know, the bloke who enjoyed a big crash.! Even if there was only blunt ,,, no point knives, how long would it take rub it up and down a brick wall to grind a point.? when I was at school, there was an enterprising lad who used to put 6 inch nails on the railway lines at the level crossing. This made rough knife blades which he hand finnished and sold to other lads. It only needs a few grey cells. And if lads were going to be stop searched , would they be charged with having a pair of football socks in their rucksack bag.? What about a bit of plastic waste pipe about 10 inches long. I won't explain the last part required. part of a very dangerous lethal weapon made out of totally innocent things. The variations are only restricted by the mind.
  20. I've got a 325 g5 lovely gun... bump
  21. How many times have I setup only to faìl. I recon that I have a good day about 1 out of 10 trips. The wind changes direction, The pigeons don't want your field even though they did yesterday. They are just fixated with flying straight on right over your immaculate pattern into the distance. I've even come out of the hide and watched the birds with binoculars to see where they are going. I've had them flit over the hedge from behind and land 10 feet away. Suddenly the penny drops and in an expĺosive take off their away. These situations should give an easy shot but I nearly always mis these. Opposed to this are the odd days when it isn't blowing a freezing gale and the birds come In a steady stream looking for the pattern. They can come over the hedge at the other end of the field, a couple of flaps of the flapper and they can set the wings and in they come committed on̈ the approach to the pattern. The tension in the dog that is watching and hopefully waiting for the command and not launching into the hide netting and ĺanding in a tangled struggling ball out front. The times when I've been sitting completely and utterly concentrated on the horizon and bringing the gun to the ready only to find that it's not a pigeon coming a field away but a mosquito about six feet away. But going and doing it is addictive.
  22. All of that pales into insignificance in comparison to what's been happening here recently. We've had a mass influx of mint spies lately. They don't last very long and I think that I've managed to get them under control. 👍😁
  23. Ashford Kent used to be busy, big Saturday market cheap parking and free road parking. So the council decided to change the whole lot round. I think that they spent something like 18 million and rearranged everything,. There was a clear ring road that went one way. Nahh. They made it all two way with no white lines. They had the cars and the people all in together. They built an extra new multi story on an open car park and then ramp up the rate to about £3.80 an hour. All the free road parking was made meter parking. The result is that a lot of people don't go there because of the parking cost and trying to navigate the dogem track of the town. the loads of new shops have either moved on closed down or never opened SO the place is a ghost town. Either people shop online or out of town. The main roads were all filled in and made pedestrian but when you look at the pedestrians they don't look like the sort of people who would go into any shops with the intention of paying for any goods that they walked out with. Because the whole lot is no car access zone no one goes there with a car to collect anything that they might buy IF there was anything to buy.
  24. 🤣😄😂 It looks as if Fanny went out with Ma Larkin and slaughtered half a dozen geese, duck and turkeys for Sunday lunch.
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