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Everything posted by Minky

  1. I don't (think)(not sure) that mods have to be on ticket anymore. I'm sure that I read this recently. It always seemed to be nonsense. It's like having to have a sling or bipod on ticket.
  2. Minky

    9 / 11

    It should have come across very well. It shows that you care and have compassion for your fellow man and not an uncaring oaf. They like all that sort of thing.
  3. Minky

    9 / 11

    I was at work and heard about it on the radio. I think that it was vague reporting that it was believed that a lightplane had crashed into the world trade centre. I didn't know what the world trade centre was or anything about it. First reports were a bit sketchy because NO ONE knew what was happening. Everyone at work just carried on their daily work because no one had any idea of the scale of what had happened. It wasn't until I got home and watched the news that the scale and total chaos of the situation was seen. I think that the worst thing was the sound of people hitting 5he ground as they had jumped. Yep I can remember that lot. Its on TV now more4 and more4+1. Total chaos and destruction.
  4. And there you have it. What was the point of this nonsense. Basic promoting themselves as the leading force of field sports.? God help us.
  5. A few pictures of the cases. when you get a load of cases on the tray it is easy to see the short ones as indicated in the line up. Also it is easy to pull out any major abnormalities like the case that has disintegrated. I have never ever seen this problem until this last year when we went on a simulated driven clay/game shoot. At lunchtime one of the guns said that his cases were ripping apart. We all looked blank but on inspection I had quite a lot that had split/ melted down the case and in some instances the whole crimp area had been ripped off and gone. What happened I don't know but as far as I am concerned there was no difference to any shot. whether the whole lot went ups the barrel like a cut shell I don't know . nothing was obvious and the recoil was the same and the clays were broken the same. I took quite a few pictures of case damage. I was shooting with an AyA No.2 in 28
  6. Every idea so far is viable but there is several thousand cartridges to sort through and doing every case individually would be a pain in the rudder. I've done them now and the best quickest way is to get the cattle feed bag and tip an amount .. 150..200 into a big plastic box. I tipped the box up on one corner and gave it a bit of a shake. this caused the cases to stand up racked along the side. This made it simple to pick up handfulls and put them on a tray. When the cases are on the tray pushed into a square formation it is visually easy to remove the 65s that I dont want and these have been put into the bin. If I had to check each individual case they probably would all have gone in the bin and I would have bought new primed cases.
  7. Most replies aren't suitable because of the sheer amount of cases. It would be relatively simple if it was just a box or two that had gotten mixed but I'm dealing with thousands. Feed sacks of mixed 28g cases. A lot of the cases have been bought from Clay game for reloading and have nothing printed on the case tubes at all and the other cases have the printing fairly well smudged and the text size is very small to start with. I've found that if I put a couple of handfuls in a BIG plastic box and tilt it, then roll the cases the short ones can be identified straight away.
  8. Most of the printed is fairly vague or smudged. Again it is the sheer amount. Feedsacks of them. initially I have enlisted some help from grandchildren and made a game out of it. Their nimble little fingers seem quite good at it. But the novelty soon wears off. I was thinking about some kind of board ramp that the cartridges could be rolled down. But I think that it would just be a log jamb
  9. 😄 well thats true but we're talking feedsack amouts. At the moment I am using a kitchen tray and loading the cases on and visually selecting the short ones. Its easy but there's got to be a better way.
  10. I note on the BBC stories that a 14 year old boy has shot dead 4 person's at his school with an AR 15 in 223,,, that his dad gave him as a Christmas present.!!! Now this was after the police / FBI were called when the boy was threatening to kill people at the school. Apparently the boy has been charged and his father. This could lead to a very long jail term.. why would he arm his son with an AR 15 or even any sort of firearm.? Edit... this is some crazy reading.... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/school-shooting-suspect-was-good-boy-troubles-home-father-told-authori-rcna169930. He was a good boy really. Yeah rite. Oxygen thieves all of them.
  11. Total lottery Total chaos. They make it up as they go along. The whole system is corrupted by having the police oversee the procedure. I'd say conflict of Interest come up.
  12. I've been TOLD.... Do something with all of this cartridge stuff..!!!. I shoot and reloaded 28, 20 and 12, but mainly 28 followed by 20s. I have a LOT of 28 cases. But I have found a bit of a problem manually sorting out the 65s from the 70s. I only want the 70s because that's what my MEC sizemaster is set up for. I know that there is a convertion kit available but I'd still have to sort out cases. Anyone out there know of a sorting device of some sort.
  13. I've been TOLD.... Do something with all of this cartridge stuff..!!!. I shoot and reloaded 28, 20 and 12, but mainly 28 followed by 20s. I have a LOT of 28 cases. But I have found a bit of a problem manually sorting out the 65s from the 70s. I only want the 70s because that's what my MEC sizemaster is set up for. I know that there is a convertion kit available but I'd still have to sort out cases. Anyone out there know of a sorting device of some sort.
  14. And what are the glorious fellows at basic doing about it on our behalf. What's wrong with taking pictures of manholecovers.? I've taken an amount of pictures of ornate manhole covers in foreign places. You all seem 5o be a very unhappy group of fellows.
  15. Minky


    I'm watching prime ministers question time now and it is being discussed. It’s all words, good intentions, BUT its like everything. When these ideas have to be put into operation they find that there is NO MONEY AVAILABLE.
  16. Minky


    Ideally the seed spuds want to be about the size of a small chickens egg but if they are bigger they can be cut in half then just dipped into lime which stops them rotting. BUT the bloke that I was apprenticed under told me that in the war the italian prisioners of war used to collect the potato peelings with the eye and plant them. Apparently they grew and cropped fairly well. I've not tried that one to see but might make an experiment in a bucket or wherever
  17. Minky

    243 bullets

    Arrived Yesterday morning. Thanks J.
  18. Minky

    Rail cards

    I think that we chose an early afternoon flight time and matched it with a train. it worked out well. It all depends on what you want it for.
  19. Minky

    Rail cards

    We got a "two together" card which has paid for its self several times over. We used it to go to London and then out to green park and up to the O2 and then back to London Bridge and back to Staplehurst. it can be used on the underground and Busses also ..I think. We used it to go from Hastings to Gatwick and rtn and we will be able to use it again when we go to Gatwick and back again. The only downside potentially is that the two together card states that we both have to travel together so one of us can't use it on our own. Another thing is that we had to have id photos of both of us which meant using the pay photo both at the station where we got it because we didn't have photos on us. read up on which card would suit your needs and the photo requirement aspect. obviously the more you use it the more you save.
  20. A friend and his dopey mate (who looked like Marty Feldman) were out in the back garden shooting at sparrows (as boys did in those days)when Marty shot a blue tit with his Gat gun. The blue tit fell off of the washing line landing on the grass lawn like a lead balloon. The woman next door saw this and came straight out shouting that he was a wicked little boy to have shot the blue tit. Marty told her that it was alright and that it was having A REST. 😀. He went over and picked up the bird and was stroking it. The woman was glaring at him when he said look.. He threw the bird up in the air and it flew away. The pellet strike must have stunned it and it had come round. Marty said to the woman " I told you that the bird was just having A REST. I think that the woman later had a word with my mates dad who told the boys not to shoot the birds in the back garden. The boys were told to go down the woods.
  21. Minky

    Old carrier bags

    I remember someone collecting airline plastic cutlery. It came in thin plastic bags. That sort of thing was dumped which made it a rare collecting item. But what do you do with anything like that. It wouldn't be of much interest to be invited round to view a collection of throw away plastic airline cutlery.
  22. Minky

    243 bullets

    reply sorted and dealt with.
  23. Minky

    243 bullets

    Yes please. What would your chosen method of payment be. PM me your detail
  24. Robert F Kennedy Jr has joined the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, on stage at a rally in Arizona after dropping out of the race and endorsing the former US president. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwy5ekxlwzgo I bet that he won't be welcome at the family table this Christmas.
  25. watch this.....it will click as to why
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