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Case dropped against gun enthusiast


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Makes you wonder how on earth this even managed to get to trial.Have the CPS along with the Police nothing better to do?



question that need to be asked is does the CPS actually know the law? as the over zealous female and brown shirt wannabe certainly did not! bet she never asked either.


as for them having nothing better to do thats not fair they have plenty to do but the worry is who's side are they on these days? this chap certainly knows the answer and he is not alone by any means





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I think it would only set precedent if it went for Judgement. The prosecution offered no evidence so I don't *think* it sets a precedence


Thats exactly what I was thinking.


At a guess "she" tried to blag a caution and Mr big balls shooter called her bluff all the way to the court before her superiors made her back down. I'm hoping she got put on less responsible duties like community liason or something.

Edited by Dave-G
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This wont set any legal precedent as it was not in a high enough court.


This chap is a BASC member, and one of our firearms team helped handled his case for start to finish. This is the first time BASC have worked with these solicitors; they seem to be good guys, so if you are in the area you could do worse than keep their details I suggest.


As BASC have said before, NEVER accept a caution without consulting a solicitor.


Always remember you are entitled to a solicitor when you are in the station, so make sure you ask. It’s free.


Yet another case to strengthen ‘The police Need Training’ call I suggest!



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If any of you have any doubts as to the attitude of this administration to firearms, take the use of the term "Crime Reduction Department" in the heading of the Home Office papers in relation to anything to do with firearms.


This has been removed, but speaks volumes: "you are all criminals until proven innocent".... why else would anyone want to posess a firearm?



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It may seem like a waste of time and good going on getting the shooter off the charge. But it does raise the issue that obviously the shooter wasn't complying with the law and wasn't the policewoman on the road at the time from another story i seem to remember. The law also mentions causing alarm etc from memory so there probably was enough to push for a prosecution. Its just a reminder to try and comply with the law as thats the first step to avoiding this kind of problem. Like all firearms law its vague but I think thats to give both sides a bit of leeway, the plus point like this case you can be got off. However had that policewoman been a horse rider and the shooter not seen it and the shot caused the horse to throw the rider it may well have been different.

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says it all. Get back in front of the stove and let us get on with running the rest of the world :good:

I think you'll find the quote is actually,


"There there, love, put your nickers on and make us a nice cup of tea."


Probably a lezzer. Still, at least she didn't handcuff and then gas the chap simply because he didn't do anything wrong.


Makes a change...

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An Adult Caution is not a form of sentence (which only a court can impose), nor is it a criminal conviction. It is, however an admission of guilt. An Adult Caution forms part of an offender’s criminal record and may influence how they are dealt with, should they come to the notice of the police again.


Adult Cautions given for recordable offences are entered on the Police National Computer, where they are held in line with Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) Retention Guidelines for Nominal Records on the Police National Computer 2006.


The fact of the Adult Caution may also be cited in court in any subsequent court proceedings and can be quoted on a Standard or Enhanced Disclosure issued by the Criminal Records Bureau and thus can be made known to a prospective employer.


Fingerprints and other identification data can also be held on databases to which the Police National Computer (PNC) has links. Therefore the significance of the admission of guilt in agreeing to accept an Adult Caution must be fully and clearly explained to the alleged offender.


That is why BASC's line is NEVER accept a caution without speaking with your legal rep - 'cautions are not soft options'



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That's very good advice and thank you for it.


I think some police forces opt for this to cut down paperwork and almost sell it to the person who has been brought in.


Certainly if you get a caution, it might well make the next chief-con (maybe a bible-basher) hesitate before renewing a SGC or FAC.



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