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Long range lamps.


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Winter's on it's way, so a good lamp is on the Christmas list.


Lots of info in the airgun section, but I want to shoot to 100 yards or so as it will be on my HMR. From what I can see it looks like I'll be paying for it. :blink:


Would like scope mounted, and a good spot light effect.




What do you pro's use? :blink:

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I was out on sat night on my own and noticed that I couldnt see anything after the rifle fired (17 hmr and mod) due to smoke? in the light, havnt had that problem before, could it be atmospheric conditions, or just that the lamp is at a differen angle than before,for some reason i dont get to much glare of the mod


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Anyone find the variable beam to be of any benefit?


The Deben Tracer range looks quite good, and a similar price range to the Lightforces.


If it is for around 100yds only the Tracer max is a good piece of kit, lightweight easily clipped on and off and comes with an on/off and dimmer :blink:

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yep the 170 is what you want, I've got both scope mounted and hand held but really you only need the scope mounted as its easy enough to hold when its not on the gun. Seeing anything with a moderator fitted however is another thing


Get a plastic plant pot with a mouth that fits over the lamp, cut the bottom off and use some gaffer tape to hold it in place.

It funnels the beam and makes it clear the mod. :good:



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