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road kill deer how much is it worth?


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How it was done





thats just bloody cheating his bike works!


im glad everyone liked the thread it's been fun and cheers for the input some helpful, some funny and some nice replies you all seem like good blokes its just a shame your not round the corner i'd happily come carry your deer or kit for you in exchange for shooting!

i've been thinking of upgrading to one of two bikes either one like granvil's off open all hours or a posh sporty model like that kid on ET, i think the flying option might be useful but granvil's does have more basket space! decisions decisions!!


nearly forgot to say thanks again to doc for help with the pictures :lol:

Edited by gazgainsborough
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My brother and mates all went fishing from Glasgow to Galloway last week and the lad who was driving couldnt avoid a roe deer that ran out in front of him all the guys in the car

go shooting so the deer was bled and gralloched before it even realised it was dead. As special adviser and elder statesman Ireceived my cut (a haunch) but got to agree best thread on a top site. :lol::lol::lol:

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Many years ago when I was a teenager, my best mate's Dad allowed us to go lamping with him and his poaching mate 'Chalky'. We travelled there in a little red, ex PO van sharing the boot space with two lurchers, a ride of about an hour, in the middle of the night. It was an adventure for us and so we were quite excited. Three cold and wet hours later with nothing caught we started the journey back. Whilst nodding off in the back the van suddenly left the road, bouncing across fields with Chalky shouting 'Go left....go right...put ya foot down!'


Suddenly there was a crash, the windscreen shattered and a deer suddenly appeared as a passenger. The lurcher's vaulted into the front attacking the deer and Chalky who was trying to fight them off. Some time later calm was restored although the windscreen and a headlight weren't. The creature was dead and pretty smashed up but according to Chalky, resplendent in dried deer blood, dog slavver and cuts it was a 'Right result'

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Love the name Gaz ! :lol::lol:



"from this day forth i shall be known across the land as 'bicykillgaz' scavenger of the countryside "


yeah i took your idea and sort of rolled with it mate it's certainly better than gazgainsborough which i chose basically in the hope someone local would see it and possibly get some land a bit quicker but i deffinately prefere the new one :lol:

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And therein lies the nub, if you are untrained you won't be able to recognise any of the diseases found in deer up to and including anthrax, short answer your carcase is worth nothing and if you can find a butcher who will take it off you without your large game handling certificate number I would be very surprised


There's never ben a reported deer death due to anthrax in the UK fella!



Ah but your from Stafford and thus will be immune to poison


It'll be the water he's drinking from that river -


Gary was having problems uploading so sent to me for all to see, hope this works





Caption: Lance Armstrong's last race took its toll on his body somewhat!


How it was done





Classic - You can't beat a Redneck for their ingenuity!


Top thread - i think those of us that shoot deer will -like me - be sat shaking their heads but a good laugh anyway!


P.S. Dont eat anything off of the road - ever -



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Classic - You can't beat a Redneck for their ingenuity!


Top thread - i think those of us that shoot deer will -like me - be sat shaking their heads



Sorry Tom but just had to reply to your condesending post. this guy has done nothing but give us all a bit of enjoyment. "Redneck" sorry but having been in touch with Gaz he is a great genuine guy. me thinks your horse is a little high and you may just be about to fall off :lol:


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