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Ronnie Biggs . Miraculous recovery or what ?


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I see today in the papers that ronnie Biggs is going to see the gunners play and a picture of him last week on his mobility scooter shopping in London .

Call me an old cynic if you will ,just another big con to get him out of prison . I have seen it so many times in the past .


Harnser .

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If he had committed this robbery 5 or 10 years ago he would have been released by now anyway on parole.


His sentence does not (did not) add up when you consider the meaningless sentences that are given out these days for far worse things.


And the visa-versa sentence's.....A friend of mine (girl) single parent went down for 4 weeks for not paying her tv licence...We had to have her little boy so he wouldnt be taken into care...For god sake.....tv licence. :blink: :good: And yet paedo's are getting community service orders....Somethings not right...

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people get far less for far more serious crimes (ask any rapist or peado or murderer) guy I worked with murdered his girlfriend result 6 years out in 4 come on think about it? Biggs is an old man who was costing the taxpayer money so letting him out was ok by me especially as it made a space for hopefully a more deserving case?



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people get far less for far more serious crimes (ask any rapist or peado or murderer) guy I worked with murdered his girlfriend result 6 years out in 4 come on think about it? Biggs is an old man who was costing the taxpayer money so letting him out was ok by me especially as it made a space for hopefully a more deserving case?



Kdubya ,

I very much doubt that anybody would be sentenced to six years for murder . Maybe you have confused manslaughter with the act of murder . There is only one sentence for murder in our law and the judge has to sentence the murderer to life imprisonment . All life sentences mean the rest of your natural life in prison . Judges can set a minimum tariff to the life sentence by stating that a person must serve at least (say ) 15 years before that person can be concidered for parole . The only way that a lifer can get out of prison is to be given parole . Now that is were the system breaks down . To many violent criminals have been able to con the parole board into convincing them that they are reformed people and have been released on parole to kill again .

Harnser .

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Kdubya ,

I very much doubt that anybody would be sentenced to six years for murder . Maybe you have confused manslaughter with the act of murder . There is only one sentence for murder in our law and the judge has to sentence the murderer to life imprisonment . All life sentences mean the rest of your natural life in prison . Judges can set a minimum tariff to the life sentence by stating that a person must serve at least (say ) 15 years before that person can be concidered for parole . The only way that a lifer can get out of prison is to be given parole . Now that is were the system breaks down . To many violent criminals have been able to con the parole board into convincing them that they are reformed people and have been released on parole to kill again .

Harnser .


guy waited for his girlfriend ( she was walking with her father) he had hidden behind a hedge and confronted them stabbed the pair of them she died he survived he got SIX years call it what you want thats murder in my book? oh and when in prison he trained as a hairdresser and now has a barbers shop!!! fancy a sweeny todd?



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The very subtle difference between murder and manslaughter is pre - meditation . Pre-meditation can be the act of saying in temper " Iam going to kill you ,you nasty person ,you then push them over and they crack their skull on the pavement and die . Thats murder because the act of killing was pre-meditated ,as opposed to pushing somebody over without saying Iam going to kill you , thats manslaughter .

Harnser .

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A personal friend of mine was once a governor of the prison Biggs was in. If you look at the case the guy wasn't even that bad. They robbed a train, tried to run and a stupid guard wanted to play heroes. He got hit, not to kill him, just to get the stupid fool out of the way. Unfortunately he died as a result.


There are plenty of people who have been locked up a lot more recently and are already out. People who really meant to cause pain and suffering to their victims. If his cell goes to someone like this then in my view it's a good thing. I spent a lot of time talking about this with my friend, I truely believe he wasn't as bad as he was made out to be.

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A personal friend of mine was once a governor of the prison Biggs was in. If you look at the case the guy wasn't even that bad. They robbed a train, tried to run and a stupid guard wanted to play heroes. He got hit, not to kill him, just to get the stupid fool out of the way. Unfortunately he died as a result.


There are plenty of people who have been locked up a lot more recently and are already out. People who really meant to cause pain and suffering to their victims. If his cell goes to someone like this then in my view it's a good thing. I spent a lot of time talking about this with my friend, I truely believe he wasn't as bad as he was made out to be.



The guard died 7 years after the robbery so you cant really say he died from the result of the robbery :blink:


As i have said before he had his parole when he was young and fit in brazil sticking his fingers up to british justice and only came back for the NHS so he should have been left to rot.

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The guard died 7 years after the robbery so you cant really say he died from the result of the robbery :blink:


As i have said before he had his parole when he was young and fit in brazil sticking his fingers up to british justice and only came back for the NHS so he should have been left to rot.



Just to put the record straight the guard did die several years later but suffered ill health from the time he was wacked with an iron bar . The remainder of his life was spent recieving medical treatment for the injuries he recieved and when the poor man finally died the cause of death was put down to the terrible injuries he recieved from biggs and co, on that fatefull night .

Harnser .

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Just to put the record straight the guard did die several years later but suffered ill health from the time he was wacked with an iron bar . The remainder of his life was spent recieving medical treatment for the injuries he recieved and when the poor man finally died the cause of death was put down to the terrible injuries he recieved from biggs and co, on that fatefull night .

Harnser .


So why was nobody charged with manslaughter or murder ?

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A personal friend of mine was once a governor of the prison Biggs was in. If you look at the case the guy wasn't even that bad. They robbed a train, tried to run and a stupid guard wanted to play heroes. He got hit, not to kill him, just to get the stupid fool out of the way. Unfortunately he died as a result.


There are plenty of people who have been locked up a lot more recently and are already out. People who really meant to cause pain and suffering to their victims. If his cell goes to someone like this then in my view it's a good thing. I spent a lot of time talking about this with my friend, I truely believe he wasn't as bad as he was made out to be.

can,t believe this statement.the guard did the right thing,to many people are happy to look the other way and give this type of scum a free hand.you don,t think this was his first crime do you,he always refused to appolagise for his crime.he should have died behind bars.

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If he had committed this robbery 5 or 10 years ago he would have been released by now anyway on parole.


His sentence does not (did not) add up when you consider the meaningless sentences that are given out these days for far worse things.


I think my coments above chnaged the tack of this thread.


I was not condoning his actions, but stating that in recent years crime has paid and things need to go back to the "good old days"


Just look at a report in the news about a pedo in Saudi who was caught. He is now going to be beheaded and then crusified!


That solves several issues. 1 he is gone, 2 no over crowding in jails, 3 no on going cost to the tax payer.

Edited by V8landy
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So why was nobody charged with manslaughter or murder ?



because surprisingly enough Leukemia is not a disease contracted by a whack to the head?and it was Leukemia that killed him

seven years after the event.




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Got to hand it to him tho, he's a crafty old ******!

By the way harnser, did you see on the news about that bloke who used to run baguette express in the city? killed two people at the weekend!

I was in there last week, thought i recognised the face.


Yes I did see it all in the papers and on the TV . I too have been in the shop and a friend of mine played golf with both of them . Another sad case of the eternal triangle .

Harnser .

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Just look at a report in the news about a pedo in Saudi who was caught. He is now going to be beheaded and then crusified!


That solves several issues. 1 he is gone, 2 no over crowding in jails, 3 no on going cost to the tax payer.

4 It puts out a warning to others contemplating the same crime.

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