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Croatia 2009


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Just a quickie; write up and piccies to follow.


To summarise:


1. we are all back safe and well apart from Dougy who got what looked like food poisoning on the last day i.e. the day we travelled home :lol:


2. StuartP was PW top gun - 2 years without "pig rain" and then the down pour including a medal....


3. The mighty .25-06 nailed a running boar (bronze medal) at 100 yards


4. Mowdy scored but alas his gun needs to go


5. Miffy and Dougy missed out on pig love but found love with one another



Top time as ever and extremely grateful for being lucky enough to go with such great company (in a non gay way obviously).

Edited by Mungler
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Okay, some snaps directly round the lodge which was up a mountain. Stunning views, clean air, dead silent and no phone reception. Lovely.






























This little piggy met a .25-06






Now that's a set. We only just managed to keep Miffy from getting his out to settle the whose got the biggest...




And once they had chopped and cut and turned them all into carrier bag sized food parcels...







There are more photos. I will wait to see who does / doesn't mind having them up.

Edited by Mungler
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HMR at 300 yards....


UK law says a minimum of .270; Croatia doesn't have a minimum but they all use broom handles that fire nothing smaller than 7mm.


I reckon a .243 with the heaviest round possible might do it, but the better option would be to hire some monster rifle out there and leave the .243 at home.


The only reason I took the .25-06 was because it is so blinkin fast the energy is the same as a .308 at 200 yards. Problem is that with a short barrel, a compensator and no ear defenders on my ears are still ringing 2 days later - that was just one shot. Very silly. I digress.

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Nice one guys! :lol:


How were the numbers overall? I was there 12th-16th and the numbers were well down on usual due to the exceptionally mild weather and the pigs were spread out. The beaters had to work their backsides off to produce just one or two. Still had a great time though but I felt a bit sorry for Frank as there were some moaning minnies present!


How was the weather for you guys? Has it cooled off a bit?



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It does look good there. The price from what I've been told didn't seem too bad, but I can't actually remember what that was! I'd like to join in one day if the management will allow it? No point having this combi gun for nothing! :lol:


I like the comment about the locals not taking anything smaller than 7mm, the uk not allowing less than .270 but a 6.5x55 is fine. :lol: Well I guess that's proven the little calibre. I assume the top gun was using one and it worked?


More pictures would be good. If I remember rightly there were some really good ones from last year. Maybe they should all be linked together as this is a regular thing?

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The trip was 1500 (I can't remember if it was GBP or Euros - mind you, it's about the same anyways). Nick, you and the Herts boys should come next year :lol:


As for piggies - there were plenty. Indeed, there were lots missed :lol:


I can't remember what the total was but I think it was 17 with two medal winners.


It could have been in the region of 25.


On the last drive of the last day I saw a male the size of a cart horse come charging in towards me (in between myself and Dougy) but it just vanished. Obviously the one that got away was massive, but it was.


If you were quiet (and erm not screaming "Me ****** ******* gun's jammed" followed by the loud noise of smashing the butt on the ground, for example :lol: ) then you can hear them on the leaves, and are given a bit of notice hence the missing ear defenders for me.

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Numbers don't tell the full story, as someone who been twice before and not seen a safe shot I can confirm it isn't all about numbers, there is much more to it than that, it truly is an adventure, but as someone they are:


13 guns


Day one: 6 + 2 foxes - nothing 'special' I winged a big male which was finished off by the beaters with a 9mm round through the head (it attacked a dog and they can't have that)

Day two: 10 - including Mungs and my big ones - both guessed at bronze medal tusks

Day three: - 4 again special shot but one gun shot 3 of those 4 :lol: (I made sure I was next to him on the last drive :lol: )


Total - 20 pigs in conditions that were more like spring than winter, 16 degree's most days almost hopeless conditions according to the locals.

You don't have to be a mathematician to work out some got shots and some didn't, this is wild shooting, not canned, that is the way it happens.


Cost is 1600 Euros - that is ALL inclusive drinks aside, which is never much- say 30 to £40

Some outfitters would charge that just as trophy fees for the 4 males that were shot, we pay no trophy fees.


If you want more details, PM me.

I am busy right now but I will sort out some pictures and words later....

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