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Caught a fox in the garden

Remington 1100

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Hi all


I have had a few problems with a fox killing 3 chickens in my garden, then coming back and killing my 5 best laying hens.

So i set to work with a few snares and a live catch trap (baited with a pigeon and a chook) (sorry Goldie) lol, in my large pen.


A few weeks past with no signs until..........Friday morning !!!!!!

Not so fantastic Mr fox !!!






Not bad for a home made trap !!!



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yeah the trigger is a treadle plate easy to set and fool proof ! I will try and post so pics.


LOL, the long handled spade is my daughters "seaside spade" i dont think it would have worked.

M y Mrs got some kind of blood lust lol as soon as she saw the fox in the trap she saddled the horse and released the hounds toot - toot tally ho !! ???

Ofcourse i released it from the trap i didnt want a dead fox stinking in my garden !!!! :wacko:


I used my remy 1100, 'ol charlie made it easy he tried to chew the barrel :good:


Re set trap but i think he was a loner lol



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yeah the trigger is a treadle plate easy to set and fool proof ! I will try and post so pics.


I used my remy 1100, 'ol charlie made it easy he tried to chew the barrel :good:


Re set trap but i think he was a loner lol




I take it he died of "Lead Poisoning" then?

Nice work mate!

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shocked at the many jokey responses to blowing a foxes head of at close range with a shotgun. i believe a man must have a certain amount of wickedness to get a kick from something like that, sort of a perversion of the mind, ah well, each to there own



To be honest if a fox had killed all my chickens I think I would look forward to blowing its head off. So I disagree with your comments on that basis.

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shocked at the many jokey responses to blowing a foxes head of at close range with a shotgun. i believe a man must have a certain amount of wickedness to get a kick from something like that, sort of a perversion of the mind, ah well, each to there own


Troll alert .

Harnser .

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I'll bet a weeks wages the the two above taking the moral high ground haven't been around the after effects of charlie's handiwork. This isn't a creature that just takes what it needs as it'll kill in a frenzy everything it can get to in a chicken house if given the smallest chance - so no sympathy.


I'm with Remmy 100% with disposing of the fox as he did, and I'm glad that he has the trap up and running again - so much so in fact that I'm off out now tonight to see if I can catch up with foxy myself.............

Edited by Tin Man Work
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Troll alert .

Harnser .

don't start him off now harnser,

i think he's got a valid point :good:

the fox, although classed as a pest is one of the last wild indigenous predators we have left, i think it would be a shame to wipe them all out for the sake of it.

we all have a responsibility to the local environment and that means everything in it including foxes. And while i agree with shooting to control the numbers, perhaps we should think what else we could do to prevent something like this from happening other than going in guns blazing at the first opportunity.

IF he's tried to fox proof his coup, then all well and good. But if he's anything like a neighbour of mine who lets his chicks roam the garden, then all i can say is "what did you expect".

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I'll bet a weeks wages the the two above taking the moral high ground haven't been around the after effects of charlie's handiwork. This isn't a creature that just takes what it needs as it'll kill in a frenzy everything it can get to in a chicken house if given the smallest chance - so no sympathy.


I'm with Remmy 100% with disposing of the fox as he did, and I'm glad that he has the trap up and running again - so much so in fact that I'm off out now tonight to see if I can catch up with foxy myself.............

lets not get presumptious now.

i've seen and heard all about what foxes can do sunshine..

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Lets have this one in the right context . your man has trapped a fox that has been coming into his garden and killing his livestock . The fox was caught in a humane trap and killed by a shot to the head . Whats the problem ?. I no longer go out foxing like I used to and do not shoot them unless really necessary . I would say that in this case old reynard had it coming to him . I too dont want the last of our natural predators wiped out but I will tell you know had they had been my chickens I would have waited for old reynard and wouldnt have given up untill he was dead .


Harnser .

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...if he's anything like a neighbour of mine who lets his chicks roam the garden, then all i can say is "what did you expect".


I see where youre coming from... the eggs taste way better if the hens are genuinely free range, and i dont mean access to a bit of outdoors, i mean free range!! Ours still get shut in the coup at night... last year mr fox had the audacity to maul a chicken right by the house around midday! Prime candidate for the same treatment me thinks!!!


Just my opinion... :good:

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