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Kill it cook it eat it


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Having done slaughtering it does take some time to get around the fact that you are going to end lives of numerous animals that day but once you have thought about it and got your head round it it becomes an everyday thing and you don't think twice about it.


I have also shot everything from Sheep , Goats, Horses and many thousands of Cows when i worked as a knackerman for local hunt.

Most were shot with bolt gun and horses either vet shot them before we got there or .32 pistol or bell gun.

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Been there, done that, got the t shirt, done it meself many times.


All I meant was it it was funny watching him nearly drop.


I think EVERYBODY who eats meat should go and see it done. However there are a lot of people who don't want to associate their meal with a lovely little fluffy lamb.

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i live on a farm so im well aware and not bothered by it lol. But did no body notice that veggie man who went on bout global warming and all that bolloks and he also said eating meat is the same as eating people :hmm: The women who did horse riding or summit like that found him quite funny ;)<_<

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The Vegan seems to have some sort of personal issue between him and animals for their hand in climate change.


Whenever i watch one of these series i find myself wishing that the uk could spend 1 month without electricity. Besides the hundreds of very bored pigeonwatch members, i suspect suddenly all the people not willing to kill an animal might change their tune slightly. Its what we do, if we don't then something has gone wrong.

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Whenever i watch one of these series i find myself wishing that the uk could spend 1 month without electricity. Besides the hundreds of very bored pigeonwatch members, i suspect suddenly all the people not willing to kill an animal might change their tune slightly. Its what we do, if we don't then something has gone wrong.



I can't understand how people like yer man say it's not natural, it's what humans have done for 95% of the

time we have been evolving.


Eating meat is what we're designed to do (although probably much less, and wild so better quality), together with more

fish, fruit, vegetable, berries etc.


I wonder if the vegan can maintain a balanced diet without processed food of some sort (ie vitamins etc).




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Watched it and think tomorrow going to be interesting. Don't forget now we are all cannibals. :rolleyes:


At least they picked some real nice suffolk lambs to do.


I am not sure that the veggies could actually cope with the hal al slaughter methods.



Becuase its vile and disgusting, and when I was looking for slaughterhouse work experience when I was trying to get into vetmed at uni, every vet and advisor told me not to go to a Halal one as it would turn me off meat/eating for ever?


Is that why?


(as you can see I am well on-side of anyone who wants to outlaw it in the UK)

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Considering the vegan guy supposedly can’t distinguish between animals and humans he remains pretty calm when they’re killing the ‘people’ in the slaughterhouse in front of him(!) :hmm:


Personally if someone was killing a person in front of me I’d try to intervene or at least I’d be utterly disgusted. He’s either a psychopath or he’s completely full of $h1t, I WONDER which it is . . . . . . :no::hmm:



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been watching the series since i saw the post i have enjoyed it

as i work on a farm i have seen and helped at the slaughter for the hog roast we have, tbh first time i did feel a bit ill but got on with it happy in the knowledge the butcher who comes to do it knows what he was doing


i really wish i hadn't just looked up halal/kosher slaughter **** me how the hell is that allowed in our country? i mean if we went out and traped rabbits pigeons, deer etc and then hung the m up side and slit there throats we would get done for animal cruelty, tbh im sickened that thsi goes on and unless i really have to im not eating anything from one of those saluter house if i know about it anyway sorry for going off topic

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