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I've been getting a good few calls from farmers to go and shoot pigeons over Rape and Kale. I've got a group of guns coming in tonight but I've had so many calls I went out myself today to try and keep them all happy! :hmm:


I was set up at 10:00 on a patch of about 4 acres of fodder Rape. I had a magnet and a dozen shells propped up above the snow.


The front view.



View to the right, (with 4 pigeons that went past while I was messing with the camera! :P )



View to the left,



I must admit to not seeing quite a few birds that were coming in as I spent most of the time gazing at the wonderful view!! :no:


By 12:30 I'd picked up 42 woodies and 4 Carrion Crows for 65 shots ;) . Since I was getting a bit cold :hmm: and I'd done enough banging to keep the farmer happy I packed up and headed for home.




All of the birds were in good condition, I even shot a fat squab!! ???





Edited by M ROBSON
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Thanks folks, the pictures don't really do the view much justice really.



I had my shells about 10-15 yards to the right (downwind) of the magnet, laid out on the snow (no pegs), just to the right of the green patch in the first pic. I left them a good distance from the magnet due to the clear conditions. They stood out well sat on top of the snow and a good few birds decoyed or came round for a second look.




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