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Daft shooting dream from last night


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Had a strange dream last night - the first I've had about shooting...


There was a really long lake that stretched out into the distance. There were farm buildings behind me and on the right, and trees along the lake on the left. The lake seemed to stretch for miles.


I was with two lads who said they would walk up the lake to see if they could lift up any duck, but they couldn't promise they would send them my way.


They suddenly vanished, but the duck started to come. A pair flew straight overhead, I lifted the gun, swung through them and pulled the trigger. There was a click from both barrels and the cartridges dropped out the end of the barrels :oops:


It kept happening again and again. Every time I pulled the trigger the cartridges fell out the barrels.


Then I broke the gun, looked down at the huge chambers (you could fit a tennis ball in them) and realised that I had forgotten the white polystyrene insert that the cartridges are supposed to fit in, and when that was pushed into the chambers the cartridges would fire. :welcomeani::lol::lol:


Spent the rest of the dream looking for the polystyrene insert in the farm buildings.



Good old Stilton and Mature Cheddar - guaranteed to screw your head up while you're asleep :no::good::good:

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Could it be a 'small penis' dream? :oops:


STILL-TONS of dreams about like that!


Actually, a similar thing happened to me, in reality! I so wanted to try out my new 'Little Skeeters' adaptors, I filled my pocket with .410 shells and went out with my Miroku 12 gauge. Got to the shoot and found I'd left the sleeves at home!









Dream broken, Toomsby!

Edited by Floating Chamber
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So, the essence of your dream was that the cartridge was too small for the bore eh?


That dream is deffo small penis related or your partner has a massive foo foo.




Can't believe Dr Chard and myself came up with the same prognosis independently :oops:

Edited by Mungler
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So, the essence of your dream was that the cartridge was too small for the bore eh?


That dream is deffo small penis related or your partner has a massive foo foo.




Can't believe Dr Chard and myself came up with the same prognosis independently :welcomeani:


I have a Masters degree in large bore foo-foos :oops:

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:blush::lol::lol::lol::P Ooooo boy does this bring back some weird memories :no:;):lol:

a couple of years ago , we were out in france , and mrs jasp bought some cracking soft blue cheese... :unsure: it tasted fantastic, so we had it with bread and then we grilled it on top of some mushrooms with bacon....(bought from UK) it was superb... :blush:

it went sooooooooo well with the local red


that night , the dream started.... can't remember all of it , but the bit i did was !!! I was sat up in bed watching the biggest blue lizzard chasing the biggest blue spider you ever saw...mrs jasp even looked up and asked me "whats up" I said can't you see !!! she looked at me as only a woman can.... your dreaming...


it was soooo weird ..I was awake but could still see it...weird...ps..never stopped me eating it though :lol:



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