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Getting any rabbits ?


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I'm surprised there aren't many reports of good rabbit bags with the ferrets.


It seems to have been a good breeding year.

The wet Autumn made ferreting hard, but things are drying up now and these cold frosty mornings should be perfect.


Come on, let us know how you are getting on. :blink:

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Go on then, as I've just got in from ferreting myself, I'll give you the most recent account (no pictures, sorry)



The place I was ferreting was an old Gravel pit (about 1000 yards long x wide and about 10m deep, but it's all grassed over), which is long from being used as is now the pegs end of drive (called the 'Gravel pit, would you believe it).


The Ground is a mixture of soft, easy sand, or son-of-a-gun hard as nails stuff with flints the size of your fists either side, and the warrens I was going for today where either on the steep slopes of the side of the pit, or based around the edges under a small patch of woodland that covers one corner.


Now, Taking my 3 hobs, the first thing that I noticed, is that I had lost one of my ferret collars (not the expensive pit, just the fabric collar bit you needed to take of for the old mk3 collars to get the batteries out). With this heavy topograthy, it ment I was most likely only going to work two ferrets at once today, or all three in a warren that was pretty open.



So, I set about it with my partner in crime Derrek (a 70- something fine old gent) and we set about walking to the first warren. Along the way, I spotted a rabbit bolting from cover and smacked him right in the back. A good start, but what happend next was the curse that would follow me for the rest of the day. I went to pick the ****** up, and he jumped up, and ran to god knows where (heavy bramble) on his front two legs. Leaving that particular rabbit to a rather gruesome fate, we went to the first warren.


A nice open set of holes under a bank of pretty bare trees resulted in one rabbit being taken when It hung around the entrace of a hole too long, and after a bit of stupid ******* from my albino hob, we went to warren no.2.


The Second warren was on a steep side of the pit, with a few odd holes like caves in a mountain side. This resulted in a rather slippery experiance. The only rabbit produced from this warren was shot with Derreks .410, and plopped on his side, only to jump back up and run off into more bramble, we took the ferrets out (and the albino started to act up at this point, so I swapped him) and went onto no.3


On the way, I had a lovley sitting rabbit, not a chance in a million years you could miss - As long as your gun was loaded - mine wasn't - two clicks later he ran off :oops:.


Warren no.3 and 4 where two seperate woodland warrens. Both producing bolters (One, again, nocked in the bottom and not killed, and another sitting rabbit was shot by me, and again, managed to spring up as I went to get him - what on earth was happening today!) and two dug to, but thank god, the digging was only about 1ft down in soft soil! Happy days! (two extra rabbits).


With Only 4 rabbits to 4 warrens, I wasn't feeling to good, we did a small warren on the hedgeside that produced two bolters, the first was shot (and thankfully, killed) by me, and the second bolted from britian and freedom, and went bounding across me like it was sprung from a clay-trap. I fired, and missed, twice - maybe some shooting lessons for my birthday.


The 6th warren was to be our last, and it was a big mistake. Stupidly I desided to give the warren my missed bunny ran into, and the warren was situated under a pile of brash and tree cuttings, I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. With one bolted rabbit (that was missed by Derrek), it turned to time to dig again, and this was under the bloomin brash. It wasn't a far dig (2.5ft) but my god, it was one hell of a dig. It took me the best part of 40 mintues to break through, with the constant large flits and having to dig round, and I pulled a single ferret and rabbit out, and started hunting for the other, it took me a very mintues to locate him - but 4ft! argh! it was the same soil just deeper, I set to work, but he soon moved. I spent the time waiting for him by digging, and I got to about 3.6ft, but without the ferret to give me a depth gauage, I just couldn't be bothered once Derrek had picked him.



So, all in all, it was 6 rabbits, to what should of been at least 10. BUt I enjoyed and it certainly beat twiddling your thumbs all day!.

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I have not seen many rabits around this year so far.


A mate of mine went out with his ferrets on sunday and only got 8 and today I went out with another mate and his dogs and we pushed one rabits out which one of the dogs chaced for a few hundred metres before it gave up and came back.


It is very quiet.

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I think mixy has taken a heavy toll round here this year, I have been getting one rabbit per bury with the ferrets and when out lamping probably only seeing 2-3 where there would normally be a dozen or more.


I am not complaining though it means there are less eating my wheat.


Give it time and they will be about in big numbers again in the summer and autumn, they do after all breed like rabbits.

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Worst year for years in our area the best bag so far is 24 we normally average 30 plus .


Total starting sept 2009, 509 rabbits


Last year we had over 1000 rabbits cant see us making up the shortfall in the next two months or so.


Having said that we have just got some new perm that is crawling .


We lost alot of rabbits in july 2007 in the thames area and the numbers have not recovered yet.



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Is it best to stop end of feb when the does have had their young?


In terms of quality of rabbits nothing much worst than pauching a milkie doe.


But if you need to control numbers I have ferreted up to the end of march early april.


But as a general rule we stop end of feb saves load of lay ups on babies and nests.


Regards OTH

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In terms of quality of rabbits nothing much worst than pauching a milkie doe.


But if you need to control numbers I have ferreted up to the end of march early april.


But as a general rule we stop end of feb saves load of lay ups on babies and nests.


Regards OTH

hmm not heard that one the general rule is every month with an R in it is ok and that sayn has been on the go for years!

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hmm not heard that one the general rule is every month with an R in it is ok and that sayn has been on the go for years!


You seem to know alot more than me about ferreting so I think I will ignore my thoughts.


Based on your comments on this topic and foxing topic.


I agree with you it used to be ever month with a R but over the last 10 years rabbits with young in the early part of the year is more common than when I started so I give up when I find nearly ever doe with young inside them.


As it just IMO drivers me crazy digging and chasing baby rabbits though the nets.


If I need any tips in the future regarding ferretting I will PM you .


Thanks for you replys OTH

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hmm not heard that one the general rule is every month with an R in it is ok and that sayn has been on the go for years!


That is a general rule, however, there are defintiely young ens in the does towards the end of feb. Come march time you dont want your ferrets chasing young rabbits and as Over the hill says there is more chance of lay ups. Will just have to see how it pans out :lol:

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bloody hell - how many days out is that? :good:



Well, I had a 120 odd last year. (2008-2009).


90% of them where shot, which never produces as good as results as netting or using dogs.


It was a strage season, with a 30 and a 40 day, then the permissions wittled down to around 10's then to an avarage of about 5 a day, over about 20 days I guess.

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