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Whats your remedy?


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After quite a lot of beer and shots last night I woke up this morning feeling like I had been 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. Just wandering what your favourite hangover cure is. I think a good greasy take away or a big bottle of lucozade sport sometimes does the trick. Although there wasn't a lot that could be done for me this morning :good:

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My secret to a BAD hangover is -


1) Pint of water & one Ibuprofen before bed.


2) Bottle of full fat Coke and two Ibuprofen in the morning.


3) Sausage and mushroom baguette from the tea van at shooting and a really milky sugary cup of tea.


4) More Ibuprofen and some Losec tablets, long lie on the sofa, TV then bed.

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a kebab!yea definaley a pint of water before bed! and some hangover loving with the missus if you can stomach it! haha :good:


More beer seems to be a popular remedy and if I didn't have work tomorrow thats what I woulda done. Tom I don't have a missus so that remedy is out the window although I am considering a kebab :yes:

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I used to play golf with a guy and his sunday morning cure was a Port and Brandy! The only problem with this was after about an hour the effect would wear off so the hip flask would come out again and by the time we had played 18 holes he'd be 3 sheets to the wind!!!!

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