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whats the worst?


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A lad at college who had never shot a gun before was having his first experience. The tutor shouted PULL to the man on the trap to show the shooter where the target was. No problems there. Cut a long story short, she loaded the gun for him and said when I shout pull, raise the gun to the target and shoot at the clay.

"PULL" immediately followed by BANG. Turns out the lad had 'misunderstood' what pull meant and without even raising the muzzle had PULLED the trigger, shooting the ground about 20 yards infront of him! Needless to say the gun didnt stay in his hands long because the recoil threw it out of his hands.


Another one is a story a mate of mine, (I wasnt there) told me about shooting squirrels out of trees with a .17 HMR, I shall say no more!


All the very best,

SSS :good:

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I thought HMR was bad!


not necessarily, i know some places i have permission to shoot where it wouldnt bother me using a .50 cal to shoot squirrels out of trees :good:


shooting downhill into the tree, with a good back stop behind it (something like below) would be perfectly safe as long as you can see theres noone behind it :good:



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A chap in a gun shop (I won't say which but Gram will have heard this one before) was doing shotgun tuition with another tutor who to be honest he didn't rate very much.


He felt this chap placed too much emphasis on the safety rather than knowing yourself that the gun was either safe or not and he didn't like this chap's practice of giving total novices a gun with a cart in both chambers.


This "tutor" hands a gun to a lady shooter and asks her to check the safety, she shifts her head away from her mounted position to look at the safety and catches the trigger, the resulting bang makes her jump and lose the grip on the gun with her left hand, the gun swings down and as she still has her right hand on the gun, she catches the trigger again and blasts the second barrel right in front of the "tutor's" feet.


I think he learned something that day.

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The worst thing i have ever seen was down to my own stupidity it has to be said. Years ago i took my mate out to shoot some feral pigeons at an old council depot. He had been to the clays with us but had never had a go himself but i thought he knew what he was doing. I gave him the gun and told him to have a go if anything came out while i went for a pee. I retired to a suitable distance and turned my back to do my business. I then turned round and to my horror he was lining up to shoot a pringles can off a fence post which about two foot away and directly behind was my dads brand new car. I screamed no at which he did a 180 and was now pointing the loaded gun at me. I hit the deck and i got away with it. We were about 17 at the time and 20 years later we are still best mates but it still gives me the shivers. I learnt a big lesson that day.

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I was ferreting, and my biggest hob grabbed a rabbit by the **** on the edge, and it started screaming it's head off. Worried he'd drag it back down and lay up, I placed my gun down (upside down) loaded with the saftey off.


I charged off, and grabbed the rabbit and duely dispatched him. Returning to my gun, I picked it up by the trigger guard (oh god) and my finger nugged the trigger, giving me heart faliure, and producing a smoking hole 4ft infront of my feet.



I had never, ever done anything as stupid as this, and never will again, it was a momentary lapse, and it could of cost me dearly!

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Took a neighbour out who'd shown an interest in giving shooting a go. Gave him all the safety training etc. we then set off to do a bit of rough shooting. I noticed that the barrel of his gun was pointing in my direction and was just about to point this out to him when... CLICK. Luckily, I'd had the instinct to remove the cartridge before we'd set off, don't know why - just had the feeling that the bloke wasn't all there.


From then on I've never offered to take anyone out, unless they've already shot before!

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forgot i never posted...


worst i ever had was when i was 18, teaching some new cadets to fire the gpl98 (straight pull sa80) on a 25m range. was 4 shooters, i was watching two and another flight sgt was watching the other two. the range officer called the usual load, ready, etc, then shouted fire. i was standing right behind my two, watching everything they were doing. the guy on the left kept pulling the trigger but forgot to take the saftey off. i was about to get down beside him and help when he rolled on his back, called "sir my gun wont fire" and started pulling the trigger while it was pointed at my stomach :good:

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Another one... A mate went pheasant shooting with some Spanish blokes he met in our local pub. They each set off from a corner of the field and walk towards each other, flushing pheasants as they went. As they got closer to each other my mate flushed a pheasant and fired... the Spainish guys hit the deck and understandibly were furious with him, apparently they thought he knew that you are supposed to flush towards each other but turn and only shoot behind.


To be honest I don't know he was more stupid my mate for shooting, or the Spanish for having such a dangerous way of flushing. :good:

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1. loaded shotty lent up against a quad bike - mate picks it up barrels first and some stiff rape brushes trigger and gun goes off - luckily chummy's head wasn't over the barrels; hot hands and ringing ears though.


2. clay ground - whistle goes to stop shooting, man in cage swings loaded gun round to face us to find out what was going on. Everyone standing behind him running or diving out of the way of the barrels.

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Two female shooters came to our club to 'have a go' and one seemed very interested and listened carefully to the safe talk and shooting instruction, the other we suspected was just there to hold the others hand so to speak and paid little attention.


Anyway the one that listened had managed to hit a few clays and was really enjoying herself, the other hadn't hit a thing by the time we got to the last stand. Its a strawn-bale kind of shoot on a farm and the last stand was a springing teal but we handed put the cage up as it was away being mended. The disinterested lass manages to hit the first bird of the last pair but before the person standing with her could react she wheels round to where we're all standing shouting "I got it it got it!" while pointing the second still loaded barrel at us all. :good:


She seemed to think it was hilarious watching us all diving out the way. The smirk was soon wiped off her face when the Safety Officer went absolutely ballistic with her and sent her home crying. :) It was a shame for the other lass as she seemed genuinely interested but she's never been back, presumably because of embarrassment. :lol:



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i took a one of my dads mates clay shooting with me with his new gun, which was a semi auto, it was the first time he'd used a semi auto so i told him about the safety and how it worked etc, so he stood at the stand loaded a cartridge in the breech then turned the gun upside down to load another, but he held it by the trigger and trigger gaurd :angry::good: when he pushed in the second cartridge the gun went off, resulting in a very shocked shooter and a massive smoking hole :yes::lol:???



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With out a shadow of a doubt the worst was when one of my dads friends came around to try some potential guns on our trap on our farm so we were shooting clays and one of the guns didn't fire the second barrel so he drops the gun to hip high says it misfired and pulls the trigger again and BOOOOOOOOOOOM of it goes and thats not the worst of it it was the the gun went of into a huge gas canister and i mean huge i dont know how many litres but several hundred if not thousands of litres luckily they are designed to withstand such things but it is still without a doubt the most scary one yet.



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When I was a member of LITTS pistol club back in the 1980's, there were a few Chinese members. One of them was firing a Browning High Power 9mm, when it jammed. He poked his colleague (in the next cubicle) in the back with the pistol, said something in Chinese, and then headed out of the range, into the crowded shop, still carrying the loaded pistol. He tapped it on the shop counter and asked why it was not working. All staff behind the counter, dived out of the way, until a staff member took the pistol off him.

Did the ban him? NO. Because the Chinese guys spent so much money in the shop!. :good:

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Me and y mate were out with air rifles. I shot a rabbit about 40yds down the side of this hedge i got up and walked to get it, when i stopped to bend over and pick it up, My mate thought it would be funny to put a pellet between my legs. Needless to say, i told him to **** off other wise id have a go one him and make sure i didn't miss. Never been out hunting with him since.

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Worst ever was out on a walk up shoot and was in a walking line a woodcock got up infront of me and this idiot from the left of me had a pop at it then missed swung through me and shot the bird 25 yrds behind me i went ******* mental and went to sit in the car untill they were done not happy nether was my dad who had seen the hole thing he thought i was a gonner i was 16 at the time and it still makes me shiver :good:

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1. loaded shotty lent up against a quad bike - mate picks it up barrels first and some stiff rape brushes trigger and gun goes off - luckily chummy's head wasn't over the barrels; hot hands and ringing ears though.


2. clay ground - whistle goes to stop shooting, man in cage swings loaded gun round to face us to find out what was going on. Everyone standing behind him running or diving out of the way of the barrels.


Oh dear Mung that sounds horrible would you like to come play with us PSG guys ? We are ever so safe..the next meet is a couple weeks away I would welcome you as a guest, you can bring the pump, in exchange I can slaughter your Ruger lol

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