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would you give up shooting ?

decoying mad

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just been on the phone to a friend who as given up shooting :angry:. so i asked him why his reply was his new gf didnt like him been out /away from her.

so i did what all us would and called him an absolute ****/ under the thumb ####.

anyway after speaking to my partner who is friends with my friends gf.she said what would you say if i said im leaveing you if you dont stop shooting.


shes now packing her bags :good::yes::lol:


what would you guys/girls say???????????????????

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just been on the phone to a friend who as given up shooting :angry:. so i asked him why his reply was his new gf didnt like him been out /away from her.


Sounds like a bunny boiler (does that carry the same context on here?) I can understand people who dont like shooting or having guns in the house etc my missus is one of them. I dont understand people who want to live in each others pockets and have no seperate hobbies, interests etc.


Yes i would give up shooting for a reason i felt strongly about or my OH felt strongly about but then i only recently started. When i was buying my cabinet the chap in shop said one of his mates had recently had to bring all his guns in for storage as the new girlfriend wouldn't sleep at his house with guns there, bit mad but i guess most people are, he was supposed to sell them but did a deal for long term storage instead, afterall the lady may only last a year or two...

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In all honesty, My mrs would never ask me to stop. She knows I love shooting and sea fishing. She likes her tennis which I never interfere with. Were both happy with how it all works out for us. All she asks is I let her know in advance so she can organise the kids if she is stuck at work or has plans herself.

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Women like to do the shopping, cleaning, washing and cooking. Strange hobbies i know, but who am i to stop them doing what they enjoy? In the same way i wouldn't expect, or accept, them telling me what to do in my spare time!!


And then who would have to takes these hobbies over?



They're more hassle than they're worth anyway :angry::good:

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when i met my partner 10 years ago i was shooting and did a **** load of lamping with the dogs. she new what she was getting in to

and not once as she ever said do you have to go :good:. i took her to boar clay ground last year and she loved it shes been out with the dogs on the lamp and enjoyed it so all in all im a lucky man.


ps im glad she doesnt want to take it up full time we all need our man time :angry:

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If any partner doesn't understand that you take your hobby seriously and do it safely (including safely storing your guns) then really there is a fundamental issue of trust and understanding in that relationship.


When I got my new shotgun (after a 20 year lapse) my little boy was 18 months old and my wife didn't bat an eyelid, because she knew 100% that I would not be doing it if it wasn't completely safe. I also come from a farming background so that helped.


But she isn't a cook/clean/mend type of wife either, she's a professional, we just have what we think is a good marriage. Each to their own of course.

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If any partner doesn't understand that you take your hobby seriously and do it safely (including safely storing your guns) then really there is a fundamental issue of trust and understanding in that relationship.


When I got my new shotgun (after a 20 year lapse) my little boy was 18 months old and my wife didn't bat an eyelid, because she knew 100% that I would not be doing it if it wasn't completely safe. I also come from a farming background so that helped.


But she isn't a cook/clean/mend type of wife either, she's a professional, we just have what we think is a good marriage. Each to their own of course.

totaly agree thunderbird mines a teacher and i run my own company. she does what she wants and i do the same. she now has a nickname for me elma fud

:yes::lol:??? ??? ??? ??? but we eat out 5 times aweek :angry::good: and have a healthy relationship. THIS IS THE JOYS OF HAVEING NO KIDS :lol: :lol:

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