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Oh Joy!

Doc Holliday

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What have I let myself in for? The OH has bought us tickets to see some charlatan bang on about what a funny feeling he's got about whatever his whim may fancy.


I have to say, I'm not generally impressed by these so called mediums especially as one she dragged me to see picked me first out of the hundred or so people there and didn't get a thing right :rolleyes:


I'm sure she thought I was just trying to diss her but she ended things like it was my fault she was drawing a blank "Oh don't worry, I'm sure it will come to you."


What? Did I miss something? No! She was just a conning old bag who was a bit heebee geebee trying to make a few quid off of some poor unsuspecting schmoe who's desperately trying to contact a loved one or see what the future holds.


We even saw a gypsy in a tent once who conned me out of twenty quid. The OH went first while I stood outside. I went in, just for a laugh you understand and to humour the OH, and the gypsy says to me "Name 2 things your heart desires". Being a bit of chancer I told her Peace on Earth and a nice big house with lots of ground, although not necessarily in that order. She banged on for few minutes about how I was going to be this big successful businessman in my chosen line of work and that all would come good, essentially. Didn't utter a word about Peace on Earth. Man! What a gip!


I fail to see how some people continue to put their trust and faith in what these people say. It should be regulated. With James Randi as the Chairman of the Board. That would weed out a lot of the theiving bar-stewards.


BTW, does anyone know if James Randi still has the £1 million up for grabs for anyone who can prove to him they are genuinely psychic? I'll divulge tomrrow whether I've been converted... but don't hold yer breath.

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Its a stage show . They are charlatens on the whole . But having said that I was once given a message for my father from a women who did not know him and she claimed to be a psychic . The message was very profound and the content was only known by my father and his army mate who was killed in Burma during the war . My father never forget about this message from his dead mate and would not discuss it again .

Harnser .

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well how was it then ? :good:


It totally lived up to my expectations... a shi-at night. And I didn't need to be psychic to know that. It started off pretty good. The guy come on and opened up by saying "Thank you for showing an interest and coming along this evening, although I feel that some of you have been dragged."


At that point I thought to myself "Whoa! This guy is good!" but that's where the ability to amaze & enrapture ended. I think he managed to rouse one "gasp!" from one of his stooges in the 95% female strong audience.


I made the OH buy me a couple of beers during the break as a penence for making me sit through the durge. One beer for the first half and one for the second half. I should have pushed for a large whisky to accompany each.

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What do you think? There was one bird in the front row who looked like Mo Slater from Eastenders (according to my OH) and a selection of poor unfortunates who sincerely believe in this kinda rubbish, you know the type, live off fried food and are probably long term sick.


As it happens, the "psychic" did predict that Mo Slater's bunch had London connections. I mean, she'd have beaten Mo Slater in a Mo Slater lookalike competition. Other than that, there was one bird who had very good form but the face and voice of a lifelong smoker.


Touche on the spirits Chris, I like the cut of your jib! :good:

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