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what on earth??

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May seem harsh but good. These Orcas were taken from the wild, decimating the pods they were from, to appease stupid fee payers. I have been lucky enough to see whales including " killers " in the wild and for them and dolphins more than any other mammals captivity must be hell on earth. They are far and away more intelligent than given credit for, it is still highly likely whales will become extinct due to our past over harvesting ( The Leviathan ) To look into the eye of a whale that has come up to out of pure interest is awe inspiring.

I went to see Shamu ten years ago, since then I have seen these mammals where they belong - free in their world, not prisoners in ours.

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May seem harsh but good. These Orcas were taken from the wild, decimating the pods they were from, to appease stupid fee payers. I have been lucky enough to see whales including " killers " in the wild and for them and dolphins more than any other mammals captivity must be hell on earth. They are far and away more intelligent than given credit for, it is still highly likely whales will become extinct due to our past over harvesting ( The Leviathan ) To look into the eye of a whale that has come up to out of pure interest is awe inspiring.

I went to see Shamu ten years ago, since then I have seen these mammals where they belong - free in their world, not prisoners in ours.


^^^ What he said :good:

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May seem harsh but good. These Orcas were taken from the wild, decimating the pods they were from, to appease stupid fee payers. I have been lucky enough to see whales including " killers " in the wild and for them and dolphins more than any other mammals captivity must be hell on earth. They are far and away more intelligent than given credit for, it is still highly likely whales will become extinct due to our past over harvesting ( The Leviathan ) To look into the eye of a whale that has come up to out of pure interest is awe inspiring.

I went to see Shamu ten years ago, since then I have seen these mammals where they belong - free in their world, not prisoners in ours.



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Yeah, they're natural predators and taming them and sticking them in a tank won't do them any good.


Sooner or later you'll get one with a recessive gene and it'll see red and attack.


I like the way they said she fell in, as clearly they don't want the whale put down, or they'll lose visitors to the park.

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Looking a little closer to home that poor polar bear in edinburgh zoo is absolutely shocking if you kept a dog in similar condition you would get charged with animal cruelty.




IIRC it's been moved to the highland wildlife park.As to wether it's living conditions have improved we can only hope so.

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If you play with wild animals that have this amount of power you should expect for things like this to happen now and again. It's the same as the circus, now and again you'll get a Bear/Tiger/Elephant or whatever that just decides it's not going to do it any more and when it all kicks off they're actually higher up the food chain than us unless we're tooled up! I want to say that unfortunately we can't make them think like us, but that's not the right words. It's not unfortunate, it's more unfortunate that we seem to think we have the right to turn such an amazing creature into a profit making puppet show. :good:

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Do these big fish lose that killer hunter instinct that easy,surely this incident says no they dont,so release is in theory still practicle,besides if you have a one time killer on your hands surely you dont have much of an option its clear that being NICE to them doesnt work :angry:

fancy stroking a fox for a month then hoping it wont eat your chickens

Edited by berettaman
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Do these big fish lose that killer hunter instinct that easy,


Yes. They don't know how to dive very well as they've only ever been in a "tank", so their solo hunting is limited.


But probably more importantly, they don't know how to socialise with others orcas so don't join pods. The means two things - they will be less successful in hunting (orcas often hunt together) and they still crave social contact - but that means they follow boats/people, not pods of orcas.

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