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cheap 4x4 insurance


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I'm also with Adrian Flux and have been for a few years, not had a claim so can't comment on that side of things but I've never had any problems with them.


They also gurantee that if when you renew you find a cheaper quote than they will beat it as long as a like for like basis.


Also discount if you're member of an owners club or an relevant online forum for example I'm a member of Landyzone which gets a discount.


When I was renewing this year Bell insurance (part of Admiral Group) was the cheapest and quoted £264 fully comp and business use on my 10 year old Range Rover with 10 years ncb

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When I built a kit car several years ago I was insured with Adrian Flux, they were definetly the cheapest/best. I tried them this year to insure my disco and they were herondously expensive.


I am insured with Tesco.

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I originaly (2003 ish) used NFU for my Discovery (recommended by dealer). Thought they OK until I got a quote from Esure and they were less than half price (£350 compared with £700+). I have since made a couple of claims through Esure. Both dealt with OK.



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BASC are doing insurance now...


I just tried them as my renewal comes up soon. They couldn't get close to Admiral who currently insure me. Admiral approx £350, Marsh/BASC over £600!


I then called Adrian Flux, I have had kit cars and Classic done by them many years ago, and they got it down to £300. However I called Admiral to tell them about the better quote, and they trimmed down to £298, so I am going to leave it with them.

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Adrian Flux said theirs would cover me off road, so I specifically asked Admiral about that. The rep went away and came back to say yes.


So, I specifically said I would be driving along farm tracks and into fields, and she said that was all covered so long as no timed trials, competition events etc were involved.

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realistically its highly unlikely you would want to make a claim for an off road accident most of my farm driving is sub 10mph and really I never press the truck so any damage would be scratches or at worst minor dent so not worth paying the excess. I suppose you could roll it but you'd be having to be more than a little silly to do so

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I used to have my Lotus 7 replica insured with Adrian Flux for around 9 years .

It was fully comp limited mileage to 4500 for £99 a year

As you can guess no one can touch them but be aware there policy has a loyalty bonus but not a no claim bonus that you can transfer to another company .

So if you do leave them you are effectively starting all over again.

Be sure the driving off road is covered in writing as its easy to deny a phone call ever took place


I have my Defender insured with Swinton . I only have 3 years no claims and they did it for £175. They will cover for farm use but not green laning

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......but be aware there policy has a loyalty bonus but not a no claim bonus that you can transfer to another company .

So if you do leave them you are effectively starting all over again.


Can you explain this, I was under the impression that as long as you have no claims bonus accumulated you could transfer to another company, is this not the case in your experience? I wouldn't have thought they could stop you getting a no claims bonus with another company?

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