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You are right and that is probably why he did not win!


It is a long time since we have had a leader you can instinctively trust - I am going for Cameron this time around as Blair & Brown have blown it totally



Brown goes on about spending BILLIONS here and BILLIONS there - all of our money of course but does anyone stop to think what a BILLION is.


My better half has read me a piece from a book by John Allen Paulus called Numeracy and in it he asked the questions


1. How long is a million seconds?


2. How long is a billion seconds?


Dont try to calculate it but just have a sensible guess......


Then scrowl down for the answers



















1. One million seconds = LESS THAN TWELVE DAYS


2. One billion seconds = ALMOST THIRTY TWO YEARS


Makes you think doesn't it and be afraid, be very afraid when that plonker Brown next goes on how he is heroically going to spend yet more of our BILLIONS "to save the world! :hmm::angry::lol::good::good::good:

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You are right and that is probably why he did not win!


It is a long time since we have had a leader you can instinctively trust - I am going for Cameron this time around as Blair & Brown have blown it totally



Brown goes on about spending BILLIONS here and BILLIONS there - all of our money of course but does anyone stop to think what a BILLION is.


My better half has read me a piece from a book by John Allen Paulus called Numeracy and in it he asked the questions


1. How long is a million seconds?


2. How long is a billion seconds?


Dont try to calculate it but just have a sensible guess......


Then scrowl down for the answers


You're right, I found that pretty impacting - surely that can't be right - and I'm too lazy to even start calculating - isn't our billion one thousand million - and isn't the yanks billion a million million?


















1. One million seconds = LESS THAN TWELVE DAYS


2. One billion seconds = ALMOST THIRTY TWO YEARS


Makes you think doesn't it and be afraid, be very afraid when that plonker Brown next goes on how he is heroically going to spend yet more of our BILLIONS "to save the world! :hmm::angry::lol::good::good::good:

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I am sure that the person who delivers my free local paper on a Thursday afternoon is honest and has strongly held socialist beliefs.


She does however talk to lamp posts and smells of wee.


Would I want her running the Country? No, not really, although I think she could give Gordon Brown a run for his money at the polls.

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He was a man who was not willing to compromise his principles to con the country into voting for him, and that in turn should elicit respect regardless of where one might be on the political spectrum.


That puts him far above most of today’s politicians, particularly those in charge of the labour party.

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He was a man who was not willing to compromise his principles to con the country into voting for him


That puts him far above most of today’s politicians, particularly those in charge of the labour party.



Headline today "Unemployment records further fall"...




except it doesn't, it's actually gone up 10%....






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Michael Foot was cremated yesterday.


Yes he was easy to poke fun at but he was that rare beast, an honest man in politics.

I know nothing about the man's politics and care even less. Off hand I cannot think of the names of any other politicians of his era, not remembering when that was. I do, however, remember his name. He took a lot of flack from his fellow MPs, the press, et al, for appearing in a somewhat scruffy coat at one particular Festival of Remembrance Parade It suddenly stopped when one eagle eyed journalist spotted and reported that he was the only "name" who signed his wreath personally. That's why I remember.


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I’ve just heard Mandleson on the radio smarming up to the reporter on the unemployment figures. There is a man with less scruples than a snake. It does not surprise me that he is attempting to mislead us again. Mandleson is the exactly what I meant by modern labour leaders. He, like his grandfather Herbert Morrison, Would sell you his own mother if he thought there was a vote to be gained by it. This is the reason why Foot should be respected.

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I'm with Mungler. Honest he might have been, but the man was professionally scruffy, in the same way that Tony Benn took a cracked mug around with him - to show he was as common as the rest of us.


Total loser and I am far from convinced he was clever. That said - I would not wish death on him.

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