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I am the only one


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I'm absolutely threaders with otherwise mature blokes at work, bleating on and on about whether some bloke called Rooney who sprained his finger or some such, will be well enough to play in some tournament which is apparently happening soon :good:


Personally I can't wait for it to start, as then everywhere will be quiet so I can enjoy some peaceful shooting and motorcycling on empty roads :shoot:


I know most blokes think it's tantamount to admitting to being "good with colours", (which I'm not BTW!) but surely I can't be the only person on here who would rather stick cocktail sticks in my eyes than have to endure the godawful tedium known as football?


<dons tin lid and runs for cover!!>

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Good on you for saying it.


Once at a dinner party in San Francisco, our host's son and his beautiful new girlfriend were eating with us. The topic of sports came up and went on too long for me, so I blurted out that I thought professional sports were "the largest collective waste of human energy, time and emotion imaginable. Between the talk before the game, the time during the game and the talk after the game multiplied by the obscene number of games each and every week of the year once you throw in the other sports."


A couple minutes later I asked the girlfriend what she did for a living, and she told me that she was a cheerleader for the San Diego Chargers.


But really, it dominates the airwaves and print media here in France. Between rugby and football.... and you guys have that game I can't figure at all... cricket.


If you enjoy it, great, but alot of people need to realise that it is not something they are actually "doing". No different than watching daytime TV in my book.


Go ahead... tell me I don't understand.


Time better spent hunting, fishing, being WITH your family.



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I've never understood what so many vacuum headed morons find so interesting about a bunch of overpaid prima donnas kicking a ball about, but then what do I know?....... each to their own. I wouldn't dismiss anyone elses interests especially in the light of all those legally held guns that were destroyed not so long ago, the majority weren't interested in those either, just because you dont find something of interest don't dismiss it.... besides whilst they're all watching the football, especially during a cup final the roads and the fields are empty....... I'm a shooter who owns a GSXR100...... decisions decisions

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I've never understood what so many vacuum headed morons find so interesting about a bunch of overpaid prima donnas kicking a ball about, but then what do I know?....... each to their own. I wouldn't dismiss anyone elses interests especially in the light of all those legally held guns that were destroyed not so long ago, the majority weren't interested in those either, just because you dont find something of interest don't dismiss it.... besides whilst they're all watching the football, especially during a cup final the roads and the fields are empty....... I'm a shooter who owns a GSXR100...... decisions decisions


er....... one rum too many.......... one zero too few, that should read GSXR1000

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I've never understood what so many vacuum headed morons find so interesting about a bunch of overpaid prima donnas kicking a ball about, but then what do I know?....... each to their own. I wouldn't dismiss anyone elses interests especially in the light of all those legally held guns that were destroyed not so long ago, the majority weren't interested in those either, just because you dont find something of interest don't dismiss it.... besides whilst they're all watching the football, especially during a cup final the roads and the fields are empty....... I'm a shooter who owns a GSXR100...... decisions decisions


Good point. I'm not slagging anyone else off for liking it, plenty of my mates do. It justs bores the tits off me no matter how hard I try to like it. I reckon your gixer will get a good workout over the world cup, as will my trumpet. Bring it on! :shoot:

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I am also with you guys an i too have been insulted at work when asked about my football preferences i said i didnt support football to which the reply "you queer like?"was hurled at me ,moron ,theres more to life than that rubbish

I also hate how it dominates the tv,you try to watch a bit of clay pigeon shooting and even that is blanked by bleedin tractor pullin,god help us :shoot:

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cant stand it, they are dam good actors.





There are however a number of good things about soccer

1) it keeps a bunch of thugs and knerbheads off the streets

meaning fights can break out where there a number of police

already waiting saving on travelling.

2)you can bait diehard city, town, arsonol ( stupid filter) etc

fans when Man U stuffs their precious bunch of overpaid wallies.

3) it gives employment to hundreds of scallies selling tat to

the soft minded because of a certain badge or colour.

4) it gives the courts something to do at the start of each week

there must be more good reasons ?

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Well. I love football. Grew up playing it and i still love it. I can sit and watch most matches, I even have a season ticket for my local team(my mum and my uncle go to most of the matches on my behalf :shoot: ). It will not stop me going out shooting though. :good:

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I've always thought it odd that the usual reaction from people when you reveal that you dont get all excited at the thought of a load of men in shorts running around, getting sweaty, hugging and kissing each other, and that niether do you cry when they dont win is "are you gay?".


It's a load of hoop-worshipping nonsense for closet dwellers :shoot::good:



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I've heard of it, but surely the only 'football' game to watch is the one with 15 men on each side and odd-shaped balls.




That would be the worse job ever, to check people's balls for oddities :shoot:

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