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It just shows how much Gordo has been micromanaged by Campbell, Mandelson and all the other spinners.


Anyone else out there noticed just how LITTLE Mandelson has been involved in the labour campaign so far - I wonder why - is Mandy the secretish weapon that is going to be rolled out in the final week to take Gordo to triumph??? :hmm:


al4x - let us hope that it helps to prevent a hung Parliament which would be as much of a nightmare as having Gordo back again. Early days but it looks as if Master Clegg's star may be starting to wane and reality & common sense are kicking in with the great British electorate

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Typical politician that - Drop a bullock and try to blame someone else for allowing the lady (voter) to ask the question!

We've just watched it on TV and the wife says it was good of him to go back and appologise - I say bull sheet, he had no option but to go back and appologise 'cos he could not lie his way out of this one!

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We've just watched it on TV and the wife says it was good of him to go back and appologise - I say bull sheet, he had no option but to go back and appologise 'cos he could not lie his way out of this one!


You're quite right Frenchie, the ONLY reason he went back is because he was caught. In exactly the same way they ALL apologised for fiddling their expenses, nothing to do with regretting their actions, just that they GOT CAUGHT. However, don't for one minute think Gordon Brown's the only one who says this sort of thing about voters. I'd bet a hefty sum they ALL say it, Brown was just stupid enough to leave his mic on.

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I was coming out of Rochdale this afternoon when a cavalcade of police motorbikes, cars and a Jag hurtled past, blocked off a crossroads junction and shot off on their way.


Very Ramboesque :hmm:


I wondered what bag of overblown **** was in the Jag. Turns out it was the one-eyed Jock retreating from his cock-up :lol:


Wish I'd have known it was him, I'd have stuck my harris out the car window at him :oops::yes:

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You're quite right Frenchie, the ONLY reason he went back is because he was caught. In exactly the same way they ALL apologised for fiddling their expenses, nothing to do with regretting their actions, just that they GOT CAUGHT. However, don't for one minute think Gordon Brown's the only one who says this sort of thing about voters. I'd bet a hefty sum they ALL say it, Brown was just stupid enough to leave his mic on.



Yes, you are quite right and it is the fact that he is so STUPID and needs to be micromanaged all the time that makes it incredible that anyone can think that:-


[a] he is a good prime minister and leader of OUR country


vote for the labour party


[c] vote for the liberals, UKIP, BNP or any of the other ragbag parties that could result in him getting back into 10 Downing Street after May 6.

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Further to what Chard was saying about all the cars in his procession. It infuriates me that he criticises people for using 'gas guzzelers' but he's being driven in a 2 ton armor plated jag, followed by a range rover, a police esort and another couple of cars.


I appreciate that he needs a security team, but they could all just fit in one car.


It's ok if you're getting the public to pay for it all though...

Edited by harfordwmj
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It wasn't the bigot comment that got me, take that out of the equation he still came across as a miserable bullying type due to his general attitude about having to speak to a normal personal in an interview that he wasn't primed/scripted/rehearsed.

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