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What do think of this old trailer


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I agree with Blackpowder, it looks like a converted horsecart. There used to be a few similar knocking around my grandads farm in the late 70's and early 80's which had been built in the early part of the 20th Century but where still in use.



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The painted woodwork looks quite pretty - wheels obviously a replacement - shafts presumably missing [unless under pile of straw] but are there any traces of where they might have been fitted underneath?


Looks like a farm cart c late C19 or early C20 for general use carrying root vegetables etc from harvesting in the fields. Unlikely to have had decorative motifs on the woodwork when in agricultural use. Probably not for hay, straw etc unless you can find slots for extensions to the sides.


I dont THINK it was a carriage for people generally - no sign of seats? and as a cart the horse would have been led by the farmer or farm labourer with the cart just used for holding produce.


Well worth saving and an agricultural museum should have advice and might be interested in acquiring or else an Open Farm, Theme Park etc who would be prepared to spend some money on restoration.


Do the current owners have any information for you?

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After a closer inspection found a local farmers name on the cart its his great grandads intials from 1910ish .

It is has decorative painting and does appear to be a hay cart thats later be upgraded and modded to suit a diffrent use.


I am going to pick it up at the weekend keep all the comments coming as I love new thoughts.


Kind regards OTH

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my old man would love this, he collects old farm stuff and has an original "bain" chuck wagon from the early part of last century, along with about 40 or so vintage tractors, anything "massey harris" and he sprays his shorts... i'm over there again tomorrow, i'll put some pictures up.

the wheels on that trailer are defo added later on, still collectable tho, :hmm:

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Thank you kind sir - I am so old that I remember these things when still in use -even around the docks in Belfast - John Harkness & Sons, Carriers and there was a trace horse called Billy who had a stable by the Queens Bridge and would be hitched on in front of any horse pulling a laden cart to help it over the hump of the bridge - memories.... memories....but I digress


I am glad that subsequent posts suggest that I was on the right track [so to speak] in that it was a farm cart rather than a carriage but am still intrigued about use for hay unless it had extensions.


Anyway good luck and get it safely away before some chancer nicks it from under your nose. It ain't ****E in my opinion!

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The sad fact somebody may have beaten me to it but having said that the lady has said four other where going to take it away.


But we will see I said I can remove this weekend and the other lad who is young says he can do it in the next month.


So yes I will keep you all updated.


Kind regards OTH

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