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bleeding eyes!!


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sounds i little over dramatic i know. Ive had a stressfull few weeks, and as a result my blood pressure is throught the roof. Looked in the mirror this morning, and some blood vessels in my eye had burst, leaving me looking like id had a right hook from MC. I know i should get it looked at, but is it worth bothering the Doc about something so trivial? Anybody else ever have this?

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That must be some stressful week you've had.


STOP! Have a weekend off and chill.


Don't know about your eyes as I'm not a doctor but I'd probably see how they are next week and decide then (or make an appointment now and cancel if you don't need it).

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date='Apr 30 2010, 01:12 PM' post='1066721']

That must be some stressful week you've had.


STOP! Have a weekend off and chill.


Don't know about your eyes as I'm not a doctor but I'd probably see how they are next week and decide then (or make an appointment now and cancel if you don't need it).



make your bloody mind up then :big_boss::good:


Hell of a week. Ill bore you lot with the tale another time.

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If it's blood pressure that caused this then i'd go see a doc, not just eyes that are affected by blood pressure, seriously chap get someone to look at you..



take this advice seriously..go see a doc as soon as possible..don`t **** about with your health..

a mate of mine ignored the the signs of underlying problems...sadly he his no longer here..



Edited by albob
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take this advice seriously..go see a doc as soon as possible..don`t **** about with your health..

a mate of mine ignored the the signs of underlying problems...sadly he his no longer here..



and as if my nerves are not bad enough :big_boss: i might check in with the Doc after work tonight. :good:

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it is meant to scare you and i will not apoligise for it..go see a doc.




no need to mate. i should take better care of myself i guess, and not stress so much.



i've had the same thing happen, got checked out - high blood pressure.

it's not serious providing the blood is only in the white area (sclera), but if there's blood in the pupil/iris there could be something more serious.

go get checked out.



Thats what i have got. Might not be the end of the world after all. :good:

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i had the same in my eye the other month, but i think it caused by something going into my eye etc, but it didnt look good for a good 3 weeks, went red then slowly died down in colour....not sure about stress but i do get alot of pressure on me in work

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Ive had it a couple of times..not to much to worry about..you have just been over doing it...

why do we put ourselves through it :good: i use to like the stress in a days work..but now..ive totally changed

rather be out shooting, fishing or anything else where i dont need to worry about figures, facts or floors etc etc


take it easy.and learn to chill....its only a job

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