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Where does all the money go?


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So Im sitting down tonight doing our household "accounts". I find that over the past month, we've managed to spent £600 at Asda over and above regular grocery shopping. I've no idea what on earth it was spent on at all. Even I cant manage that much beer and pizza. Where the hell does it all go?


Does anyone else find that money just seems to disappear? Bah, there goes my rifle idea for now.

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Yeh same here me and the Mrs both have good jobs, just us two and the 2 dogs in the house and the money just seems to go as soon as it comes in. We don't go on holidays or live a flashy lifestyle don't go out drinking etc often!

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i know where my money goes, i saved up a bit of money to go get more hmr rounds rounds this morning, just walked out of the shop with 200 hmr (less than i wanted) but with a new pair of black cargo trousers and a pair of new waterproof trousers as well :good:

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My OH is very astute where the price of groceries are concerned. She has remarked very recently about prices going up at Sainsburys, not by a few odd pence but, by more often than not, in tens of pence.


Don't want to get political on topic such as this, but I did read somewhere a few weeks back that we can expect food prices to rise constantly & considerably all the time we are linked with the EU.


It's quite frightening when you stand back for a moment and think back not 10 years as to how things were.

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Fuel is a big thing if you are a regular car or van user, at least that is what I find. Even buying the bits and pieces for a workmans lunch, made up rolls, a pasty, a sticky bun and a bit of fruit can see you spending up to £5 a day on a packed lunch. I have started to look more keenly at the prices in our village Co-op. £1 for a yellow pepper, drive 8 miles to Morrisons and its 3 for a £1. Trouble is if like me you are on your own going to buy a mega load of shopping results in the inevitable waste of some items, and no savings are made.




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You have my sympathy!


At least you are not spending it TESCO - the enemy of all farmers & fishermen.


Yes food & fuel prices are well up this year - for us the only good thing is that we are at last getting a fair price for our milk, having been at around 16 - 18p per litre for year after year after year...... and it gives us a little bit of confidence that there just might be a future for British & Irish agriculture.

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You have my sympathy!


At least you are not spending it TESCO - the enemy of all farmers & fishermen.


Yes food & fuel prices are well up this year - for us the only good thing is that we are at last getting a fair price for our milk, having been at around 16 - 18p per litre for year after year after year...... and it gives us a little bit of confidence that there just might be a future for British & Irish agriculture.


Interesting point about Tesco. I didnt know until recently that they also own the "One Stop" chain of convenience stores. They seem to have their fingers in everything. Ugh.


Further to my original post...I did find a fiver under the couch cushion this morning. Can anyone say SPENDING SPREE!! :good:

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Its not rocket science the cost of living is rising by the day but our incomes unless you are lucky are standing still .


So in theory we are all taking a pay cut until last year before I became self employed my wages had been the same for 5 years yet my outgoings had risen by 15%.


The goverment cant get there head round this and thats why there is a lack of money to spend by joe public.


And for all the county who slag off BA workers for fighting for a fair pay rise all they are trying too do is maintain the standard of living when they first took employment with BA and I cant see what was wrong with that.


Kind reagrds OTH

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And for all the county who slag off BA workers for fighting for a fair pay rise all they are trying too do is maintain the standard of living when they first took employment with BA and I cant see what was wrong with that.


Kind reagrds OTH


What is wrong with it is that they're too stupid to work out that if the airline is losing money hand over fist, there isn't anything to pay them with. At one time it was inconceivable that the national airline could ever be allowed to go broke. Now there is no doubt at all, if they can't pay their way, they will be wound up.


The travel industry is on it's harris, after years and years of political, economic and natural problems, yet BA cabin crew seem to think that they should be protected from all that and still receive automatic pay rises every year. It's laughable. IF BA go down the pan, they've only got themselves to blame.


They think they're recession-proof. I would suggest they think it through again.

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