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Shots fired in Cumbria?


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I'm not passing judgement on the debate or the points raised, but at a time like this we would do well to think carefully about how the things we say could be construed before we commit them to the web.


Just saying is all :no:



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Number of differing reports

"'Then a man carrying a rifle with a large telescopic sight on it ran past just feet away and fired again."

"'There were four shots and I looked round to see the taxi driver lying on the pavement."


"I saw a man with a large shotgun and his windscreen was smashed"

"Dr Barry Walker, who certified a number of the victims as dead, says he has "never seen shotgun wounds like this".




"Whitehaven councillor John Kane says: "I did know Derrick Bird. I would describe him as a very placid man. Very quiet and someone who kept himself to himself. I was not aware that he was a gun owner. He was a very quiet person."


Sounds like 2 weapons involved


Sympathy for all involved, but let's hope they were illegal guns.......

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BBC Prime minister questions page says there will be a statement about it tomorrow and at this stage they do not know if he was a 'licensed gunman' . Don't like the term but that aside, they would know in minutes that he was/wasn't. I guess he was and they are preparing how to deal with it.

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A new coallition government witht he lib dems, which wants to seem to be taking action and changing things.

A massacre in cumbria with a potentially licensed weapon?


This is a bad day for shooting.


Much worse for the friends and families and my thoughts go out to them.

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i have friends in the area

my mate was working in the next street in a bookies, got a text to say he's ok

a very very tragic situation

such a lovely part of the world brought into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons


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BBC Prime minister questions page says there will be a statement about it tomorrow and at this stage they do not know if he was a 'licensed gunman' . Don't like the term but that aside, they would know in minutes that he was/wasn't. I guess he was and they are preparing how to deal with it.



Sounds plausible... I suspect they would have been VERY quick to get it over to the media that the firearms were held illegally if that had been the case.. Sounds very much like they are giving themselves breathing space to get all the facts in and to put together a response to the (sadly rightful) public backlash that will ensue..


The argument after the disaster at Dunblane was not necessarily about getting handguns off the street but was more along the lines of 'if taking handguns out of legal public ownership saves one life in the future, then losing the right to own handguns is a sacrifice shooters will have to live with!" Whether you agree with that statement or not is irrelevant, sadly it has some logic to it. The Cullen Report concluded that handguns should not be banned but the government in the face of public pressure decided not to take that advice.


I hope there is not a similar pressure put on the government 'to do something' as I would hate to lose my passtimes and as stated earlier, I think it would be difficult to do although I can see things getting tougher.


Let us not lose sight here though that in reality, our SGCs and FACs are really not that important in the face of the poor victims who were injured today and lost their lives and their families!

Edited by Vipa
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What should concern us all is that 5 people have been murdered no doubt leaving loved ones friends and families behind along with the other possibly wounded. Leave the debate out its totally and utterly insensitive to debate what will happen to your FAC of SG on a thread about people being gunned down imo

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Eyewit (R4 5PM news) describes 'Huge james bond looking rifle with a massive sight on it' - 'a massive thing, how can he own a thing like that?'

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What should concern us all is that 5 people have been murdered no doubt leaving loved ones friends and families behind along with the other possibly wounded. Leave the debate out its totally and utterly insensitive to debate what will happen to your FAC of SG on a thread about people being gunned down imo


Obviously everyone is very upset by what has happened. But there is nothing insensitive about discussing on a shooting forum the implications this may have for the future of our sport.

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What should concern us all is that 5 people have been murdered no doubt leaving loved ones friends and families behind along with the other possibly wounded. Leave the debate out its totally and utterly insensitive to debate what will happen to your FAC of SG on a thread about people being gunned down imo

I have to agree with this now. Any way the debate is now pointless, our political masters will do as they will, and inform us of the outcome when they want.

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