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Where to keep keys


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Right gents, so I've got this new gun safe installed (for a while now) and expect a visit from the main man regarding my SGC. Thing is, this safe's got the biggest keys I've ever seen so it begs the question where do I HAVE to keep the keys and where's best to keep them.


If I keep them on my key ring they will pull the steering column off, if I put them in my pocket they'll pull my strides down and if I hide them somewhere that will not comply with the law (will it?)


Any ideas appreciated.



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Hiding them is fine, it was suggested that I hid the two keeps in separate locations on my last FEO visit but not told to. As to where, well.....somewhere YOU think they will be well hidden and no-one will guess they are there/ very unlikely to stumble across them!

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Since my cabinet has two locks, one key i keep on my car keys the other in the house where it is out the way but easily used. This way the two keys, while i am out are not together.


The spare set for both are in different places, again not together. That way if a key is found (which will be hard) only one lock can be opened.

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Thanks for all the fine suggestions, some of which I may not use :good: So it's OK to hide them then(?) or do I not tell the FEO they are hidden. Officially, am I supposed to keep them on my person at all times or can I hide them?


I'll pass on the swallowing them bit, if actually getting them down wasn't painful enough getting them out again would be excruciating (probably remove piles on the way out though so if anyone suffers with them give it some thought) :yes:


Thanks for the info so far.

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Since I have been comprehensively beaten to cracking the "under the spaghetti" line, I am going to go off in a huff and say no more on the matter :good:




sorry zapp!! Remember though you are one of the A Team so you have the power to get rid of my post and put your own spaghetti line up and nobody would ever know


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sorry zapp!! Remember though you are one of the A Team so you have the power to get rid of my post and put your own spaghetti line up and nobody would ever know



Quit yo' jibber jabber.


Under the spaghetti!



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My FEO asked where my keys are and I said in my pocket, then he asked where the spares are, I told him hidden, then asked me 'where?'..I said 'I'm not telling you'...he grunted and carried on writing.



Like that- It would however be unwise to disclose the location of Gun safe keys - even to the FEO ( mine are under a plant pot by the door lol)


Les :good:

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Some one breaking in and going on keys will put 2 and 2 together and see that they are for something big I rexkon, so I dont keep mine on rings, ther in a filing cabinet with tons of car books strewn all over it :good:


But there is alot of my shooting stuff in there, staple guns and loads of other stuff, and aobut 5 other sets of keys :yes: ..so would be very confusing for a burglar indeed!



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Some one breaking in and going on keys will put 2 and 2 together and see that they are for something big I rexkon, so I dont keep mine on rings, ther in a filing cabinet with tons of car books strewn all over it :yes:


But there is alot of my shooting stuff in there, staple guns and loads of other stuff, and aobut 5 other sets of keys :lol: ..so would be very confusing for a burglar indeed!




Unless he reads this forum... :good:



The correct answer to where they are hidden is "they are in a safe place that nobody else knows of, where they are unlikely to be discovered by accident or by a casual searcher"

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