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Well if he can fly his flag

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There are a few things needed to get this country back on track and Dave showing a bit of national pride is kicking things off nicely, even though my view on people flying England flags from their cars is quite low :blink:

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There are a few things needed to get this country back on track and Dave showing a bit of national pride is kicking things off nicely, even though my view on people flying England flags from their cars is quite low :drinks:

I aint no englishman :blink:


but it's a step in the right direction


In all fairness, you lot on the mainland need to grow a pair, we fly whatever flags we like over here :good:

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Yes about time too, I started celebrating St Georges Day in a bar I ran about 16 years ago when it wasn't trendy to even own an English St George flag and took a bit of flack from the lefties didn't stop me and never will. I'm English, British and very proud of it.

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Cant believe were even discussing this,we should be able to do this as the Norm :blink: BB


As far as I'm aware we are able to do this as the norm, I fly an England flag regularly, not only when it's football related.

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Im sure these stories where certain faiths are offended by either the St-George cross or Union flag are invented by the tabloids.


Everyone has the right to fly their national flag. :hmm:

I don't think the offence is caused by the flag itself but more to do with its one-time and still lingering association with the National Front. It's taken a while to reclaim it from them and the process is ongoing.

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I think you'll find you have the legal right to fly an UNADULTERATED English flag at full mast from a flag pole. It (the pole) has to be vertical to 45 deg in order to be legal and, if you comply, no-one can make you take it down, you may however need planning permission for the pole itself.


Just another bit of useless information I picked up from somewhere. You may want to check it out before going head to head with the law though. :hmm:

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About time some of us 'english' folks started showing our support for our mighty little country!

Good on David Cameron!



LOL, Like the European Championships in 1996,...actually 14 years yesterday..I was at my Bros wedding in Long Eaton near Nottingham, England were playing Tobler...sorry, Switzerland..the reception was upstairs...we heard roaring,...as we both were VERY interested in the game.... we went down to the bar to see what the score was...the roaring was England supporters throwing the dummy out the pram, and pint pots at the TV...after Switzerland drew level......lol, havent seen anything so funny in ages... :hmm:


England did go on to win the group...and did well ...only getting beat in the semi's...on penalties..:hmm:


BUT, hopefully, they'll do well and go further this time.....:hmm:

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I aint no englishman :hmm:


but it's a step in the right direction


In all fairness, you lot on the mainland need to grow a pair, we fly whatever flags we like over here :hmm:




got given a nice new flag last week, its a mix if the ulster/israeli flag, cant decide whether to hang it on the wall or put it out in place of the usual ulster flag next month :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

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got given a nice new flag last week, its a mix if the ulster/israeli flag, cant decide whether to hang it on the wall or put it out in place of the usual ulster flag next month :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:


stick with the true ulster flag mate and forget about the israeli flag

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It is legal to have a flag pole on your property but you need planning for any pole attached to your property!


I put mine up about a six weeks ago and I fly the union flag and the english flag on it, and f""k ANYONE WHO DONT LIKE IT!


Its only been commented/moaned at by my neighbour to some other people but I really expected it as he is welsh!

Now I know lots of welsh folk who are salt of the earth and great people but he is the worst sort and insults people to their face in welsh so you know what a T""t he is.


He even complained to the council who said it was not their problem and on seeing the local planning chap the other week he said how he liked to see folk being proud of their country :hmm:

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This is an extract from "Control of Advertisement Regulations" England by the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This what you can do without needing advertisement consent its called having deemed consent. :hmm:





(a) Any country’s national flag;

(:hmm: The flag of the Commonwealth, the European Union or the United Nations;

© The flag of any English county;

(d) The flag of any saint.

1. Neither the flag nor the flagstaff may display any advertisement or subject matter additional to the design of the flag.


2. An advertisement within paragraph (d) of this Class may be displayed only in the county with which the saint is associated.

Edited by harrycatcat1
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